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Web design: the Good, the Bad, and the UGLY


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Two that I enjoy hugely:


A superb amateur science site



And a superb art site:



If you want to see why I love the art site, look at this one:


and reflect on the fact that this is art, NOT photography. Look at the way this fellow has "aged" the metal ... unbelievable.

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A couple of award winning websites I designed a while ago




http://www.geocities.com/ballyboo22/ (please sign the guestbook)


Geocities is a great tool for making pro websites, I think you'll agree

Genius, utter brilliance!


shetlink's designers must be pooing inside their pants, but so you can only see the brown marks on the backside of their corduroys



Calm down trout! Thats a real water pistol!

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That's quite an eyestraining video you found, DeMascus! One thing the prof didn't mention but I keep seeing references to:


"Web 2.0 is making it ever easier for the unprincipled to download bots and trojans and spyware into your Windows box". - Since Micro$oft can't be bothered with security, perhaps we need a Web 2.1 to do it for us.


I still like a plain page that loads instantly, rather than one that takes ages to load up flash graphics tricks which don't carry any information - like my fave science site above. Glad you like deviantart! :D

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I don't think it is a problem with web 2.0 that it is making it easier to hack M$ machines that is M$s problem, or a stupid user. it is the same a watching out for pick pockets, except most users can't spatially locate your virtual pocket.


The biggie at the moment is allowing your user account on site X to authorize you on site Y, but that is probably Web 3.0.


I agree with keeping websites simple, flash is almost always overkill. and with the new css tricks you don't even need javascript.

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The biggie at the moment is allowing your user account on site X to authorize you on site Y, but that is probably Web 3.0.

Is that "Open ID"? It sounds like a great idea, although I'm not sure how it works


I agree with keeping websites simple, flash is almost always overkill. and with the new css tricks you don't even need javascript.
Flash intro pages. Grrrrr :evil:



I think javascript has had a bad press, as a lot of folk associate it with trickery such as pop-up adverts. But many people don't have Javascript enabled on their browsers, so it's best avoided for critical applications such as navigation anyway


DeMascus, what css tricks do you mean can replace Javascript. Javascript code runs in front of my eyes so I'd like to avoid it if possible!


I'm glad you mentioned http://www.csszengarden.com An inspirational site for CSS use

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The biggie at the moment is allowing your user account on site X to authorize you on site Y, but that is probably Web 3.0.

Is that "Open ID"? It sounds like a great idea, although I'm not sure how it works


I think the trouble with any system that tries to keep authorisations somewhere is that no matter how well you try to protect it or encrypt it there are going to be thousands of writers of Trojans, worms etc. working out how to steal identities, passwords etc. for nefarious purposes. I don't keep ANY passwords in this box, I put them in myself every time. Bits of half-legible paper lying around in obscure places in my flat have to be a lot more secure than a file some Russian hacker is trying to nick. Okay it's low tech, but it works ... if it ain't where the beggars are looking, they're not going to find it.


I agree with keeping websites simple, flash is almost always overkill. and with the new css tricks you don't even need javascript.
Flash intro pages. Grrrrr :evil:


Flash practically anything, grrrr! :evil: Thank you Firefox for the Flash Blocker!

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Is that "Open ID"? It sounds like a great idea, although I'm not sure how it works


I haven't seen that but it was kinda what I was thinking about. I envisioned a PPKI system with sites and users where sites would authorize users and also allow users from other authorised sites using peer networking validation. Of course there are so many possible security holes, it would take someone with quite a mass of grey matter!


I think javascript has had a bad press, as a lot of folk associate it with trickery such as pop-up adverts. But many people don't have Javascript enabled on their browsers, so it's best avoided for critical applications such as navigation anyway


DeMascus, what css tricks do you mean can replace Javascript. Javascript code runs in front of my eyes so I'd like to avoid it if possible!


I agree there is a lot you can do with javascript. XmlHttpRequest!


With CSS you can do popup menus, switch images on hover, that sort of things. The major difficulty is browser compatability but Javascript also has that.

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