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Mareel - Cinema & Music Venue


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I am not quite sure how a construction project like Mareel could be managed if the total cost of the project were reported in a manner that could not produce a complete cost accounting within 30 days (OK, I'll give you 60 days) from handover at completion - let alone a full year. I find it difficult to believe that Shetland Arts or their auditors would allow a situation like that to exist?

Not sure on the context, but at first read it seems to be just a normal construction contract situation - a 1 year maintenance period with some issues that come up in that time being fixed at no cost (contractor liability) and some issues being extras paid for by the client, all balanced out in the retention paid at the end of the year?

Could be different with the contract they are using though.

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I can't believe people are still moaning.


People were like this with the museum and everything else built in shetland that was ever a success or ended up a failure. They remember and go on and on about the failures and forget the successes because their claims were so ridiculously wrong about it.


I can't wait for Mareel and I live in Glasgow now. I will definitely be up to see it, see a show and watch some movies....would even consider playing a show or two.


If I ever move back I will be making full use of it...and hopefully get involved in some way.

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I can't believe people are still moaning.


People were like this with the museum and everything else built in shetland that was ever a success or ended up a failure. They remember and go on and on about the failures and forget the successes because their claims were so ridiculously wrong about it.


I can't wait for Mareel and I live in Glasgow now. I will definitely be up to see it, see a show and watch some movies....would even consider playing a show or two.


If I ever move back I will be making full use of it...and hopefully get involved in some way.



Well said! ;-)

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^^ People are still moaning, as people have yet to be convinced whether Mareel is the asset its promo blurb and spin cracks it up to be, or an expensive wasted opportunity.


Yes, its here (well, mostly anyway), its not going anywhere (barring an unexpected northwards landslide sending it afloat, or an unexpected sea level rise that makes it more use as a diving obstacle course), and undoubtedly it will be valuable and of much use to some people. Whether it will be as valuable and much use to as many people as it could have been, is what the jury is still deliberating over.


I am not one of the "boycott it" mob, nor one of the "put a bomb under the effing thing" mob, if an outfit is playing there, or if a film is being shown that appeals to my tastes, I will use it, if I possibly can. That said, I'm yet to be convinced by a very long way that Mareel will be the carrot that entices many of the performers I'd pay good money to see, to come here.


Certainly it has the big screen planned, which can relay live shows from worldwide. This is good, assuming the the technical and infrastructure utilised can cope better with incoming streaming than it seems to cope with providing most of Shetland with a BB service currently. I would pay to see certain performers on that too, but at the end of the day, it just is an oversized telly, and is nowhere near like being at the gig in person. Consequently, if it's someone I'm really in to, I'd much rather pay the extra and go and see them live elsewhere, and if I'm not into them that much, the difference between seeing them on a huge telly or a regular telly isn't all that different.


I've always been of the opinion Mareel was more of a case of trying to be everything to everybody, and as such ran a high risk of being nothing to nobody. Nothing has occurred during the construction completed so far to persuade me to think differently. In fact, having studied the plans more closely during construction, I've also formed the opinion that Mareel has been designed on more of a "design a building that fits the site, then try and fit best we can in to it everything we need", rather than a "design everything we need in the best sizes and layout we can, then design a building which houses it adequately, then find the best site for the building".


To answer SP's question, it is a waste of space, as a much more in keeping with surroundings and aesthetically pleasing construction could have occupied the space Mareel does, either with or without Mereel's interior inside it. Secondly, the interior space is arguably wasted as the facilities it contains could have been designed and constructed in a far more, arguably "suitable" for job manner, not to mention potentially cheaper/easier to construct/operate/maintain way, had an unrestricted site been chosen instead.


I can appreciate peeriebryan's point, that addressing numerous queries across a number of sites, could amount to a full time job. However, given that Mareel is a public facility, created from public funds and overseen by a public body, is the public not entitled to a far greater explanation of what is being done in their name with their money than is given on the Shetland Arts site? And shouldn't that explanation be far more readily available to them than havng to phone up on an individual basis and track down someone knowledgable on their query of choice in the Shetland Arts office?


