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Mareel - Cinema & Music Venue


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Personally , I think it bad judgement to have sited it so near the waterline, but then, who knew 17 years ago that sea levels were set to rise so much?


Sea levels have not risen perceptibly in the past 17 years.

There's a few feet to go afore needin tae owse



Mareel by Shetland Arts, on Flickr


The photo on this page shows the tide marks more clearly - http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/2373919 - Floor level is at the top of the coastal walkway wall

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I, like many I have spoken to, am not at all sure about the initial wisdom of spending so much on Mareel.


BUT, now that the commitment has been made, the building is almost ready to roll, and the whole project is just about completed, I say we should all do our very best to support it to the hilt, make the most of the opportunities it opens up for us individually and collectively and see if we can really get the benefit of it for the whole community.


Just my 2c worth...

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Mareel, once completed and even if it is a bit late.......nothing new in construction projects of a similar size and complexity.......will stand or fall on the events it is used for and the way the people of Shetland support those events. Maybe a good time to remind the Mareel management that a lot of potential users rely on buses that leave Lerwick at the back of five.


Now I do not expect Mareel to put on afternoon performances of big name acts but maybe I could express the hope that us poor individuals restricted by bus timetables could at least go to see a movie. And maybe the Mareel management might like to consider trying to come up with some sort of "event and a bed" deal with some of the hotels even as a sort of late booking deal.

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Good suggestions JustMe


Making sure that performances / screenings, wherever possible, link up with public transport is a commonly raised concern and it's one that will be taken into consideration when programming events. The proximity to the bus stations helps too!


The "event and bed" idea is good one...

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The question that probably has come up is showing live concerts from South. With the age of digital transmission I would think the capabilities would be there to screen these larger events that may not come to Shetland. I know with community radio around the world we share programming sometimes, FOC to promote interest in other parts, is this a possibility?

I used to work a Jands digital lighting desk a few years ago, the DMX possibilities then were endless. The part of the programming that got me was the ability to create the set on a cad and completely design the lighting rig around it. It would control scanners, moving shutters and servo motors as well as dimming lights. This too could be done remotely over the internet. Is it still DMX? I would too be interested in the type of lanterns used. HMI lighting can be expensive, as can some of the high power incandescent, the largest single bulb we used was 24,000 watts. LED lighting has come on leaps and bounds.

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This is from dacorker on a separate thread...


"Ending the Saturday night fever in style in the unique surroundings of the club marquee, (Laurenson Quay) Lerwick, How many times to we get to do this let's make the most of it!! The club spring into action 21.30 and lasts 01.00 The perfect ending or meeting point after a great saturday of music on the island."


Now hold on...didn't Gwylim Gibbons try to tell us that imported DJs wouldn't expect to finish before 2am?

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Clearly the club marquee has had its licence curtailed to 1am as well. :roll:


2-4am finishes are perfectly normal and standard in any club and have been for as long as I have made my occasional attendance when off the Islands. I doubt that it was Gwylim Gibbons who dictated the norm for clubs many moons ago :lol:

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Any chance of letting us know what some of the gigs are that you have booked ?
Not just yet I'm afraid! Once an opening date is set, things can be firmed up in terms of contracts etc and details will be announced.


Now hold on...didn't Gwylim Gibbons try to tell us that imported DJs wouldn't expect to finish before 2am?
It's a fairly standard stipulation in many headline DJ's contracts that they'll only go on after sometime after midnight to perform a 2 hour set.


Also, many DJs and promoters aren't interested in booking venues that finish before other clubs in the surrounding area. As I'm sure other local promoters and DJs would confirm, it's pretty disappointing to watch punters leaving events early so they can join the queue to get into nearby premises that are open for another hour.

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Clearly the club marquee has had its licence curtailed to 1am as well. :roll:
..as was the Lerwick to Bergen Race reception. However, the Folk Festival and Biker's Rally were granted 2am licenses this year - http://www.shetlandtimes.co.uk/2011/03/04/licensing-board-gives-go-ahead-for-late-licences-at-folk-festival-and-bikers-rally
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