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Mareel - Cinema & Music Venue


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Wow, think the worst y don't you.


I wrote it on my mobile, it is short for Doubting Thomas.


Glad you went for the sex first. Mind, I did think you may have asked about male felines. Maybe even a cheap sat nav. :wink:


But, you are also right in the slang thing, but y would the Prostitutes have a field day? In any event?

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..., but y would the Prostitutes have a field day? In any event?

Well, I couldn't get the sentence to make sense with any of the other possibilities either (male turkey, over-perfect boyfriend, tomato, ...), hence my question. Doubting Thomas never occurred to me, but even now that the translation has been revealed, I still haven't a clue what you are actually saying.

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If they had continued without improving or adapting.


The problems would have come about at the end when the job was finished


and there could be 400 faults that may need fixing.


Hence those who have continually moaned about the project would have more to moan about.


Again, it is sad that folk are seeing it as another late night drinking venue and not a center of learning.

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I stand corrected if he was one of those arguing *for* Mareel to be granted its licence, but I think even Mr Robinson must understand why many would find that surprising regarding his many and varied public statements against the project.


However, that small matter pales to the content and tone of the letter linked above. It goes without saying that such behavior is out of line from anyone, let along someone in public office. Disgusting.

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However, that small matter pales to the content and tone of the letter linked above. It goes without saying that such behavior is out of line from anyone, let along someone in public office. Disgusting.


As someone who lives in a town where the council is much like a bunch of pioneers being circled by angry apaches I have to say it stuns me some of the letters that councillors in Shetland send out. The abuse the council in Aberdeen gets is even more vitriolic than some of what the SIC get but the councillors never respond in the terms that some of the Shetland ones do. In their defence though some of the things said about them is incredibly personal in nature and not limited to their role as a councillor. All the same the SIC has an image problem and should be working harder to get the people back on side. One way of doing that is behaving with more composure and class even in the face of ill informed, ridiculous, half witted abuse.



But, you are also right in the slang thing, but y would the Prostitutes have a field day? In any event?


Maybe because there is somewhere to shelter down at the harbour, I don't know what thought processes you have going on when you post. If you made an attempt to be more coherent and less obtuse there would be no doubt what you mean. Many a good point may be lost in trying to decipher what you've written.

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One way of doing that is behaving with more composure and class

A small minority of our current incumbents seem to feel it acceptable to defend themselves and their actions by attacking anyone that questions them, either in a loud vocal manner, or publicly in the media, rather than retaining dignity and decorum through a reasoned defence. To my mind it's a new (to Shetland) form of public representation that could perhaps be best described as "tabloid politics", to coin a phrase. It's quite sickening really and undoubtedly being monitored from afar, where the impression formed is an injustice to those who behave in a manner befitting the role.


Put two or three barky dogs in a kennel and people outside will think ill of kennels, not the individual dogs.


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^While I agree with some of that my main problem with the behaviour of the council is that it isn't doing more to minimise the outbursts or at the very least have the councillors make their comments in a more measured way. You can call someone a blithering idiot in a polite way, you don't have to call them a blithering idiot.


I was reading reponses to an article on the Shetland Times website about the delay to Mareels opening date and some of the councillors would do well to read Bryan Peterson of Shetland Arts response. Some of the points raised to be fair were quite good but they also made some pretty unfair and misinformed ones too. Bryan was very polite when he could have ripped a large part of the post to shreds he made his point and maintained a level of decorum that a hell of a lot of others commenting on the story simply couldn't do.

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