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Mareel - Cinema & Music Venue


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A reasonable enough explanation might well be that the site manager's interest was not is someone taking photos so much as someone wearing a hi-vis jacket wandering around the edge of the site. Not so much an imposter but someone connected with one of the companies working on the site or possibly with the company that went bust.


As for "defying the pedestrian signs" those signs merely advise what might be the best way to walk to the museum. The roads around the site are open to all.

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Well here we go again, as a Shetlander I have been following the story of the Mareel. But having seen the last bunch of posts I find myself getting involved with the Internet thing (what happened to paper and ink!)

I am lucky enough to have the site manager living in my community and after seeing the comments of late popped past to have a chat (nose).

Its sad to see that this chap a very experienced man being dragged into what has become our tail of woe, he is the second manager at the mareel and we should be glad that someone like him will come here and embrace the Shetland life and work very hard to get this project to hopefully an end. His family supports the local shop, restaurant with many locals enjoying his company. He is quite tight lipped about the project but I am sure that’s just professionalism! and here we are worried about him doing his job. If someone walks around the fence of my home or work taking photos I would be asking why (wouldn’t you?) shouldn’t we ask why Mr Young was so guarded with his answer? And to that why it even made the press without the manager being contacted?

Having spoken to him he has said that anyone is welcome to photo the project but he would expect a more civil response if he ask why or in this case “ could he help with something? “

Come on Shetland whether we want the Mareel or not surely we can afford some degree of civility to people doing their daily job.

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Good to hear the other side of it, and I hope the site manager doesn't get a bad feeling about folk here - after what was clearly a 'difficult' experience for him.


From what you say he was just doing his job and things would have been better to hear his side as well - right from the start.


Oh, and by the way, WELCOME to the forums, 'da auld buoy'.

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If someone walks around the fence of my home or work taking photos I would be asking why (wouldn’t you?)....


Well, actually, no, not as a matter of form if they just appeared to be taking general shots. Anybody taking an overly keen interest in one small thing, then yes, maybe, it would all depend on what exactly it was they were so interested in and how they were behaving in general.


We've had a sheep cru next to a private road with public access for time immemorial, in winter you can be there all day and never see a soul, thankfully. In summer, you can guarantee there will be at least one car load to rubber neckers that decide to stop, gawp, and probably take pics, especially if we're clippin. Yes, its irritating, often downright bloody annoying, but the attitude has always been taken by my predecessors, myself, and my successors, that they're on a road which they're fully entitled to be on, and we either just have to put up with the eccentricities they decide to practice next to our cru, or re-site it.

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Come on Shetland whether we want the Mareel or not surely we can afford some degree of civility to people doing their daily job.

Does his job actually involve harassing law-abiding citizens over the phone, or was he doing that on his own time?

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  • 2 months later...

So i see the Mareel has had its late licence knocked back wonderful lets hit one of the only areas where this venue might actually make some money!!

Our Council belive they can stop people drinking more oh how wrong they are!!

Whilst i was never a supporter of the Mareel (even less know after seeing what a flaming eyesore it is esp from the sea!!) it was just too much public money at a time when we knew we would struggle (mabye some supporters who have now had there childs school closed can see that now) and yes yes i know differnt budgets but as this is educational as well.... well nevermind.


i will however use the cinema and bar, something else to do from a private point of view is no bad thing in lerwick.


so what do we think of the licence laws? cant see them getting a 2am licence every few weeks for a gig! bit useless for somewhere that wants to host club djs, bands etc who are more used with ibiza, london, even aberdeen.

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^^ Personally I'd see a lot of sense in the likes of Mareel having a 3am licence, or even later. Then folk leaving might head straight home afterwards.


The only thing an earlier licence succeeds in doing is forcing folk to drink more faster, then they hang around the streets half cut, bored and pissed off until at least 3am or 4am when it seems they finally feel ready to call it a night.


All that succeeds in doing is setting up the perfect conditions for arguments, fights, minor vandalism, and creating this pile of rubbish that has to be gathered up off the street Maggie Dunne seems bothered about.

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It is also a LEARNING center. Everyone seems only to concentrate on profits from drinking. Very few I believe have seen the business plan let alone read the minutes of the various meetings.

It is not a failure but perhaps more an indication that there may be too much drinking in Lerwick already. I am sure the license was to accompany not prop up.

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^^ Absolutely. The fact is Mareel is so very wide rangingin what it can offer.


People in Shetland who have had to put up with Posers as the nearest thing to a nightclub avaliable have every right to look forward to a decent venue with a proper acoustic setup that can attract big name DJ's. Of course a bar licence is to be expected at such functions, and while it beggars belief, its is sadly not surprising that those who have made the decision obviously haven;t a clue what they are talking about.


Good post by GR too, and though a different topic, I wholeheartedly believe that a large part of Shetlands binge drinking/street messing/vandalism culture is due to the actions of the licencing board.


Mareel can be such a massive boost to Shetlands economy and social scene, its a shame that yet more hoops are being set up to jump through. Then again, those involved are probably better at that than most!

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What Actually Happened:

I was taking pictures from the public road, around six in total, around the developing North Ness, including the Mareel. I was followed by a man calling across the road behind me and was in the Museum Car Park by the time he caught up with me wanting to know why I was taking pictures. I replied that I did not wish to tell him why I was taking photographs and that should have been the end of the matter. Then he decided to say what his job was and repeated the question I had already answered. I repeated my answer and walked back to my vehicle. At this point I was still willing to forget his intrusive approach.

Five minutes later he called me on my mobile phone while I was trying to conduct business and persisted in questioning me about my photographs and why, and for WHOM, they were being taken. At this point I contacted The Shetland Times.

You will find me photographing Shetland all over the place, as I have done for decades, and I have never been questioned like this. I do not take intrusive/private/personal photographs, and if in any doubt, would make friendly contact first to ensure there are no objections.

On the surface this may seem a trivial matter, but it asks more questions than it answers. The legal requirements have already been ably covered by Mr Storey. Keep using your cameras. I have enjoyed reading all your posts, and the freedom of speech enjoyed on Shetlink should be enjoyed along with the freedom to keep snapping.

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