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Mareel - Cinema & Music Venue


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Only how many can get in,

where there's room for their collective arses to be perched,

the limitations on the show they can hear/see/participate in,

and how they all escape again, whatever the circumstances.


Got it now by any chance?


I've got it now!


If PeerieBryan can satifactorily answer these four basic questions then he can have Christmas and New Year off?

Here goes :wink:


how many can get in
It isn't possible to give an accurate answer unless the use of the each room is known. As stated several times recently, it comes down to programming and management. Capacities for each space depend on a number of factors i.e. fire regulations, risk assessments for the type of use, layout of chairs/tables/equipment etc. Then there's the other rooms which use the same common areas to consider, particularly the crowd management issues, and in some instances, such as festivals, people will be moving freely between rooms.


Each area will have a theoretical standing room only unfurnished maximum, or in the case of seated areas, a maximum number of seats, but it is unlikely that each area will be used at maximum capacity at the same time.


However, the main auditorium will have a theoretical maximum standing capacity of about 700 with 85 seated upstairs.


Which leads on to....


where there's room for their collective arses to be perched
This depends on how many seats are set out! Fixed seating will comprise: approx 250 main auditorium ground level (inc bleacher seats), 85 main auditorium balcony seats, approx 160 main cinema seats, 35 2nd screen/teaching room seats. These numbers can vary according to the number of wheelchair spaces required, the number of additional 'loose' seats set out the positioning of equipment, access requirements etc.


the limitations on the show they can hear/see/participate in
I'm not really sure what that means, but in order to win zetlander60's prize of the whole festive off work I'll have a bash....


From the gist of your previous posts, I'm assuming you mean how an event in one space will affect events in other spaces? If so, then I can only repeat that this comes down to management and programming - a judgement call by the venue management. Crowd management will be given equal consideration to any acoustic issues. I'm not sure what else I can saw on the matter.


....and how they all escape again, whatever the circumstances.
Erm, by using the exits and following the instructions of the staff who will all be trained in emergency evacuation procedures.




Is it really too much to ask that come this stage of the project, that floor areas of main areas, crowd capacities, maximum db output on the main stage before there is audio leak through to adjoining areas from the main auditorium, maximum limitations of vibration conduction elimination from the main auditorium to adjoining areas, and similar basis "general" information is readily and easily available.
I'm not sure that most folk would consider much of the above to be 'general' information, but here goes:


floor areas of main areas
The plans have been available online for some time (and I recall you mentioning that you've looked through them) - Mareel - Plans & elevations


crowd capacities
See above


maximum db output on the main stage before there is audio leak through to adjoining areas from the main auditorium
db output from the stage is only one aspect - it's a multifaceted question that would have to be taken up with the acoustic engineers


maximum limitations of vibration conduction elimination from the main auditorium to adjoining areas
To be honest, I don't know what you mean!


I certainly don't give a blank what colour the foyer carpet is, who makes the beer glasses used in the bar, or whether low energy bulbs are used in the ladies staff bogs. Only how many can get in, where there's room for their collective arses to be perched, the limitations on the show they can hear/see/participate in, and how they all escape again, whatever the circumstances.
That kind of proves a point. I spent a chunk of last night discussing the number of toilets in Mareel, which someone thought was important enough that it should be published on the website. I have also been questioned on whether there will be plastic or glass beer receptacles, the fibres used in the carpets, the combined number of steps in the staircases etc etc none of which I would have considered relevant enough to put on a website.


It just isn't possible to guess what folk will want to know and have the answers ready on a website on the off-chance. Again, as previously stated, hopefully the forthcoming Mareel website will provide the information required by most people. Until then, I can only repeat that a phonecall or email to Shetland Arts is the best way forward.


Ghostrider, it would be my pleasure to take you on a tour of the site and answer your questions to the best of my abilities. Give the office a call on 01595 743 843 if you're up for it. Cheers!

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Well I did telephone today having previously attempted to download on a speed of close to 6 (cheers BT, up a tad on the norm) and on a computer (not this laptop) with over 3 of memory and could not get half of the design report sections to open.


Way, way back I did state that I had posted tongue in cheek re the loos and I did not intend to continue it - it would, however, now appear that the sharn has hit the fan and this thread runs the risk of going down the pan! :wink: Oops, hang on there Unlinked, we're not allowed to have a sense of humour ... so on a more serious note for discussion/discourse/sharing info/whatever ...


I've read what information I did manage to download today from Carlos' link in the limited spare time I had.


