shetlandpeat Posted April 14, 2012 Report Share Posted April 14, 2012 "Education is intrinsic to the operation of Mareel and will give students the opportunity of learning in a 'real world' working venue - that is one of the most important aspects of the building." A real world venue with not a single person working in it who has worked in this "real world". Great learning experience eh!!!! Many students may not get to show their work. Having a venue where this can happen is the real world I think is being spoken about. With linked performances throughout the world of media the world will be very real.If it does not explain it , how about you giving us an insight into this real world you have experienced and how it should be for the students? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fusion Posted April 14, 2012 Report Share Posted April 14, 2012 Why are you arguing the toss about Pa Systems? Would it not be better to just leave them to sort that out themselves, then when they have made the policys and opened the place, if you dont like it then, come back, but this is just blocking up the inbox. I would add the Shetland Box Office is part run by Shetland Arts and the Council, and considering most of the things on it for sale is SA, then saying its nothing to do with them isna 100% true. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peeriebryan Posted April 14, 2012 Report Share Posted April 14, 2012 But is it not true that many of the more well known groups prefer to bring their own rig and amps? Are you saying (As I don't want to assume incorrectly) that this would not be permitted?Again, some do, some don't. Visiting bands are more than welcome to take whatever equipment they want but it adds an extra level of logistics to transport it up. The PA and backline (amps etc) is all 'rider friendly' (most groups send a list of equipment they require - the technical rider) so in most instances it wouldn't be necessary. If I may digress, you suggested I contacted DITT to ascertain the specifics concerning materials. Given the alleged ding dongs between the two parties, I really can't see them divulging such information without the permission of their Employer, namely the owners of the Mareel, as wouldn't they, as Main Contractor, be breaking confidentiality by doing so? If, however, you are prepared to write to DITT and I stating that permission has been granted, I'll happily contact them.Sorry Unlinkedstudent, and with the greatest respect, but I won't be doing that - everyone is flat out at the moment and I don't think it appropriate for me to make such a request to DITT and add to their workload to satisfy your curiosity. I'm not all 'doom and gloom', however. I note with interest that the flooring is Junckers but without knowing all the info, don't know which type. Whilst it is true that Junckers do sell flooring that can limit sound transferrence, I can't help but wonder as to whether or not the flooring continues up the side of the stage and under it. Isn't the insides of the stage somewhat of a void area where noise/vibration could escape from?The stage is inside an acoustically isolated room so it is largely irrelevant, in terms of sound isolation, whether sound escapes from the stage. It is, of course, good news that the Mareel will be running some groups for youngsters and those on courses at the college. However, what were the numbers per class again please?At this stage we expect 12 to 14 per full time course. Degree students will be spread across the UHI network so numbers will depend on the location of students who are accepted. Numbers for training courses such as Pro Tools 101 will be around 6 to 8. For informal activities, numbers will vary according to the type of activity. For example, activities that require one-to-one attention will have lower numbers, youth gigs will have higher numbers. In short, it depends on the activity. SP mentioned the bridge. Is this walkway bridge going ahead? Is my understanding correct that people arriving in cars will be expected to enter the Mareel via the walkway as opposed to just crossing the car park/road (Forgive me, a while since I've looked at the photographs/illustrations)?I'm afraid I'm not sure I follow what you mean about a bridge. Cheers for answering the question regarding the cloakroom - how many coats can it hold?It depends on the size of the individual coats Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peeriebryan Posted April 14, 2012 Report Share Posted April 14, 2012 Bryan Shetland box office sells tickets for various events organised by various promoters but when that promoter is Shetland arts then folks struggle to get tickets, how much plainer language do you need Bryan. any event put on by Shetland arts should be as inclusive as possible of all the folk in Shetland as it is all the folk in Shetland that are subsidising the event and your wages.And just why did Bill Bailey decide to promote his visit next month himself and cut Shetland arts from the picture, was he unhappy with the way things were handled last time? You've been making these unspecified allegations about Shetland Arts and ticketing for several