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Perhaps Frances144 (or other folks who know about horses) can answer this one...


With a recent 'Sports personality of the year' award going to a posh lass with a mighty-fine looking hos', I was left wondering just how much the animal had to do with the overall performance. I mean... if the horse had been rubbish at jumping, she'd never have won.


How much of a show-jumper's performance is down to the horse? How much to the horse-rider relationship? How much is purely talent of the rider; i.e. they'd do well on most any horse?


Seems to me that the horse does all the work and the rider is just good at not falling off. Obviously not true, but where does the rider actually matter?

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For the same question substitute the hos and jockey (?) with and car driver and vehicle (give Schumaker a Lada and lets see how he does), sailing and punt, etc.


Firts past the post sports only I say. The ability to buy the best equipment and judging out!

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The difference, of course, is that a car has no intelligence; it does only what it has been told and, generally, does so predictably. A horse has considerably more say in what happens.


exactly schumacher has to brake and accelerate at right times, turn corners and overtake. so when a jockey falls off the horse can keep going itself and finish the race, would like to see schumachers car get itself to the finish line without him!!

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