Bryan knows that I've mentioned to him and he was very, very helpful last year when I've said I know a band (Ex-Iron Maiden original line-up member) who are willing to come to Shetland. No Shetland promoter wants to know. I had said to Bryan about hiring the Mareel myself for perhaps a birthday bash and have Denis and his mates play. Now at present, if any band was to google Mareel, they get bare information - is this how we want Mareel portrayed? Yep, I know the new website will be up shortly ...


REGARDLESS of that, what makes a good venue? Atmosphere? The people attending? The quality of the booze? The acoustics? I saw The Eagles play Twickenham Stadium and the volume was so low it was pitiful.


Does Shetland want a venue where youngsters can go and hear the music they enjoy? Hell, what about us old rockers and, perish the thought, any pensioners out there? Do we want music played at a volume we enjoy? All soundproofing has its limits, let us be realistic - laws dictate re noise regulations ... and how many youngsters can enjoy the rehearsal room and the recording studio if they are NOT enrolled on college courses? How much block-booking is done? Will it just be daytime? I'm not aiming these comments at anyone in particular, I'm just picking up on a couple of conversations I've heard (No, not in pubs) that Mareel has rehearsal roomS. Brilliant that the college can use the facilities as it will be income for Mareel.


And then we have singles, couples, families, visiting tourists, etc., who may want to go and see a film. So what happens if Gran is hard of hearing, has a zimmer frame, and three disabled teenagers want to watch a film and they all turn up for the same viewing? (And apologies for any stereotyping). The main auditorium is down as having capacity for two wheelchairs only. The plan gives no information concerning the cinema re seating capacity (but I do recall reading it elsewhere) but to date, I have not been able to ascertain how many wheelchair users the cinema can accommodate at any one given time. As somebody who does have to use on occasions a walking stick, I know personally how steep cinemas can create problems, even if the steps are say 3/4 paces apart, as can getting through the double doors (Yep, fine when entering as they are usually open, not so fine if you need the (oops - ahem) loo partway through a film). Hopefully a loop system will be installed for those with hearing impairments.


Mareel is meant to be enjoyed by as many members of society as possible. Whether you like it or not, many a modern cinema design team seems to think that no more than one (or if you are lucky, two) wheelchair users will want to watch a film at the same time. I'm trying, perhaps badly, to illustrate that not all disabled patrons have wheelchairs and that as Mareel is going to have access for the disabled, that it is likely that two wheelchair users will want to be able to watch a film at the same time.


Before anyone decides to shoot me in my good leg; yes, I have raised these queries with SAT and I'm awaiting a call back. I'm NOT shooting down the Design Team or the Management Team as I'm hopeful that these points will already have been raised and addressed - but at this very moment in time, I can't find the information on the web as I've only seen one set of Stakeholders Minutes.


Please don't take everything so negatively along the lines of 'What will you do about it now, it has been built'. North posted and quoted from the Minutes re final costings not being known for perhaps a year after Mareel was completed. I suspect this is probably due to the fact that IF so-called 'trouble-makers' like me who WANT Mareel to be accessible to as many folk as possible, can and do make suggestions which may, if they have been overlooked unintentionally by the Design Team, can be put in place or necessary adaptations made/considered. For example, a door may open in a certain direction but once Mareel is up and running, it may prove to be a hindrance. Therefore, SAT may request the Contractor to have self-closers/door handles/reverse swing whatever adjusted which would be a cost to the SAT and not the Contractor remedying something within say the presumed 12 months defects period. There are bound to be several small items and hopefully nothing major so I can sort of understand why they might not know the true figure for say 12 months.


It may be the case that SAT have already had input from disabled groups.


Just because people want to discuss a project doesn't mean to say that they think everything about a project is bad - I do have my doubts re fit-for-purpose, the running costs, the expected lifespan of the building; I hate the exterior design, I do think the site is too small. BUT I would like it to be a success.


Edit: Bryan, I was typing this as you were posting so apologies. However, I would like a tour of the site please!

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It looks to me as if Unlink and Ghosty are doing a "Due Diligence Investigation" on Mareel....

Maybe they are intending to buy it fae da Cooncil :?:

At least, it'll gie da Cooch a respite.... :lol:

By the way, the Buying Price will rocket, if Mareel intends to sell Kronnenbourg 1664

Might have to hae an M for Mareel, wha sells the best beer. :D

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Bryan, I have some questions about Mareel, and if you don't answer within 20 minutes I'm going to put in an official complain and ask for you to be sacked.


