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Climate Change & Global Warming


How important is Global Warming to you in the Grand Scheme of Things?  

246 members have voted

  1. 1. How important is Global Warming to you in the Grand Scheme of Things?

    • Give me a break, I've enough on my plate
    • I suppose there's something in it, but it's for the Politicians/Corporations/Those in power to sort out
    • Yes I think it is important and I try to do my bit.
    • If we don't stop it, the Planet dies in a few years, it's as simple as that.
    • I think it is all hype and not half as bad as they make out
    • I don't know what to think

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The thing that puzzles me is that nobody is talking about oxygen..  Remeber oxygen ?  It's the stuff we all breath.


Everything we burn uses Oxygen, jet engines, motor cars, fossil fuels (even the humble peat), heating oil etc. and, it's not an endless supply.  Consumption is, mostly, a 1 way street and we can't get it back easily because it forms strong chemical bonds.


Just about every living creature on the planet depends on it.

Big question is;

are we all going to drown, or gasp and choke our way to death through oxygen depletion  ?

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Something I find quite frustrating is that Just 100 companies responsible for 71% of greenhouse gas emissions but the responsibility often feels like it is being placed on us as individuals to 'do our bit'


Whilst we all can switch off lights, eat less meat, use the bus and insulate our houses, it seems a little futile unless these international corporations significantly alter their practices.


And yes, we can lobby them and refuse to use their products, but a wholesale change to the neo-liberal profit-before-all-else philosophy is required.

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Whilst we all can switch off lights, eat less meat, use the bus and insulate our houses, it seems a little futile unless these international corporations significantly alter their practices.

It suggest that mankind is both too lazy, and too greedy to deal with the problemthat are inflicted upon us. Mankind accepts the stories that he's fed because he can't be bothered finding out the truth, while the greedy businessman will feed uanything he believewill be profitable for him regardless of whether it poisons or pollutes.


Wind Power


Solar Power


Tidal Power


Neither wind, solar or tidal power are perfect but they pollute us a huge amount less than the hydro.

Edited by George.
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  • 9 months later...

If, or when, we get further and further out of the last ice age then two things are suggested will happen. Firstly, our climate will change so it will get a bit warmer. Secondly, coastal problems and tide levels will alter as well. When the tide goes out, it is claimed that it will go out further and when the tide comes back in a lot of people will wish they hadn't built their house so close to the beach.



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^Cheers, but the North Atlantic Drift is predicted to alter. That and the fact that it's also predicted to get warmer will make a big difference in Shetland. The changes in tide will be great for some, but not for others, and the same is probably true regarding everything else. Regardless, the change in the North Atlantic Drift may also kill the fish, it may well make the currents at sea pretty tragic, there are many destructive changes here in Shetland that are very possible - but because it's going to get warmer, we won't die of the cold ;)

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  • 2 months later...

Despite the good intentions it gives the impression of a cult  of middle to upper class hippies, disrupting ordinary people who need to work for a living. They should concentrate on working on people who have some say, politicians and celebrities for instance. It will be interesting how they attempt to convince billions of Africans, Asians and S Americans, that they cannot aspire to have the items of luxury that the West has had for decades.  Don't do as I do, do as I say. Perhaps as an example they should renounce the trappings modern civilisation and become monks, instead.

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Anyone else getting a little fed up with being told that we have to "cut this, and cut that" when in truth, the one thing that we MUST cut is the global population.  Anything else is just "fiddling whilst Rome burns".


We only have 1 planet and, we cannot continue to consume the resources of two, or more.!


It's been tried. Didn't work.



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Anyone else getting a little fed up with being told that we have to "cut this, and cut that" when in truth, the one thing that we MUST cut is the global population.  Anything else is just "fiddling whilst Rome burns".


We only have 1 planet and, we cannot continue to consume the resources of two, or more.!


It's been tried. Didn't work.





Oh, its working alright. Trouble is those behind it don't appear to realise (or won't admit it publically) what they're doing is having that effect, and its the very slow and painful route.


The human population grew based on the survival of the strongest, modern health care keeps just about everything alive, which then breeds weakening the gene pool generation by generation. That can only lead to one ultimate outcome, and it ain't a pretty sight, but it'll be an effective depopulation of the planet when it eventually comes.

Edited by Ghostrider
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Steady on there folks, it's not exactly an unknown problem. It doesn't justify sitting on your thumbs (fiddling whilst Rome burns) and ignoring everything else until it's sorted either. You can see plenty of thumb sitting happening on Twitter as supposedly grown men belittle young girls for trying to do something positive. They're the same folk that go looking for the smallest thing someone does that's not 100% perfect and use that to completely justify their own apathy, guilt and laziness; missing the point that someone is at least trying to do something.


Overpopulation of the planet is certainly a huge problem. I personally would avoid saying it must be "cut" though as that sounds a bit, well,  homicidal. 

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