weeks now and the only example you eventually provide isn't even factually correct - the first Bill Bailey event was promoted by his management directly through the Box Office, as is the upcoming event. "when that promoter is Shetland arts then folks struggle to get tickets, how much plainer language do you need Bryan." You seem to be making allegations that there is a problem endemic to Shetland Arts. Can you provide some examples of actual Shetland Arts events that folk struggle to get tickets for?? Regarding inclusivity, I hope that the Box Office is a fair way for folk all over Shetland to get tickets, via phone, online or in person at Islesburgh. It would be great if tickets could be sold in person at outlets throughout Shetland but the logistics and cost of doing so are prohibitive at the moment. If you have any suggestions on how the Box Office service could be improved your comments will be taken on-board. Despite my polite request, you've yet again you've chosen to make things personal by bringing my wages into the discussion on a point which isn't even accurate. If you have a problem with me and/or my wages, I suggest you take it up with my management and/or Shetland Arts' board. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peeriebryan Posted April 14, 2012 Report Share Posted April 14, 2012 "Education is intrinsic to the operation of Mareel and will give students the opportunity of learning in a 'real world' working venue - that is one of the most important aspects of the building." A real world venue with not a single person working in it who has worked in this "real world". Great learning experience eh!!!!Come on Southham - that's a horrible peerie comment that we both know not to be true. Dear me min! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghostrider Posted April 14, 2012 Report Share Posted April 14, 2012 The stage is inside an acoustically isolated room so it is largely irrelevant, in terms of sound isolation, whether sound escapes from the stage. Yes, but acoustically isolated to what limitations. 100% to the max of H&SE regs for staff exposure, or less than that? If so, how much less? The main hall, we are led to believe has a sound/vibration isolating/reducing floor fitted?? That's fine, although its specs would be handy to know, at least its there. What's not known is whether the stage stands on it, or directly on the sub floor, and whether teh stage is isolated/buffered from adjoining walls. With all due respect, IMHO these are significantly important issues relating to the venue's abilities to host certain genres music performances, especially simultaneously to alternate usage in other areas. If seismic equipment can pick up the vibrations from a gig with 50,000 over 1 mile distant, somebody sitting in a seat in the cinema or cafe is going to feel vibration from the stage only feet away, even if they're only playing to 500, unless it's isolated/buffered from the sub floor/foundations/walls. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghostrider Posted April 14, 2012 Report Share Posted April 14, 2012 SP mentioned the bridge. Is this walkway bridge going ahead? Is my understanding correct that people arriving in cars will be expected to enter the Mareel via the walkway as opposed to just crossing the car park/road (Forgive me, a while since I've looked at the photographs/illustrations)?I'm afraid I'm not sure I follow what you mean about a bridge. The plans submitted to teh planning department appear to show a north/south covered (elevated??) walkway running along the west side of the car park and forming a bridge over the access road next to the Mareel entrance. Is this correct, and if so, why is this considered desirable? Given that using it would involve a much longer walk for almost everybody leaving the carpark, as opposed to just nipping across the road and in the main door, its purpose and justification seems on the face of it, questionable. Sorry, Bryan, but I'm not going to go away. I'd hope to enjoy listening to a gig or two in the place someday, and I wouldn't discount looking in to organising something myself and hiring the place, if the ducks all lined up right. However unless I can see the beer dirl in the pint on the table with every bass note, it won't be the kind of metal I like, nor will I enjoy a quieter acoustic number if I'm in the mood for that, if I can feel the relentless doof, doof, doof of what some dance DJ is playing to a gig in the main hall jolting through my chair in the cafe. