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Climate Change & Global Warming


How important is Global Warming to you in the Grand Scheme of Things?  

246 members have voted

  1. 1. How important is Global Warming to you in the Grand Scheme of Things?

    • Give me a break, I've enough on my plate
    • I suppose there's something in it, but it's for the Politicians/Corporations/Those in power to sort out
    • Yes I think it is important and I try to do my bit.
    • If we don't stop it, the Planet dies in a few years, it's as simple as that.
    • I think it is all hype and not half as bad as they make out
    • I don't know what to think

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Just a thought but a lot of folk who shout about global warming also get up and shout at the G8 summits could their political beliefs not have an effect on their environmental beliefs. after all if you already hate those big nasty corporations is it not great to have another stick to beat them with.

I personaly do not have the time or inclination to post links to support my arguments (i would rather get pissed than troll the net) but I have checked out links posted by others.

Or maybe it's got something to do with liberal thinkers being better equipped to take onboard and consider new ideas. Here's a link to the article about just this. It took me a whopping 30 seconds to find it via a natty website called google.com and didn't cut in to any drinking time :lol:

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Or you could read into it that liberal thinkers are easier confused. just lik mr kerry.

My point was that those blaming industry for global warming already have an axe to grind, hardly what you could call an unbiased jury.

And the readership of the LA Times made up the rodney king jury.

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Or you could read into it that liberal thinkers are easier confused. just lik mr kerry.

And how would I do that based on TFA?

My point was that those blaming industry for global warming already have an axe to grind, hardly what you could call an unbiased jury.

A fair point. It works both ways though.

And the readership of the LA Times made up the rodney king jury.

What does the readership of the LA times have to do with anything? Did they conduct the study? The original study mentioned in TFA was covered by quite a few other sites. What juries did their readerships make up :roll:

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My point was that those blaming industry for global warming already have an axe to grind, hardly what you could call an unbiased jury.

An overwhelming majority of climate scientists have an axe to grind ? Really ?


we' re back to this overwhelming majority???


went and read the links seems to me that liberal thinkers are easily swayed and consrervative thinkers are more structured is what they are saying.

so going we da liberals he who shouts loudest is right

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went and read the links seems to me that liberal thinkers are easily swayed and consrervative thinkers are more structured is what they are saying.

Hehe, that's exactly what I'd expect a conservative thinker to take from that article. It's not what it says though ;)


Despite being an interesting topic in its own right, this isn't a thread about liberalism vs conservatism, however. I've started a new topic for that, over ------> here

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An overwhelming majority of climate scientists have an axe to grind ? Really ?

we' re back to this overwhelming majority???

Like it or not, the vast majority of climate scientists believe that man-made global warming is causing climate change. If you think they're mistaken, or they're all part of some enormous left-wing conspiracy, then fine, show us the evidence.

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I'll leave da links to "bitter truth" he's a lot better at it than me.

the link to this guy won't work for me it's a spoof site so I cant figure out what the point being made is.


Is it some one can post whatever they like and there will always be some fool ready to take it to heart.

climate change is real but I'm yet to hear a good idea about what we should do to live with it. only taxes, control on CO2 emmisions and a bunch of celebs wantin our money. I've said it before I find it very difficult to believe all the sprootle and thats exactly what it is when the highest profile event to raise awareness is sponsored by Chevrolette. I could tow a chevy with its handbrake on with my peerie mazda and still use less fuel than if I was driving the Chevy.

So the organisers are liars/gullible take your pick but not really for paying much attention to.


signed of a sceptic that loves the planet but could do with getting rid of a few o da folk tho

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climate change is real but I'm yet to hear a good idea about what we should do to live with it. only taxes, control on CO2 emmisions and a bunch of celebs wantin our money. I've said it before I find it very difficult to believe all the sprootle and thats exactly what it is when the highest profile event to raise awareness is sponsored by Chevrolette.

This awareness-raising event might indeed be sprootle of the highest order, but I don't believe that's a reflection on the science of global warming. Live8 appeared to me to be more about selling records than helping the poor, but that doesn't mean there isn't poverty in the Third World.

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when fools and liars shout your corner don't be suprised when folk don't pay too much attention to your message.

maybe if the get oot yer car and eat grass brigade could come up with a frontman thats no a numpty I might be able to take them seriously.

but then again maybe only a numpty will front them

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my my my here we have an environmental wonder Bio Fuel causing bread shortages, political instability, maybe even wars. think back to an earlier post. Environmental campaigners not thinking or caring about the consequences of their actions. And this is on top of the FACT that bio fuels are not environmentally friendly anyway. (bloody hard to get the greeny's to admit this though)

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