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Dropping Internet Connections


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^^ Whatever it is, they're this || close to losing a customer, me!


Getting a connection hasn't been so frustrating today, but yesterday and today they seem to have settled in to a pattern of everything suddenly falling apart round 8-9pm with multiple line drops, and steadily decreasing line speed at reconnecting the later in to the night it gets. I'm on a 4.7 meg one right now, but if its a re-run of last night, it'll be an under 2 meg by 4am.

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  • 3 months later...
nerds, porn aficionado's and people who like World Of Warcraft must have been proper gutted!


Those apart, I'm actually self-employed and have been known to receive work at the craziest of hours. I rely heavily on broadband for work. Needless to say, my BT Business Account Manager will stroll into work tomorrow morning to find a suitably worded e-mail in his Inbox.


I'm beginning to wonder if BT are in cahoots re the windfarm proposal - perhaps it would be cheaper to run a line with the power cable as opposed to renting "space" off the existing high speed line? Or is it just a conspiracy so that anyone in Shetland cannot communicate with the outside world?

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Not a connection problem this time, unlinked. My broadband (TalkTalk) was on all night and happily downloading away, no interruptions. In fact, there was a speed increase around 7am for an hour or so. Maybe that was all you BT people being kicked off the net, leaving more bandwidth for the rest of us? :wink:

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Ooh and to think I left Talktalk; well, be interesting to learn of BT's response tomorrow then if it wasn't connection problems. Perhaps their servers were copying Talktalk's - I bet you remember their e-mail servers being down for a week not long ago? :twisted:

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I have to say too that i use Orange and have never lost connection in the last 3 years, but they have now put price up.

For tinternet, fone line, 2nd fone, 1000 free uk mins off peak, 1000 mins uk anytime and 1000 mins around the world anytime router it has gone from 24 a month to 32..

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Ooh and to think I left Talktalk; well, be interesting to learn of BT's response tomorrow then if it wasn't connection problems. Perhaps their servers were copying Talktalk's - I bet you remember their e-mail servers being down for a week not long ago? :twisted:

Nah, I don't use talktalk's e-mail service, google mail for me. It means if I change from talktalk to someone else, I don't have to go through all the hassle of updating e-mail addresses with everything I've signed up for.


Mind you, I've been getting dropped connections tonight, twice so far in about 2 hours. :evil:

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  • 1 month later...

Keeping this short as haein to use phone. Anyone had problems wi Pipex/Tiscali? We've had no internet service since Wed afternoon. Wed night was telt by them it was a network outage. Dastreen they didna even say anything about it. Spoke to Dad all ok with what they said & we've checked cables, done resets etc.


(***Mod Edit - Merged with existing thread***)

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