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Mareel - Cinema & Music Venue


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For the past few days i've been reading up on Mareel. I think its just what the Shetlands needs. The Shetlands is full of musical talent, there is so much to offer!


We have to start thinking about whats best for our children, because our children are the future.


Who is going to entertain us with music when i'm old and grey...our children.

Who is going to be there to wipe me clean when i'm in a home...our children.

Who is going to feed me when my hands get bit off by a dolphin...our children.

Who is going to dry me when i'm dripping...our children.

Who is going to star in movies when we fancy watching one...our children.

Poetic, but in some of it you ask far too much.

I think I'll awa and have a Schnapps too :wink:

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While I was away south recently I went to an afternoon showing of a strange Greek film called "Dogtooth". Now in a city of more than 250,000 residents I think the 70 or so seat arts centre cinema was less than half full but I really hope that Mareel will be able to minority interest films at quiet times and that they will be able to give an assurance that showings will go ahead even if just 1 ticket is sold.


As I understand it, digital cinemas (like Mareel) can offer this kind of possibility, because there's no projectionist as such, just someone to press a button, who would be there anyway, (maybe even the cleaner! :P )

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I was a projectionist at my local cinema a few years ago.

I still had to set up the Xenon Lamps, lenses and associated machinery.

I also had to maintain the screen, curtains, house lights and monitor the screening. The audio is also set up by the projectionist.


Still a bit of work left after pushing the button.

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I was a projectionist at my local cinema a few years ago.

I still had to set up the Xenon Lamps, lenses and associated machinery.

I also had to maintain the screen, curtains, house lights and monitor the screening. The audio is also set up by the projectionist.


Still a bit of work left after pushing the button.


There's a fair bit more to it than that as you say. Most of the work is preparatory, and then someone can 'just push the button'. The digital showings can be pre-programmed including fading the lights, starting the trailers, cross fading to the feature etc. This is how multiplexes using digital technology can run 12+ screens with one projectionist and a bunch of cleaners. I'd have thought the lower staffing costs would be something that was welcomed.

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That helps clarify what I know a few people don't "get" about the business aspect of Cinema in the digital age.


As almost all the work is, as you say, preperatory, it costs little more to have additional screenings at varying times, meaning that even if you only sell a few tickets for those, even only one, it is still profitable.


One of the good examples of why a dedicated cinema is preferable to multi-use buildings like the Garrison IMO.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest metallica man

Can I just ask who is designing & supplying the sound system for the music side of things? Its just I thought I saw a man I know of called Rog Mogale walking along in Shetland a while ago. He owns a well known audio manufacturing company & I was wondering if he's having anything to do with Mareel, if it was even him at all?

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Guest Raven007

Im looking forward to this opening , i was against it but now im for it , hopefully this will give the youngsters something to do rather than standing up a lane sharing a 2 litre of white cider !

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  • 2 weeks later...
Can I just ask who is designing & supplying the sound system for the music side of things?

Arup is the company leading on Mareel's acoustics - http://www.arup.com/Services/Acoustic_Consulting.aspx/


The technical specs of the PA/lighting etc will be finalised soon after PLASA - http://www.plasashow.com/


Its just I thought I saw a man I know of called Rog Mogale walking along in Shetland a while ago. He owns a well known audio manufacturing company & I was wondering if he's having anything to do with Mareel, if it was even him at all?

I wasn't aware of Rog Mogale being in Shetland?

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Guest metallica man

PLASA now there's a day or two out! Not so good last time I went but well worth a visit if its your kind of thing!


Do you know of Rog then Peeriebryan?

Maybe it wasn't him then! I almost turned the van round for a second look as he would be a great bloke to stop & have a chat with!

And keep us updated with the sound & lighting etc as I'd love to know whats going into Mareel!

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hopefully this will give the youngsters something to do rather than standing up a lane sharing a 2 litre of white cider !

I suspect that the kids who hang around the lanes drinking cheap cider do it because:

a) they are not allowed in the pubs

B) they quite enjoy it


I can't see Mareel making much of difference in this regard, I'm afraid.

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hopefully this will give the youngsters something to do rather than standing up a lane sharing a 2 litre of white cider !

I suspect that the kids who hang around the lanes drinking cheap cider do it because:

a) they are not allowed in the pubs

B) they quite enjoy it

I can't see Mareel making much of difference in this regard, I'm afraid.

White Cider? White Cider? whit kind o a drink is that?

Johnny Walker Red Label and a few 'Wurlies'oot a Kay's.

Now that always pat a few hairs on da fiss. :D

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