The Shetand Arts site is a reasonable "advert" for the facility, and of its brief history, but thats as far as it goes. Could a FAQ section not have been complied by now, with more detailed facts and figures? i.e. sq/m of floor(s) available for each individual interest area, restrictions/conditions of simultaneous usage of different pursuits/areas, level (or lack of) sound insulation/vibration deadening between areas of potential conflict, etc, etc.


Given that this is intended as a very multi-purpose simultaneous facility, I would have thought (although I could be wrong, shocking I know, but it has happened.....once :wink: ) that estimating the adequacy of the facility, and the level of nusiance caused by/caused to other simultaneous users by/to one's own interest would be a very early concern for all.


Sorry, and no offence intended, but I've been around the block too many times to let a "trust us, it'll be okay" stance stand at face value, gotten fingers fried too many times there already. What's not obvious in published info needs to be questioned, and exacting answers received before it can be believe to be so.


For example, I have heard comments made so far, that there would appear to be a lack of disabled access within the building, that the foyer seems incredibly small, and that there seems a lack of marshalling space outdoors which isn't public road or carpark, should the bulding require evacuation, for example if the fire alarms went off during a near full capacity gig etc.

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I have rarely seen unlinkedstudent have anything positive to say about anything since her move to Shetland.


She's obviously picked up one of Shetlanders' commonest attributes from the start then.


Ore there is always this




Wan helluva hangower you gyt eftir a nycht upoa yun gear tho. :shock:

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there seems a lack of marshalling space outdoors which isn't public road or carpark, should the bulding require evacuation, for example if the fire alarms went off during a near full capacity gig etc.


The road leading to Mareel and the North Ness ends in a series of dead ends. There are only about a dozen or so houses, the museum and the North Ness offices accessed through it so the traffic coming through the area would be limited in the evening when presumably a gig would be taking place, not like say, a through route like Commercial Road.

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^^ I take your point, but think you're possibly missing my point.


In an emergency such as a fire, public roads and carparks immediately surrounding the building would be where various emergency vehicles would be heading, probably at some speed. Having several hundred people potentially milling around in the exact same area as firefighters are arriving and unloading their equipment in is hardly an ideal (or acceptable to the powers that be for such things??) situation.

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These sorts of things tend to have already been addressed, there are spaces available out of the way. I have not seen any evacuation plan and assembly points for any of the pubs/bars in town, so far. I have also yet to see a fire engine at speed at the scene of a fire, these big red vehicles with all sorts of lights, a horn and two tone alarm or similar..

The final numbers probably will be done on, capacity before opening. It mentions that in the minutes of the meetings.


What I have yet to grasp is the veiled snipes at those who are making

This happen. Probably few of them have read the information available

Or even gone to a meeting and publicly aired their views, that would

Be the sticking point. Standing up in public.

If the space provides entertainment and education how can that be wasted? Because

It could have been done cheaper elswhere and without the brilliant and

Bold design.

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Before it can open the fire service will have to ok them for opening. without that they won't open.

WRONG paulb: All it takes is a Fire Safety Certificate issued by the new Forvik Safety Bye-Law Committee and passed 10 minutes ago, with all proceeds going to the 'Ratttle of Farts Account', IBAN number 00-00-00, Bank Account Number 8474746454 Belize City (and wait a meenit noo) oh yes, The Caribbean..... :lol:

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Having been on a site visit last week to Mareel all i can say is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING BUILDING..


what ever your stance is about this building/venue when you see the place and what has gone into engineering it.. it is truly mind boggling.


I am not going to try and defend it against those who feel it is OTT as I to feel it is OTT but my heavens what a venue it has the potential to be and as Nedlander said earlier.. I think it is time people started to embrace and appreciate it for what it is and can be, as it is here to stay.

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