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Mareel - Cinema & Music Venue


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What evidence do you have of that? Did the local halls require increased subsidy or die out when the North Star, LK Sound Factory, Norscot Angling Club, Moonie's Wake and Somewhere Else were all putting on regular music events in town?

as all these venues were funded privately it is not for me to comment on, and yes local halls have had to go looking for more subsidy due to a lack of nights that make them money.

get on the CT website and look at the funding the halls have recieved, they have been doing better recently due to the fact that North Star, LK Sound Factory, Moonie's Wake and Somewhere Else are no longer on the go but your idea is that mareel will provide a place for all the people of Shetland to go and spend their money so if this is the case then the halls will have even less customers than they do now, its not rocket science brian just common sense

Do you have any experience of serving on hall committees, promoting bands, or playing in bands to inform your opinion? Or perhaps you have figures that show a correlation between the Lerwick venues mentioned opening/closing, the relative frequency of music events in Lerwick vs country halls and subsidy the halls "had to go looking for"? Or do you leave the basis of your assertions to your "common sense"?


In my experience the performances by visiting artists in country halls are often subsidised by a town gig. This year I've been involved with about 10 concerts by visiting artists in country halls which were made financially viable by a concert in Lerwick the same weekend. Having more events in Lerwick increases the availability of groups to play in the country during their visit. It's pretty straightforward in that respect.


Also, there are many regular community music events which are very unlikely to move to the town. Another factor is the recent licensing legislation that has made it even more challenging for the volunteer committees to put on licensed events such as gigs. On top of that, country halls raise money in a variety of ways, not just music events - weddings, Sunday teas, private functions, fish n chip nights and so on.


There are many factors involved and to simplify the country hall situation, forecast doom and try to lay the blame squarely at Mareel's door would potentially show either a lack of understanding or an attempt to baselessly slag off Mareel.


I agree with Beachcaster on this (and he should know)

I don't think that Mareel will effect the country Halls too much, it might even help them as it will be more viable for promoters to bring up bands from south if they can have a Friday night in Mareel for over 18's and a Saturday night for the under 18's.


In saying that though, disco's and bands at any of the country halls might be a thing of the past if the Police and the Licensing Board have their way. Its getting harder and harder to keep in their good graces due to the hoops that they are making the committees jump through to put on a night for the under 18's.


The way things are going, nights in the Halls will either end up 18+ or under 18 with no bar, as it is getting to the stage where it is just not worth the hassle putting nights on any more.


as many people I know have been put off discussing Mareel here due to the recent tone of this thread caused by the abusive and personal postings of a certain user


ah so the people you know will only discuss something with people that agree with them very enlightened Im sure


And I wouldn't use Shetlink as a judge of support


but when the thing you want is generly supported on Shetlink then you do use it as a guage of public opinion, being selective in your choice of when and when not to use Shetlink as a guide does you no favours brian.

Yet another example of you deliberately misrepresenting what people post. The fact is several people (supporters and non-supporters) don't wish to debate Mareel and other subjects on Shetlink because of the recent ill feeling and flaming, more often than not instigated by you. This has been indicated to me by email and personal conversations. Posters in this, and other, threads have said as much too and requested that you lay off the personal attacks and abusive language.


To say "the people you know will only discuss something with people that agree with them" is way off the mark. However, I think it's fair to say that many people I know have no interest debating any subject with someone who doesn't observe basic manners or netiquette whilst hiding behind a pseudonym. The problem is not your opinions, it's your antagonistic and combative tactics. Tone it down and you might just find people are willing to listen to your points.


Also, I'd say opinion on Mareel is fairly split on Shetlink, and never have I "selectively" misused Shetlink.


But I'm quite happy to debate Mareel with anyone who wishes. It's rare I go for a pint, take a walk down the street or have a cup of tea with my granny without the subject coming up in conversation! All I ask for is some common courtesy in return.


