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Greatest Gigs in Shetland....ever!


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My midder widna let me go either......


I do however, have a bootleg of the gig.





I've got bootleg of that as well. Good stuff. Apparently Morrisey was getting a bit of heckling from some "rednecks" down at the front of the stage. Kinda funny to listen to.


They expected them to be a punk band if I remember rightly

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My midder widna let me go either......


I do however, have a bootleg of the gig.





I've got bootleg of that as well. Good stuff. Apparently Morrisey was getting a bit of heckling from some "rednecks" down at the front of the stage. Kinda funny to listen to.


They expected them to be a punk band if I remember rightly


Did dey no spit on Morrisey, and dey didna do an encore

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They did two encores. It was the only gig on the tour that they came back on twice.


Its difficult to imagine now but spitting at gigs in the old days was fairly common.


Yea especially punk gigs, Joe Strummer got an infection tink it wis maybe Hep B when a greener landed in his gob!!

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  • 1 year later...
I mind Freres Jackman playing the North Star one hop night, it was a wild night, with a few drunken Mr Blobbies. Anyone else there?


Mad nights to be had in Shet, and the Blobby night was one of them. Drunken Mr. Blobby, onstage, bouncing off me so I couldn't play, singing 'Blobby blobby blobby' between every line of the songs. Then Mr. Blobby turns to me and says "Ya remember me? I tried to sell ya drugs earlier. Found this costume and nicked it. Great laff, yeah? Do ya want any drugs now?" It was only at this point I noticed the band manager at the back of the North Star, doing the 'cut-him-off' sign across his throat. The mike was live and everything Mr. Blobby had said had been broadcast to the audience. Madness! Brilliance!


Ah, the Shetland gigs were great craic. I remember the big tent in Tingwall. We did a two hour encore while coming up on about four different illegal substances and still managed to look stone cold sober. There's a video of that gig somewhere, would love to see that again. So many memories, the gig up in Yell and waking to see a school of dolphins in the bay, Jans seal sanctuary/pub, the Mighty Amplefords, engineer/mentalman Stevie Hook, Sadie Sales telling me she named her daughter after a mountain on a wind swept moor one day, drinks, laughs, music. I will truly never forget the Shet gigs, brilliant. Still plan to have my honeymoon there, if anyone will ever have me!


Anyway, thanks so much guys for the laffs!


Pat Jackman

former Ms. Ireland and singer/percussionist with Fréres Jackman...

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The Subhumans in da Mossbank hall, many,many years ago, probably about '86 or '87. Best punk musicians that ever played, first gig i geed tae, first time i saw punks pogo-ing, first time i smelt wacky backy and da first time i saw aa the lovely punk lasses in dir mini-skirts, min it wis a grand night all round. (i was braally young at da time)


That is my favourite too I think.

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Careless Flow - Every gig in the early 90's

Thousand Yard Stare at Voe Hall in 1991

Sultans of Ping at Tingwall Hall in 1992


Wow, now you're talking! I was an original Careless Flow member, before being hastily ejected for lack of talent/commitment.


My real name? Jame Blunt.





(it's Anderson)



Also I believe Shetland's first EVER stage dive was at the Thousand Yard Stare gig. It may even have been Joe Robertson, trouble was as nobody knew what in the hell he was doing, he fell to the floor.

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Wolfstone at Clickimin were brilliant, and Shooglenifty the time they were at the folk festival were excellent.

The best live gig I ever saw in Shetland was at Aith with Le Volli De Castors.They had the a Shetland audiance singing in French,unbelievable.

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  • 3 weeks later...

bert jansch in the angling club





bert jansch at the angling club???? seriously?!?!


yeah, that happened! apparrently a combination of poor advertising and the unfortunate and frankly inconsiderate timing of diana's funeral meant not many folk were aware of it...


t'was good though. :D

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