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Climate Change & Global Warming


How important is Global Warming to you in the Grand Scheme of Things?  

246 members have voted

  1. 1. How important is Global Warming to you in the Grand Scheme of Things?

    • Give me a break, I've enough on my plate
    • I suppose there's something in it, but it's for the Politicians/Corporations/Those in power to sort out
    • Yes I think it is important and I try to do my bit.
    • If we don't stop it, the Planet dies in a few years, it's as simple as that.
    • I think it is all hype and not half as bad as they make out
    • I don't know what to think

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Guest Anonymous

Global warming is a subject I considered to be a scam from the start, so never really bothered with it, but I'd like to know what it is being used to cover up?


Maybe the answer is very simple. Perhaps enough people in very high places stand to make vast fortunes from "green energy"


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Global warming is the cover story as many new ways are found to rob you blind.

Don't you think people are going to get a wee bit suspicious when Gordon Brown spends most of the money raised by the carbon tax on a massive pay rise for himself and his cronies ? And if he doesn't give himself a pay rise, how exactly is he going to benefit from higher taxes ?

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Gordon Brown will do as he is bloody well told.




Alex Jones, slamming down a lying smug Satan loving propagandist scumbag, Rothschild.


It's a five part interview.

Listen where Rothschild says that Mars is undergoing global warming cause it's closer to the Sun. :lol:



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but it is a conclusion that any rational mind would come to.

In your opinion.


It's my opinion too. Because i choose, like many, to look at all the facts (not just the ones which are made up to suit a particular argument) and the full history of the theory of global warming.


Maybe the answer is very simple. Perhaps enough people in very high places stand to make vast fortunes from "green energy"



That's it in a nutshell. And not just in high places either. Many people can make lifetime projects out of studying numerous aspects of nature simply by adding "due to climate change" at the end of whatever their chosen subject is.


Lets not forget that climate change is definitely happening, and that we are definitely partially responsible, it is meerly the degree of our influence that is greatly exaggerated, and has been turned into this political scaremongering monster that is now being used to justifyslapping "green tax" on everything and letting thousands die in supposedly "developing" countries.

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Well, I guess it's time once again to add my occasional, weary thoughts to this depressing thread. I try to stop myself reading it most of the time because I am inevitably struck by deep pangs of hopelessness. I try to cheer myself by recalling that an internet forum is hardly representative of the general populus, but it doesn't always work. So, anyway...


The questioning of climate science that regularly occurs here is interesting. A fact that is rarely mentioned, but is worth bearing in mind, is that science, for most people, is a question of faith, not of knowledge. Most of us are not trained scientists, and while we may recognise the logic in what we are told, most often we do not fully understand it. We choose to accept the knowledge of those who study the subject. Molecular biology, particle physics, quantum mechanics - we cannot hope to understand these things just by reading a few magazine articles, or even a few books, so we would not think to insult those who study the subjects by informing them that they are wrong, simply because we do not like what they say. And yet, when it comes to climate, everone, it seems, is an expert. Despite the fact that surveys of climate scientists have shown that around 95% believe climate change is partly or largely caused by humans, a huge number of untrained commentators disagree, and they cite the views of the 5% of scientists who oppose the view as proof. Now, each of us is entitled to our own opinion of course, but when I am forming opinions on subjects in which I am not trained, my instinct is to look for the logic and to listen to the experts. In this case, the view of the experts is clear. Just because a tiny minority are given far more than their fair share of media coverage, does not mean that they are correct. Climate scientists are almost united on this issue, and that is good enough for me. And the logic too is clear: it has been understood for a long time how the greenhouse effect works - the gases in the atmosphere regulate the temperature on the surface of the earth, which is why we don't roast in summer or freeze to death in winter. No one, I presume, is questioning that. So why is it so unbelievable that pouring greenhouse gases in immense quantities, over centuries, into the atmosphere, is not going to affect climate? Come on!


The reason is obvious. It is human nature. When science tells us what we don't want to know we are naturally inclined not to believe it. The most famous examples of course are Galileo and Charles Darwin. Both made discoveries that flew in the face of 'common sense' and both were hugely criticised for it. The Earth doesn't feel like it's moving, therefore it's not moving, people said. The Bible says the Earth is 6,000 years old, so it can't be 6 billion years old, people said. The Earth doesn't feel any warmer than it used to, so it's not warmer, people say. And if it is, it can't be little old us that's to blame. We're only people!


The other reason is that acceptance of what climate scientists are telling us has massive implications for the way we live our lives. If we believe them, and I do, we are faced with a huge personal dilemma - do I continue to live like this, and help to create a planet less diverse, less alive, than the one I inherited? Or do I alter the way I live? And this is not about 'carbon taxes' - that's just a first, tiny step. Making a difference, I think, will involve a complete change in our lifestyle. It may involve sacrificing many of the luxuries that we now consider to be our right. It will be a huge change. And people are not prepared to make that change, so they choose not to believe it is necessary. They tell the climate scientists that they know better than them, and in doing so prove nothing but their own ignorance.


This whole debate, for those of us who are not trained in climate science, is a matter of faith. And I am prepared to put my faith in the scientists. Spinner and the rest can carry on believing that it's all a conspiracy of botanists and ornithologists out to get their hard earned money, but, in addition to ignorance, they are demonstrating their greed and selfishness. It's sad, and it makes me depressed.

Sorry for the very long post, but it means I don't have to come back again for a long time.

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Guest Anonymous

I for one am not saying that any particular viewpoint is wrong, but neither is any particular viewpoint right.

Climate change is a reality. Whether or not this change is being caused by the lifestyle of the human race is, in my opinion, debatable. But that's just my opinion. :wink: I prefer to look at the wider picture which shows that the climate has undergone many changes through history, and this change would seem to follow the general pattern.

I'm likely wrong, but if I am then many scientists who don't support the global warming paranoia are wrong too.



Change or no change. Humans to blame, or not to blame. There is one very worrying factor which stands head and shoulders above all other considerations. And that is simply that politicians cannot be trusted at any level and when they see a chance to use scientific data to support taxation then I'm afraid it will always look bad.


I try to be environmentally careful, but just because I want to be. Not because some politician has twisted statistics from a dubious scientist to make it look right for their taxation purposes.


And, Malachy, don't get depressed about Global Warming. There's another ice age coming, not that we'll be alive by then..... I wonder what kind of tax will be needed to combat that?? :wink:

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