Brian replied that it was none of my business where or to what charities he gives his money.

But he does consider it his business which charities we give our money to :wink:

A friendly wink. How chummy! I certainly don't consider it my business which charities you or anyone give their money to. Part of my job is to raise funds from funding bodies, which I do.


no peat those we voted in as a community were split 50/50 the planning went through on the nod from sandy clueless, which as chairman he should have voted for the status quo and rejected the planning application, look up the statute on planning boards for reference to this.

Incorrect on two counts. The vote was on whether the SIC should continue their longstanding financial support for Mareel and as such the chairman voted for the status quo. And it wasn't a planning application.

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Guest Anonymous
When Laura Baisley said she was backing the project because she was “inspired†by its supporters and “depressed†by its detractors, there was only one councillor whose views were unclear.


and dismisive of her constituants

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^^ Blatantly wrong. Dismissive of some maybe, but a councillors job is to be representative of the majority of their constiuents. In that, she is doing just fine.


Just another post to say, again, since this is just the same old stuff going in the same old circles, that perhaps my biggest reason for supporting Mareel is because of the boost it will give the community halls and various events both in being able to attract artists to the isles and help make such events more profitable.


As I have also said, IMO the bottom line of Mareel is irrelevant, it is the unavoidable and substantial boost it will provide to the whole Shetland economy that matters. More now than ever.

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no peat those we voted in as a community were split 50/50 the planning went through on the nod from sandy clueless, which as chairman he should have voted for the status quo and rejected the planning application, look up the statute on planning boards for reference to this.

Incorrect on two counts. The vote was on whether the SIC should continue their longstanding financial support for Mareel and as such the chairman voted for the status quo. And it wasn't a planning application.

Planning permission was granted in April 2008 - http://www.hi-arts.co.uk/july08-feature-mareel-lerwick.htm


In May 2008 the council voted to review it's financial commitment to Mareel and commissioned a business plan review. Six weeks later, in June 2008, the council voted to reaffirm it's support (i.e. the status quo) on Sandy Cluness' casting vote, which is what the story you posted the link to refers.

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This £100,000 the Charitable Trust have promised to Shetland Arts...


My understanding is that it is a fund to be drawn upon IF there is a deficit in the first year of operation.


So no deficit means the CT keeps their dosh?


Too simplistic?

That is indeed the situation. Several years ago the CT agreed to underwrite a deficit of up to £100,000 for the first year of operation. Last week's Charitable Trust meeting clarified how and when the funds would be released - it wasn't a request for more money

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That is indeed the situation. Several years ago the CT agreed to underwrite a deficit of up to £100,000 for the first year of operation. Last week's Charitable Trust meeting clarified how and when the funds would be released - it wasn't a request for more money


Yeah - I understood that it wasn't a request for more. Still think it was a bit of a cheek for Gibbons to go asking for it at this stage in proceedings.

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Yeah - I understood that it wasn't a request for more. Still think it was a bit of a cheek for Gibbons to go asking for it at this stage in proceedings.


Well if he didn't ask he had no chance of getting I suppose :lol: But yeah agree there it was a bit cheeky and all it's done is whip up a whole new batch of resentment towards the project.

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Totally random question but on topic sort of child would like to know if the cinema portion will be able to show 3D films.

She's also a little concerned that we may have to travel south still to see the films she wants to see as the selection at the Garrison recently can only be described as dire.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its fairly taking shape , i cant wait for this to open music and films 2 things i really enjoy , not sure what its going to cost to see a film but i think it will be well worth it , certainly beats spending all your money on drink

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Totally random question but on topic sort of child would like to know if the cinema portion will be able to show 3D films.

She's also a little concerned that we may have to travel south still to see the films she wants to see as the selection at the Garrison recently can only be described as dire.

Think someone asked that on here already and the answer was yes.


As regards film diversity, with two dedicated cinemas in the same building, it seems likely that a bit of variety will be available.

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