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peeriebryan Posted April 14, 2012 Report Share Posted April 14, 2012 Sorry, Bryan, but I'm not going to go away. I should hope not! Mr Rider, specs are specs and we could back and forth all day about them. I simply don't have all the info you're asking for to hand. You can keep asking me and I'll keep not having the info! Best thing to do is come and have a listen. If you and Unlinkedstudent do feel the need for me to pursue this, email me a concise list of questions and I'll forward it on to those in the know. No promises mind.... And no, there isn't a bridge. But never mind the specs - I'll come down to the Ness and pick you up some day and we'll fire up the PA one Mareel is open. I'll plug in my bass and plunk her until I get your beer to dirl! If there is no dirlage, I'll buy you, your better half and Dratsy a round. If there is dirlage, you, ULinked and Dratsy owe me a Highland Park Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shoogler Posted April 14, 2012 Report Share Posted April 14, 2012 ^^^PB i'm utterly in awe of your exceptionally good attempt to continue to be civil, informative, and good humoured in the face of what can only be described as tediously offensive and overly demanding requests for very detailed answers. Ghostie, i used to have a lot more respect for your input to things but you and your pillion passenger are now beyond the joke. You people must be bored out of yer skulls to be so fixated and negative about everything under the sun.It really is getting to the point of not wanting to bother reading any of the posts on Shetlink.As for Dratsy - you are quite right to challenge the overly personal nature of his diatribes.More power to your elbow my man - and this is from someone who is on the negative side of the whole Mareel project (but only because of the cinema element which i believe is the real white elephant i hasten to add). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dratsy Posted April 14, 2012 Report Share Posted April 14, 2012 Regarding inclusivity, I hope that the Box Office is a fair way for folk all over Shetland to get tickets, via phone, online or in person at Islesburgh. It would be great if tickets could be sold in person at outlets throughout Shetland but the logistics and cost of doing so are prohibitive at the moment. If you have any suggestions on how the Box Office service could be improved your comments will be taken on-board. I stand corrected on the bill bailey point but it was someone from Shetland Arts crowing about what coup it was for Shetland arts getting him up here that sent me in the wrong direction. Try sending half the tickets out to all the local shops on a friday with the shetland times any unsold tickets after a fortnight (or whatever time period) to be returned to isleburgh for further sales in the toon.It works for other events and will cost zilch.The shops will be delighted at the extra footfall over their doors and in the case of my local shop charge nothing for the service, and I'm pretty sure the rest of the shops deal with this the same way. If they want to charge then don't include them.Unlike me (and most of the council staff it seems) folks cant sit at work and surf the net looking for tickets so this method would be more inclusive to more of the population.And remember it would cost nothing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Incongruous Eel Posted April 15, 2012 Report Share Posted April 15, 2012 It would cost nuffin fir dee tae SDFU! monsieur Burra Shop. So ban me, I overstepped the T&C's and remember to ban Mr Bigot ^ upstairs! (yet again) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghostrider Posted April 15, 2012 Report Share Posted April 15, 2012 ^^^Ghostie, i used to have a lot more respect for your input to things but you and your pillion passenger are now beyond the joke. Is that your way of saying that just because you cannot see the relevance of where I'm going, it should be irrelevant to me too? A bit of "if you have nothing to counter the opinion, attack the person", going on here, no? Certain facts are inescapable, Shetland Arts are not building the Mareel they wanted to build, cuts and compromises were necessary for the contract to be tendered for on budget in the first place, that much is well documented in the public domain. No doubt other cuts and compromises have had to be made during construction. The building in the first place (as far as appearances go) has been designed to fit the available site, rather than designed in an "ideal" layout, and then a suitable site found. Again very porbably necessitating further compromise. None of those have ever been documented in any technical or performance detail in the public domain. I'm sure Shetland Arts as a whole still believe that the finished item will be fit for purpose (and even if they don't, its their job to "sell" the finished item to potential customers as being so), so I don't hold their stance against them. How this turned in to "negativity" I'm not very sure. I was simply asking a question regarding teh building's capabilities and limitations, as limitations it will most certainly have. Noise in the main hall will be limited by H&SE legislation for worplaces if nothing else, vibration will also be generated from both stage and dancefloor of the main hall, how much these are detectable (or not) by customers in other areas of the building is wholly dependant on the limitations of the sound insualtion installed, the vibration deadening measures likewise, and what levels Shetland Arts consider should be "irrelevant" to other customers. Whether the resultant conditions will be ones I find acceptable, or not, I don't know, and was trying to find out. Before I part with cash, I prefer to want to be reasonably sure that