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Mareel - Cinema & Music Venue


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Any of you fancy getting out from behind the keyboard and speaking in public?


The motion before The Althing this Saturday (1st Dec) is 'Mareel is a Sound Investment'.


They are still confirming speakers against the motion, and probably need one more, so this could be your chance. If interested, email martin.tregonning@btconnect.com


And all contributers to this thread would be most welcome to join the


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Alas, you are just a single voice.





I always wondered why somebody didn't do something about that. Then I realised, I am somebody.





Ah, caught out. Very rare I manage items on my own, without highlighting them in a place that could do something about it. Here is not the place when there are so many other avenues to try. Then, you may have to identify yourself.


I only know a couple on here who have done that, so far...

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I have no idea who you are. Nor do I care. Nor have I bothered to find out.


The comment was not about that, now was it.


If I search your screen name, I come across an icon in motorcycling, a film, then you on here. Nothing of local importance in the wider public forum. I also know a Ghostrider, but a name earned through the MC.


I would guess more know about me and my involvements here, than how I have helped there. Really though, the statement stands.

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The comment was not about that, now was it.


Wasn't it? If it meant anything other than one individual hiding behind a screen-name telling folk what they should do, taking a pointless and irrelevant cheap shot at everyone else who may do exactly the same thing. Then you'd best let us know what language you posted in, and we're gonna need the Google translator.

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The comment was about the fact that folk as you say, hide here with there comments yet seem not to want to complain in the true public. I also mentioned there were other avenues, similar to you asking about Mareel here, because one of the staff privately owns this site, this may be why folk want to stay hidden, when, the way to get answers is to ask directly at the point of delivery. Answers and questions here would not stand Scrutiny, it would be difficult to justify this forum as a means of public address when many I have met and asked think this forum does Shetland little or no good. The answers here would and could not be held to account, so, anything can be said with little worry. So, in a way, it could be held as hearsay.


Forums, are known for these sorts of things as you know. Some do use them to convey thoughts and the such, they are also used to hide the identity when commenting if the comments are ones they would not say in public face to face meetings, of any sort.


Who is the one hiding. As I said, I know nothing about you, really apart from an act of kindness. Something in quite short supply here on these forum. Why would I want to know more?


As for the Mareel, they money should still be paid to keep the books up and to continue the future of the Arts in Shetland. The terms can be worked on about the public ownership...

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If they dont get the money they will go bust? made insolvent and the council will take them over? Total clear out of trustees and manegment?


Actually, on the Richter scale of Shetlandic financial misadventures, this one barely registers. An over-run of 10% on a project like this is hardly unusual, nor can Shetland Arts be blamed for a contractor going bust, which seems to account for at least part of the problem.


We now have two superb cinemas (vastly better than an Odeon industrial box I had the misfortune to visit last week), an excellent auditorium and brilliant teaching facilities. The public response has been very good. It is a huge asset.


Should the Council stump up? I'd say yes. Other, external, funders have already committed themselves and despite our perfectly obvious need to cut day to day running costs across the Council, this is a one-off capital item. And although it is clearly very early days, it is now no longer crazy to imagine that Mareel as a whole may break even or even make a small operating surplus.


Incidentally, I don't think that comparisons with rural halls are actually appropriate. Mareel is one of a kind and seeks to serve the entire population with specialised facilities of a quality that simply couldn't be justified anywhere else in Shetland. It really is in a different category.


But - that said - I totally deprecate the decisions taken on those two halls. The money was in the budget, they'd sweated blood locally to raise money and they'd assiduously applied for every form of grant aid going. The last-minute decision to withhold those funds looked as though it was born out of sheer panic and was, by any measure, irrational. There may be a need dramatically to reduce or even eliminate support for many facilities, including perhaps some halls, but decisions taken on the hoof are never the right way to make those decisions. What is needed is a proper strategy, openly discussed with every hall committee, that maps out an affordable way forward. In the meantime, projects that were, in current parlance, 'shovel-ready' ought to have been given the green light. It was a very poor show.


Hear Hear !

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Get over yourself's..

Bickering and ranting over the Mareel.

Who gives a toss how much it has cost?

At least our kids have somewhere to go and can see a film and meet up with their friends and have a good time!

Popcorn and all..!

Better than them hanging out at the bus station?

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I am very glad you don't hold the council cheque book Mattie.


Ower-weel idea of an interest free (or very favourable) loan is very good.

Probably the only thing the council could justify.....


How ever when such loans were given to local fishing vessels or fish processing units some years ago, it was declared illegal under E.U. laws as creating an unfair advantage against other businesses, surely that would apply again in this case .


When it eventually goes bust I think the building would make a good community cold store facillity, perhaps with a fish processing unit incorporated.

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Ower-weel idea of an interest free (or very favourable) loan is very good.

Probably the only thing the council could justify.....


How ever when such loans were given to local fishing vessels or fish processing units some years ago, it was declared illegal under E.U. laws as creating an unfair advantage against other businesses, surely that would apply again in this cases.


You could be right Gorgonzola, but as they have already given Mareel a large part if the costs I don't think E.U. Laws would be an issue. Plus the other financiers are saying their finance is on condition that the SIC put in their share.


As far as I see it there are, in my opinion, three options.


SIC just hand them the cash - Huge public backlash.

SIC give them a loan - More acceptable to public.

SIC refuse to help - what happens then?


Unfortunately the contract has not run well, being delayed and running over budget. Who's to blame?. I don't know! But this is the current position. Lets hope it can be resolved soon so that we can all enjoy using the building.

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