1. I've heard that the roof of the building is made of tin foil. Is this true? And if not, what is it made of, exactly how big is it, where did you source the materials and, to the nearest penny, how much did they cost?


2. Does the building have enough doors? I've looked at photos of it, and it seems to me that there is inadequate doorage space, especially if a lot of very large people want to enter it all at exactly the same moment. Did you consider that possibility during the design process? Doors are important you know! I've been in at least three buildings in my life, so I consider myself something of an expert in this field.


3. The kind of materials that are being used are quite obviously not adequate for Shetland's extreme climate. By my calculations, most of the building will have evaporated by next Christmas, and all that will be left will be the dance studio and Kathy Hubbard's desk. Is this true? And if not, why not?


4. Will you be showing the kind of films I like?


5. Have you ordered enough popcorn? Me and my friends eat a lot of it, you know, so I suspect you haven't.


I look forward to your (no doubt inadequate) reply.

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^ :lol:


Bryan is on holidays rumour has it (incorrectly) I'll try and help the boy out while he is sunning himself on Mousa.


1. I've heard that the roof of the building is made of tin foil. Is this true? And if not, what is it made of, exactly how big is it, where did you source the materials and, to the nearest penny, how much did they cost?


It is entirely incorrect the roof is made from tin foil, it's aluminium foil. The roof is very big and I believe the materials came from the co-op.


2. Does the building have enough doors? I've looked at photos of it, and it seems to me that there is inadequate doorage space, especially if a lot of very large people want to enter it all at exactly the same moment. Did you consider that possibility during the design process? Doors are important you know! I've been in at least three buildings in my life, so I consider myself something of an expert in this field.


Malachy you do seem quite the expert. The buildings has enough doors to allow the following type of people to enter/exit during and after a performance of Harry Potter, we can allow 34 Janette Krankies, 97 Justin Biebers, 7 Johnny Vegas's and 3 Luciano Pavarotti's. It is however quite serious that only 2 Pavarotti's attempt to leave at one time to avoid the building sliding into the harbour.


3. The kind of materials that are being used are quite obviously not adequate for Shetland's extreme climate. By my calculations, most of the building will have evaporated by next Christmas, and all that will be left will be the dance studio and Kathy Hubbard's desk. Is this true? And if not, why not?


Miss Mona Lott brought up these points very recently, the allegation that next Christmas the building will collapse is quite correct as we only engineered the building to last until the end of the Mayan calendar.


4. Will you be showing the kind of films I like?


There will be fortnightly Smokey and the Bandit triple bills and only once a year will anyone have to endure a film that doesn't have an explosion and toy merchandising opportunites.


5. Have you ordered enough popcorn? Me and my friends eat a lot of it, you know, so I suspect you haven't.


You suspect right, we have hired a catering manager but as they are receiving money from the public purse they're bound to not have a clue what is going on but we have written in to the contract that two pans of reestit mutton soup and emergency bannocks must be on standby if the popcorn runs out.


I hope the inadequacy of the reply doesn't enrage you and cause you to circulate false information pertaining to my personal life and that a medium strength birching administered by Lerwick police constables will suffice to prevent further reasonable questions.

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On a similar note. Will you be selling crisps in bottles instead of those nosey oops noisy bags. Also, if I drop my bottle of Maltesers, will they roll to tha bottom of the auditorium? Is it also true. On the door topic, have the mandatory hair in the gate during the Pearl and Dean adverts?


All in fun.

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Bryan, I have some questions about Mareel.....
Bryan is on holidays rumour has it (incorrectly) I'll try and help the boy out while he is sunning himself on Mousa.....

Don't give up the day jobs guys, in comedy, especially as a duo you are f***ing crap.

At least ONE of them is certainly Comedic... :wink:

Wi my poor eyes, I always read this as "Hail to the Hung Baby"... 8)

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Bryan, I have some questions about Mareel.....


Bryan is on holidays rumour has it (incorrectly) I'll try and help the boy out while he is sunning himself on Mousa.....


Don't give up the day jobs guys, in comedy, especially as a duo you are f***ing crap.


:lol: It would appear that a good few of us would disagree with you! No doubt the cavalry will be here soon though! :wink: :lol:

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Bryan, I have some questions about Mareel.....


Bryan is on holidays rumour has it (incorrectly) I'll try and help the boy out while he is sunning himself on Mousa.....


Don't give up the day jobs guys, in comedy, especially as a duo you are f***ing crap.


:lol: It would appear that a good few of us would disagree with you! No doubt the cavalry will be here soon though! :wink: :lol:


Whatever billy. WHATEVER! :roll:

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