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Mr J Tait....Shetland Times....


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When he talks about Scottish football he is no different from most of the other Scottish football "journalists" by trotting out the usual opinions of the ill-informed and reading other folks lies and putting them in his rantings as truth - especially when The Rangers are the subject.


Before putting down some of the tripe that appears in his column, the least you would expect is for him to do a bit of research. Young Hearts players made the ultimate sacrifice during the 1914-1918 war by enlisting virtually as one, the first football team in the UK to do so, only for most to be wounded and seven never to return. This was belittled by Mr Tait by saying that most clubs lost players. He missed the point completely, as this was regarding the subject of the flying of the Union Flag at football grounds by supporters - a flag that a previous Chairman of Hearts attempted to ban from the ground!


He tried to preach to us all about what was best for Shetland football when it came to league reconstruction and virtually demanded that the Works League knuckle down and be part of it. Lo and behold when the new league season started was he interested in any of the Works League matches? Not a peep. He was never interested in the league before then either so what authority does he have to speak about it?


If he keeps away from speaking about football I'll be happy.

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As long as Tavish refrains from writing about football as well I'll be happy.

What a lot of slaverin' pish - yet another who knows little about football being sucked into repeating the young team, flair football myth of Edinburgh's wee team.

Stick to transport, Mr MSP.


And Stan, I'm not going to rise to the bait re. Pieman's attempted banning of the UJ...but do your research first, eh?

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And Stan, I'm not going to rise to the bait re. Pieman's attempted banning of the UJ...but do your research first, eh?


No baiting intended. Perhaps my research has not been as extensive as it should be and the mind playing tricks as the brain cells deteriorate. I'm willing to be put right.


And here's to a happy and harmonious new year.

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When he talks about Scottish football he is no different from most of the other Scottish football "journalists" by trotting out the usual opinions of the ill-informed and reading other folks lies and putting them in his rantings as truth - especially when The Rangers are the subject.


Before putting down some of the tripe that appears in his column, the least you would expect is for him to do a bit of research. Young Hearts players made the ultimate sacrifice during the 1914-1918 war by enlisting virtually as one, the first football team in the UK to do so, only for most to be wounded and seven never to return. This was belittled by Mr Tait by saying that most clubs lost players. He missed the point completely, as this was regarding the subject of the flying of the Union Flag at football grounds by supporters - a flag that a previous Chairman of Hearts attempted to ban from the ground!


He tried to preach to us all about what was best for Shetland football when it came to league reconstruction and virtually demanded that the Works League knuckle down and be part of it. Lo and behold when the new league season started was he interested in any of the Works League matches? Not a peep. He was never interested in the league before then either so what authority does he have to speak about it?


If he keeps away from speaking about football I'll be happy.


And I`ll be happy if you stopped speaking about football, sorry things that have nothing to do with football.

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When he talks about Scottish football he is no different from most of the other Scottish football "journalists" by trotting out the usual opinions of the ill-informed and reading other folks lies and putting them in his rantings as truth - especially when The Rangers are the subject.


Before putting down some of the tripe that appears in his column, the least you would expect is for him to do a bit of research. Young Hearts players made the ultimate sacrifice during the 1914-1918 war by enlisting virtually as one, the first football team in the UK to do so, only for most to be wounded and seven never to return. This was belittled by Mr Tait by saying that most clubs lost players. He missed the point completely, as this was regarding the subject of the flying of the Union Flag at football grounds by supporters - a flag that a previous Chairman of Hearts attempted to ban from the ground!


He tried to preach to us all about what was best for Shetland football when it came to league reconstruction and virtually demanded that the Works League knuckle down and be part of it. Lo and behold when the new league season started was he interested in any of the Works League matches? Not a peep. He was never interested in the league before then either so what authority does he have to speak about it?


If he keeps away from speaking about football I'll be happy.


And I`ll be happy if you stopped speaking about football, sorry things that have nothing to do with football.

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And I`ll be happy if you stopped speaking about football, sorry things that have nothing to do with football.


Not entirely sure what you mean (even though you said it twice!) but bang goes the "happy and harmonious new year" I suppose!

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Does it really matter what Mr Tait writes?


He's the assistant editor of the local rag that was churning out the same old nonsense week in week out until the new editor came along. It's refreshing to have a column that expresses an opinion for a change. It's also refreshing to have a column that generates debate.


I didn't read his comments about the Hearts team (memorial to the players in question sits opposite the Haymarket Bar in Edinburgh), but I'm sure he wasn't purposefully belittling the contribution that said players made to the war effort.


Like many others with an interest in Shetland football, Mr Tait was mis-informed about the role the works league had to play. When all the talk about re-construction was taking place he wasn't at any of the meetings. Mind you neither were the majority of the teams who had an interest in this subject (including Stan's Shetland Banks team). The whole discussion during last year's close season was a farce and the works league would be better off out of it (even though nothing has really changed!).


PS. He is definitely a lifelong Dons fan

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I like Jim Tait's articles in the Times. Admittedly some of what he writes is a bit dubious and his bias for Thistle is a bit much to take at times, but it does serve its purpose well - it gets folk speaking about local sport. I can't see him appearing on Jimmy Hill's Sunday Supplement anytime soon though!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well done Jim!! I thought your reply in the paper to the guff spoken in this website against you was spot on. I know for a fact that you are an Aberdeen supporter and although I do not always agree with your views, it creates a debate in the local pubs. I just wish it was only local sport you talked about.


Keep on writting and keep the interest going.

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Well done Jim!! I thought your reply in the paper to the guff spoken in this website against you was spot on.

Just a pity that once again his comments were inaccurate. Changing folks words and the meaning and treating it as if that what was actually said. Other than that, yes, it does stir a debate now and again.

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