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Mareel - Cinema & Music Venue


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Kavi, the signs I think you are talking about are the village name plates. The community clubs together and can get them put up.


The main road signs are the responsibility of the Council, either under contract or via.


So, there are two ways to get this done, petition the authorities or get communities to dip into their purses.


Now to keep this on topic, it would be great if the Mareel held a graphics workshop to produce the vinyls. You could involve local artists and schools to create the artwork.

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It would be a pleasure to give more 'first place' answers, but it's tricky to reverse engineer a rumour :wink:


I tend to find most stories of imminent disaster on a construction project follow this critical path


1 Pub

2 Worker

3 Moaning about work

4 Overheard by layman who knows hee haw about building

5 Relayed to another layman who knows less about building

6 Second layman tells his mother

7 Second layman's mother tells everyone else who will listen

8 General public has totally wrong end of stick and accuses anyone involved with the project of being a feckless moron.

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Excellent news then, you could have just said that in the first place but an honest and legitimate answer is good enough for me.


It would be a pleasure to give more 'first place' answers, but it's tricky to reverse engineer a rumour :wink:


Maybe but you chose not to correct me straight away!


The way I see it, you seem to be on the pulse Bryan(regarding this issue) and there is so much crap written on this forum and certainly in this thread you have the power to dampen a lot of these rumours, so do just that! :wink:

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I tend to find most stories of imminent disaster on a construction project follow this critical path...

Yep. I would add that usually the only people who are in a senior enough position to see the wider view, are aware they have to stay tight-lipped or else end up having repercussions. Tales tend to originate with people who are often great craftsmen, but trying to appear more expert in construction management than they truly are. I don't even ask the people I know involved in the construction for gossip, as it is well known "a refusal often offends."


That said, as I've mentioned before "fixed price" does not mean fixed price. In order to come in on budget it is clear that some of the bells and whistles are now going to have to be dropped. The "horse trading" will be going on in earnest now I expect.

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As for Mareel, could they not have clad it in nice red timber or something?.

timber needs painting every couple of years, you just have o look at the "sail" on the museum to see how weathered it is and painting a building the size of mareel would cost a lot of money


Yeh, but it would be worth it!. I'm not sure how yon steel will look in twartree years but if it had been clad in coloued wood it would've looked so, so much better.


Bryan I have to give credit to dye patience and good naturedness!. I might not agree wi Mareel but du haes da patience of a saint :)


Shetlandpeat, thanks for the info :)

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Mareel clad in wood isnt a good idea! Being in a marine environment means any coat of paint wont last more than a year or two before it would start to look worn-out. The huge surface area of the building would mean annual maintenance costs running into thousands of pounds if they had to keep re-painting it.


I like the look of the building as it is. It's modern and really adds a point of interest to Lerwick harbour. The whole North Ness is looking great with the new business park, mareel and museum.


Can't wait for it to open so we can start enjoying what it's got to offer.

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I wouldn't put such a short lifespan on painted timber but even if it had been coloured sheeting like the other buildings there that would even have added a little more colour. The silver colour is just very unattractive imho.




It only it was silver colour - it is bare aluminium, probably less than 1mm thick !


Most people will have an idea how long that will last in a heavy salt laden marine environment

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when i looked at the plans i saw no dance floor ? is this true or have i not looked closely enough ?

My understanding is that the dance floor will be the main auditorium with the seats retracted, as in this sketch but without the tables:

Mareel - auditorium standing


Here is the same space with the seating deployed:

Mareel - auditorium seated

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