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Mareel - Cinema & Music Venue


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if mareel is not bailed out, what will become of it, seems a total waste to spend all that money for nothing, however having said that, Shetland council / trusts have a good track record for wasting our money


Somewhere sometime there always will come the point of cutting your losses and running vs. throwing good money after bad.

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if mareel is not bailed out, what will become of it, seems a total waste to spend all that money for nothing, however having said that, Shetland council / trusts have a good track record for wasting our money


Somewhere sometime there always will come the point of cutting your losses and running vs. throwing good money after bad.


when will the SIC learn this

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As I understand it, the attendance at the cinema has been far above what was forecast (2-3 x as much). Part of this will be the novelty effect, but not all, and it is a very good cinema. I've been three times so far and plan at least a couple of more visits before the year is out (plus once to a music event).


I think the Council should loan the money to Mareel. That way the other money which is contingent on the council contributing can be accessed. As was said above, the leisure centres permanently operate at a loss and have done since they opened.

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I think the Council should loan the money to Mareel. That way the other money which is contingent on the council contributing can be accessed. As was said above, the leisure centres permanently operate at a loss and have done since they opened.

I have a nasty feeling that lending the money would not count when it comes to releasing all the other promised funds. Could be wrong. So what councillors need are facts. What will happen if the money is not granted?. What will happen if it is just loaned?. And of course they will need to be assured that this is the last time ever.
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Any decision taken by the Council on this funding request needs to be taken in public. A lack of transparency will only add to the inevitable post-decision hoo-haa this request will cause.


I would agree with those that have suggested a commercial loan to would be the best outcome.

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The meeting will be minuted, so there will be the transparency. As it involves other parties interests and business plans, the council can hold the meeting in Camera, the minutes will reflect the choice made.


But as Max pointed out, the meeting should really be in public. One of the problems with meetings being minuted is that half of the time "Notes of Meeting" are issued under the heading "Minutes of Meeting"; the two are different but many an organisation feels that this is acceptable when it isn't. Years ago, "Minutes" would not only give the decisions voted on for official purposes but would go into greater detail of the debates taking place before the votes. It wasn't uncommon to have Minutes going into several pages for a meeting lasting one hour; these days, you're lucky if you see 2 pages.


I'd prefer to hear more of the debate rather than a brief summary saying who voted yes/no as many a time "juicy" bits are omitted from Notes masquerading as Minutes.

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For the money the SIC spent on the mareel they could have rebuilt the most delapidated halls and fixed those needing lesser repairs, further to this they could have provided mobile equipment for film shows gigs etc for many years to come and kept most of the island inhabitant happy than just those that live in town. My vote is NO !

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That has nothing to do with my question, a poor attempt. How many halls are owned privately? The Mareel will remain the property of the public. I would not want to see any money spent of fixing a hall without any matched funding at least, and a commitment to provide free space for community activities.


The council should release funds, especially if they in turn release other funds. What no one has been able to ascertain if this was part of the deal with the original funding.


I have never seen such hatred of a cinema, especially one that has educational roles. One that seems to be exceeding predictions.

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nowt to do with hate they promised that there would be no additional funding so get them to keep to that commitment. if they are unable to fund repairs on community owned and run halls even when the funds had been earmarked then there is no justification for the bail out.

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