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Mareel - Cinema & Music Venue


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[Thanks for the merge mods, missed it! :oops: ]


@ Hobbiniho

True about the multiplex, however the single screen was bang in the centre with clubs and bars and good footfall... I really thought it would survive.


As for prices I don't mind paying a bit more as I don't go to see films very often.

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While mainstream may be on at the Mareel, the Garrison can be used for other film clubs etc..

I dunna tink dat da Cooncil ‘ill gie dem a leecence fur yon kinda ting – I doot da Garrison ‘ill no cheenge its nem tae da lek o “Da Peerie Droilters Kinema Klub’ :wink: :oops: :wink: :oops:

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You would be suprised, councils are having to develop policies for some odd things nowadays. In Chorley, there is a Swingers Club, it was interesting to see how the council dealt with it, as a private club, their hands were tied so to speak, I wouldn't doubt SIC councillors hands would be tied too if it happened there.



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we could do with another hall...

Really? Do you mean another hall to replace an existing one, or another hall in total?


...and this fits the bill perfectly!

I don't think there is much guizer interest in increasing the number of halls again, but I expect before long it will replace a crappier place.

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apparently the hall/musoc venue will cost £2000 a night to hire,thats alot of tickets,at a hefty price. white elephant springs to mind


well from what i know the seated capacity is 170 so that works out at roughly £12 a ticket.. not that much when your paying £25 a ticket for a gig at clickimin.. and assuming you can double the capacity when standing that works out £6 a ticket.. a £1 more than posers.. sounds like a bargin to me

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apparently the hall/musoc venue will cost £2000 a night to hire,thats alot of tickets,at a hefty price. white elephant springs to mind


well from what i know the seated capacity is 170 so that works out at roughly £12 a ticket.. not that much when your paying £25 a ticket for a gig at clickimin.. and assuming you can double the capacity when standing that works out £6 a ticket.. a £1 more than posers.. sounds like a bargin to me

That £12 is just to get in - there will be a surcharge to actually see an act, unless they are putting the show on for free.

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point i was making was at £12 a ticket that still gives at least £13 on top of that for hiring an act and making a bit o dosh before i would think again about buying a ticket.. depending on the act

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That £12 is just to get in - there will be a surcharge to actually see an act, unless they are putting the show on for free.

So if you want to go into the building to use the toilet (or cafe) then they'll tap you for £12?


I would suggest for each use .... it has to pay its way.


No there appeared to be a suggestion that divide cost of hall by number of seats = ticket price. Wheras there are likely to be more costs to add which would make a ticket more likely to cost more than £12 ?


Who knows how their calculators work? I am sure 'the management' doesn't and in anycase they have rose tint filters on the machines.


I saw the PR video for the cinema.... sad really ... brings back meories of The Dome, before it opened.


I will admit I am prejudiced by having been around a while. But IMO these Arty types are subsidy addicts and the idea that they can run an enterprise as a going concern just does not ring true to me.

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You would be suprised, councils are having to develop policies for some odd things nowadays. In Chorley, there is a Swingers Club, it was interesting to see how the council dealt with it, as a private club, their hands were tied so to speak, I wouldn't doubt SIC councillors hands would be tied too if it happened there.




I don't think right on the Cop Shop and local Court doorstep is exactly an ideal site to encourage patrons in to a local "Dungeon" private club. The interior design and construction of the Garrison is hardly condusive to the variety of often bulky "equipment" normally utilised by one either....

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we could do with another hall...

Really? Do you mean another hall to replace an existing one, or another hall in total?


...and this fits the bill perfectly!

I don't think there is much guizer interest in increasing the number of halls again, but I expect before long it will replace a crappier place.


Totally agree with that statement, not sure which hall it could replace though. Now that Posers is closed then most of the halls r quite good, can't really think of a bad one at the moment!


Although the Legion seems to be doing a good job I always think it just takes the wrong person in charge there to close it down for UHA night so there's a possibility....maybe!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, there goes another completion date - and another layer of cost to be incurred by someone.


Over the years, I have been involved in constructing and commissioning a number of commercial and industrial buildings and have learned some important, and often painful, lessons regarding the process.


Principally, NO change is without cost. Whatever the reason, whatever the resolution - someone has to pay for it.


Customer, designer, builder, consumer - everyone will have to pay for this.


Next is reputation, credibility and if the cost overun is significant - rolling heads and it won't be from laughing too hard. :shock:


Too bad. Let's get the facts out and work together to resolve this.

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