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Carling Black Label/The Sun 6 a sides 1989. NEC Birmingham


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Does anyone on this site know any of the lads who got to the final of this competition, played at the NEC. Most were freinds of mine, whom I have never seen since that day, or rather the fully funded p**s up that night.


Clive Watt

George & Alex Watt

Paul Regan

Colin Grant


These are a few names I can remember,and would love to hear from any of them or the other lads I met on my frequent New Year visits to Lerwick in the late eighties.


Fingers crossed.


Bernie Clifton


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It was a competition run by the (spit) Sun. The first heat was in Glasgow, the second in Manchester and the finals in Brum.


Bernie was in the army and visited Shetland on a few occasions.


It was never always the same set of players althought many played throughout:


Clive Watt, Colin Grant, Alex Watt, George Watt, Paul Regan, John Johnson, Davie Clubb, Ewan Odie, Trevor Cole (?), a stundant pal from uni called Davie ????? something.


Photo's of the event still exist :oops:

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Many thanks for a swift resonse, have dropped Paul a message looking forward to a reply.

Thanks again.


Oh wheesht can you give us a clue to your ID?




See you've called Tito Paul there Bernie???? Drop me a line and you never know.

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