I am getting exactly what I believe I'm paying for. With ballpark figures for noise and vibration control taking a calculated guess what you could expect from from teh buidling and buying, or not, a ticket accordingly would have been possible. Without it, I'm afraid I won't be risking any cash on one until I've heard feedback from how similar or similar combinations of performances went. Yes, its only a short(ish) term thing I know, as after some months Mareel's strengths and weaknessess will be well known, but knowing no more than is in the public domain right now is doing nothing to encourage ticket sales, especially higher tag ones, in the initial few months where much of Mareel's reputation (and dare I say longer term success) will be forged. Since the most recent public blame game in teh local media over Mareel just after new year, Shetland Arts appear to have taken a stance of "say as little as possible, and get it opened so that it can speak for itself". Unsurprisingly I don't think they're doing themselves any favours with that stance, but as its their ababy, its of course their perogative to do so. Time will tell whether they've made the right decision. Being that the largest floor area of Mareel is given over to a live performance venue, I would have hoped that ceilings for noise and vibration becoming problematic outwith the performance area would have been of relatively high priority and reasonably well known. The fact that its not I would liken to Ports & Harbours ordering a new Bressay Ferry, and not being able to tell an enquirer whether the boat was designed to cross at 5 knots or 10, or whether it loaded/unloaded both bow and stern, or just one of them. Oh, well.... After its been opene da few months, we'll know. I just hope we don't end up with a situation where when told what they have to keep their amps wound down to, certain genres of band refuse to play the venue, and that issue could have been brought up and addressed, perhaps easily and relatively cheaply during teh construction stage, had any such limitations data been publically available. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dratsy Posted April 15, 2012 Report Share Posted April 15, 2012 ah mr or is it ms eel your posts are full of substance as ever, that substance being sharnSo why don't you shut the F up.where do you get the bigoted bit from, I may lack refinement in manners but will never put some one down based on religion colour or creed, I will state here and now as I have in the past that religion and blind faith is not for me. I will post my thoughts when I think someone is wrong or just plain stupid like you are. If I see something that moves me to applaud some ones hard graft or ingenuity then I will post on that. ( but mostly it is despair at the dicks with their hands out wanting a bigger piece of the pie that pisses me off)I work all over the world and have friends of many races and every one of them who sits next to me and reads posts on here about what some of you think is racist are quite frankly bemused. they live in the real world and realise that there is more to worry about than what form of slang is used to label them or anyone else.I may post under a pseudo name but have never really made a secret of who I am or what I stand for can you say the same?As for my business at home I have spent a lot of my own money maintaining a service in my community with not one single penny of public funds, and my wife and I have put in many long hours for the same reason so I think I have earned the right to comment when I see folks scrabbling over public money for their own pet projects. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paulb Posted April 15, 2012 Report Share Posted April 15, 2012 i like dratsys idea of using the country stores as a ticket office would be fairer than expecting folks to que for hours or pay over the odds for tickets. i could do neither. my daughter spent hours queing for them in the past. it would be more inclusive if people outwith lerwick had the same chance of a ticket. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shetlandpeat Posted April 15, 2012 Report Share Posted April 15, 2012 What if the only tickets left were in Unst and you were in Virkie? The other problem could be the cost, to have a quantity of physical tickets, you would need to report all sales so as not to double book. An alternative would be to have a terminal to issue tickets. You may need that anyhow to ensure that special needs of folks can be assessed as to availability. A text message service may be better. You buy via text using codes on the seats you require, dates etc. You show the conformation text to gain entry, as is done with Orange Wednesdays. I can also see the advantages in selling tickets from one shop only, it could boost the shops profile, though folk in Lerwick, or the other end of the Isles may feel that it is too much hassle and wait for a tout or a friend to get them for them. Which leads back to a terminal, it could also sell other tickets, bus and boat. Who knows. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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