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Climate Change & Global Warming


How important is Global Warming to you in the Grand Scheme of Things?  

246 members have voted

  1. 1. How important is Global Warming to you in the Grand Scheme of Things?

    • Give me a break, I've enough on my plate
    • I suppose there's something in it, but it's for the Politicians/Corporations/Those in power to sort out
    • Yes I think it is important and I try to do my bit.
    • If we don't stop it, the Planet dies in a few years, it's as simple as that.
    • I think it is all hype and not half as bad as they make out
    • I don't know what to think

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Glad to hear dat. As I wasn’t there I could only make a judgment on the news articles I saw on the bbc and itv news. The overall felling I had was negative towards the protest, not the issue they were protesting about. The deliberate act of doing their utmost to disrupt the general public in many different ways, did them no favours and in my opinion they chose the wrong targets. Holding up traffic, whilst they did their strange dancing, did nothing but anger folk.


I don’t have the answers of how to get this important message across, but I don’t think their two weeks of disruption wasn’t  the answer either and most folk I spoke to were negative towards the protest. Kinda shot themselves in the foot me thinks.


mind do, I’m having difficulty in getting the image of a huge pair o oxters dancin aroond we da hippy dancers oot o me mind :-)

Edited by Windwalker
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I saw on youchoob a spokesperson for Extinction Rebllion being interviewed on This Morning.  Extinction Rebellion are a de-centralised organisation with no one in charge.  So basically, each group can do what they want.  The aim of disrupting transport was apparently to make people stop and think as to the lack of transport and other major disruptions to peoples' lives that climate change is going to bring about.


They intend to continue protests and disruptions to folks' lives until they basically get what they want cos we all doomed.  Apparently, voting in politicians isn't good enough for them.  

Edited by Suffererof1crankymofo
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According to da interview I heard we one o da organisers, public transport disruption isna part o da plan and da eens dat did it dunna hae da support o da vast majority o da protesters.

Devils advocate on

Are you saying that any protest by an individual should carry no weight and that only "organised" protests matter ?

/Devils advocate off <G>

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The only way any kind of protest is ever going to work will be if individuals mount their own.


Follow the MONEY and DO NOT buy things that you WANT, just buy the things that you NEED.


Don't need that light on, switch it off.

Do you REALLY need you home heated to 80C.  Turn the heating down and put a jumper on.

Why complain about the cost of food when so much of it is so EASY to grow in a limited space.?

Don't eat so much meat or drink so much milk.  I just love a steak but, these days, I only eat it about once or twice a month.  The environmental impact of cattle bred for meat and milk is enormous and you could probably feed a large number of people off the land reserved for 1 cow.

etc, etc, etc,

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According to da interview I heard we one o da organisers, public transport disruption isna part o da plan and da eens dat did it dunna hae da support o da vast majority o da protesters.

Devils advocate on

Are you saying that any protest by an individual should carry no weight and that only "organised" protests matter ?

/Devils advocate off <G>



No :-)

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The environmental impact of cattle bred for meat and milk is enormous and you could probably feed a large number of people off the land reserved for 1 cow.


Theoretically, perhaps. In practice...er.....good luck.


I won't argue the point though, as I agree that much of today's 'industrialised' farming, where the lion's share of our food comes from, comes at a cost to the environment as well and other things.

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The environmental impact of cattle bred for meat and milk is enormous and you could probably feed a large number of people off the land reserved for 1 cow.


Theoretically, perhaps. In practice...er.....good luck.


I won't argue the point though, as I agree that much of today's 'industrialised' farming, where the lion's share of our food comes from, comes at a cost to the environment as well and other things.


Well, for starters, pesticides and herbcides are not "benign".  Both groups are designed to alter the natural balance.

Then, there is the administration of antibiotics and "growth enhancement" medicines to animals to consider as well.


Once this stuff is into the food chain, it's almost impossible to monitor or get out.

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The environmental impact of cattle bred for meat and milk is enormous and you could probably feed a large number of people off the land reserved for 1 cow.


Theoretically, perhaps. In practice...er.....good luck.


I won't argue the point though, as I agree that much of today's 'industrialised' farming, where the lion's share of our food comes from, comes at a cost to the environment as well and other things.


Well, for starters, pesticides and herbcides are not "benign".  Both groups are designed to alter the natural balance.

Then, there is the administration of antibiotics and "growth enhancement" medicines to animals to consider as well.


Once this stuff is into the food chain, it's almost impossible to monitor or get out.



Those are the 'side'effects' of 'industralised' farming, 'low tech' farming, which still goes on, but unfortunately is the minority, uses such things minimally.


Its a fair point though, given just how much of our food is laced with far more than necessary of that crap. That said though, given the gross amounts of antibiotics, vaccines and other big Pharma chemical cocktails the vast majority of 'westernised' people are okay with administering direct in to themselves, I would tend to see residual chemical ingestion via food to be a relatively minor secondary problem compared to what the average joe self-harms willingly.

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^ it's worth noting that the film was made by a group that receives significant funding from the oil and gas industry. On of their key themes is that mitigating against climate change will damage the economy.


Quote from the film "current economic policies pointlessly, grievously undermine the economic system putting lives at risk in countries denied access to affordable, continuous electrical power. We urge you to follow a climate policy based on sound science, realistic economics and genuine concern for those harmed by costly, and unnecessary attempts at mitigation"


Make of that what you will.

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