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Mareel - Cinema & Music Venue


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Who the hell would go to the Shetland Uni... Part of the student life is meeting other people and how many new friends will you make in uni up here compared to down here? Also, how many students bars are up here?


:idea: At last!! JA is has come around to my point of view. Who the hell is going to do college or 'Uni' courses at Mareel and miss out on meeting all those new people and pissing it up in all those student bars? :P

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Who the hell would go to the Shetland Uni... Part of the student life is meeting other people and how many new friends will you make in uni up here compared to down here? Also, how many students bars are up here?


:idea: At last!! JA is has come around to my point of view. Who the hell is going to do college or 'Uni' courses at Mareel and miss out on meeting all those new people and pissing it up in all those student bars? :P


I was gonna say, as much as I miss a lot of things about home I'm still glad I left the island to study. I've been given so many more opportunities in Glasgow since I came away, and I know if I'd stayed on the island I wouldn't have had these.

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so for what i have read now the mareel will be used as an educational place to teach but why would anyone wanna miss out of moving south indeed i agree why would they! i would always advise to move away at least to sample whats going on south!


AB what are you going to use the music venue for??

i can see how you will go to the cinema and also listen to bands but what else? will you use it every day??


i cannot complain about leasure centres as i was not really old enough to have a say or understand when i was younger but they are good in that at least kids have somewhere to use in winter etc


i cant see the marell being a child friendly place at least children without supervision?

also you cannot compare the costs of the leasure complexes to that of the mareel because of the totally differnt circumstances! there are many many pools etc only one mareel


and to built this state of the art complex in a place which will/ has done Flood seems idiotic!



IMHO this will be a place which is used a lot for the first year say and then ppl will get bored and council will prop it up forever more.


but like ive said iam not against it as an idea just the size and cost!!!!! way OTT!!

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IMHO this will be a place which is used a lot for the first year say and then ppl will get bored and council will prop it up forever more.


but like ive said iam not against it as an idea just the size and cost!!!!! way OTT!!


I agree, I think there will be a novelty factor that'll give it a honeymoon period of a year or so then it will be all downhill.


Those of a certain age will remember that DITT contemplated building a cinema and bowling alley some years back but the scrapped the idea as it couldn't cover it's cost of around £1 million. Got to be something ironic about the fact that they're the preferred bidder now that it's estimated to cost something nearer to £15 million. :!:


I've seen a lot of comparisons here with leisure centres but again, those of a certain age will remember the old Clickimin Trust which was later absorbed into the Charitable Trust. The leisure centres were never expected to break even let alone make a profit. I can't help thinking that those in favour of Mareel are being a little dishonest in claiming that the place can break even or make a profit. Although, I'm sure it oils the big money wheel to say so!

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Where has the £15 million figure you keep referring to appeared from?


I'm sure you're better placed than me to confirm or deny what the actual amount is. However that was what was mentioned on SIBC, perhaps you could ask them who their source was? Might even be somebody close to Shetland Arts????

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I've said it before, but is there really any point in carrying on the debate now that the decision has been made to proceed?


Fair enough if and when any facts are presented to say that build costs have gone over budget or it starts running at a loss but I'm starting to get a bit bored of the same old arguments (from both the pro and anti camps I would add) being recycled over and over again.


And for the record, I'm not a supporter.

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Gary Robinson is quoted in the online edition of the Shetland Times [21/11/08] as saying:


“We were told all along that any delays would be critical. Well, we’re reaching a stage where we need to know just how critical those delays are and if it’s impacting on the cost of the project or not.â€


Admittedly, in the present financial climate any delays must be of considerable concern, but this project could have been well underway (and at a much lower cost) if it wasn't for certain councillors digging their heels in. I was under the impression that the Mareel project had already been approved by the previous council.

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Where has the £15 million figure you keep referring to appeared from?


I'm sure you're better placed than me to confirm or deny what the actual amount is. However that was what was mentioned on SIBC, perhaps you could ask them who their source was? Might even be somebody close to Shetland Arts????


If you know the answer why not answer the question instead of hinting that the information comes from some mythical insider.

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Well I suppose it depends what you interpet the word "outed" as meaning. I wasn't suggesting that The Shetland Times was questioning your sexuality. In this instance it was your identity that was being questioned. There was a little bit of commentary in Off the Spike, and a suggestion as to who you might be. I may be wrong, but I have a feeling I'm not supposed to repeat such speculation within the forum.

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