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If there is financial information about companies and folk, meetings are held in camera. Standard. As for getting folk back in to watch the vote, you should have lobbied your councillor to insist on a named vote.

Who did lobby their councillor? Not including those who verbally abused them, or other folk associated with the Mareel.

It seems more folk are in favour, if we use internet sites as measures, than not.


From reports, again, some folk have let down the community with their bile and the lack of self control. Shame on them.

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As for the SIC meeting, I don't see why parts of it couldn't have been held in public; for example, the voting.


Interesting, but I don't think it would be appropriate to just know the outcome of the vote if we didn't know the evidence they were voting on?


What perhaps would be more interesting is which, if any, of the parties concerned would have objected to the evidence being made public and, if so, on what grounds. Would DITT have objected? Would SA have objected? Or both? Who took the decision for the meeting to be held in private?

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If there is financial information about companies and folk, meetings are held in camera. Standard. As for getting folk back in to watch the vote, you should have lobbied your councillor to insist on a named vote.

Who did lobby their councillor?


^ See my post above. Is it not the case that if the company in question didn't object then such meetings can be held in public? SA aren't a company.

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I am lost, did anyone answer about the ownership of the halls. If they are community owned, then the committee running it should be searching all avenues for funding, not just relying on the council. If they, or some are privately owned, then it is up to the owner. If they are owned by the council, then the council have a duty to maintain them. Is the suggestion that the council have not maintained the halls they are responsible for?


As others have said, you were already told, but didn't you spot any clues in the name "public halls"?


Communities already work very hard to fund their halls, and in the case of the two halls denied Council funding recently had the external funding in place, conditional on match funding from SIC. Which was already included in Council budgets.


I am astonished that you are still going on about halls being privately owned. Your spectacular ignorance makes me wonder if there is any point writing this post, but maybe this quote from vagaland over in "Sullom and Gunnister an Sooth Nesting Halls" will enlighten you -


... but in this case two grants were up for consideration, with local finance raised and external finance all raised and at the head of a queue of several halls wanting improvement help. Da Flea raised the question of allowing this to go through when the council was closing schools and cutting ferries (none of which has happened yet) and they went and turned it on. That's making policy up on a flea bite. These hall committees deserved better treatment than that. The officers even reminded councillors that the money was there in the budget ready to grant this and they still turned them down. - "To send out the right message."


Well the message I got was that this council is full of incompetants.


I am happy that Mareel has got the funding, but there does need to be fair treatment of all applications which has not been the case here.

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It seems more folk are in favour, if we use internet sites as measures, than not.


Which internet sites?


The poll on here ("should mareel get the bailout cash") was not in favour. There are 19 comments on the story on the Shetland Times website so far today:



1 Neutral




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Unfortunately, some on here are taking up the toon vs country stance, which is not what this is about.


Surely it's about the use of our finances (for Shetland as a whole). The council made a decision not to give finance to the two country halls, although unfortunate, this was a fair decision considering the state of our finances, but then to offer Mareel 600k just makes a laughing stock of their decision making.


It is unfortunate that Mareel is in the position it is, but the contract should have been better managed to ensure it didn't get to where it is now. We have for too long seen a council that bails out those who don't do the job they are paid to do. No questions seem to be asked, and the cash is handed over. We have lived in a world of " just spend then get bailed out". I'm sorry but heads need to roll over this.


I have been a supporter of Mareel since its conception, but I do not believe it should be getting special treatment at the expense of other services. The argument that we must protect the investment already made, is wearing thin, if we take this argument we will have to continue funding everything, halls and all.


I'm still hopefully the 600k will be a loan to be paid back, as I can live with that, I'm also hopefully that someone will be taken to task over this massive overspend, so that a clear message is sent out that you will be held responsible if you muck up.


I'm still a supporter of Mareel and still hope it can stand on its own feet, but it must stop putting their hands in our pockets :(

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It seems more folk are in favour, if we use internet sites as measures, than not.


Which internet sites?


The poll on here ("should mareel get the bailout cash") was not in favour. There are 19 comments on the story on the Shetland Times website so far today:



1 Neutral





Someone who is against something is more likely to make their feelings known. How many times do you EVER see positive comments on Shetlink or Shetland Times? Especially on here when people can be anonymous and moan about everything (while, of course, doing absolutely nothing beneficial to Shetland).

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No then compare that as a percentage of the population. If then compare that to the hundreds posting in favour on FB and Twitter then the result, as we knew, would be in favour of support. Still abusing folk in their place of work lowered the standing of any objector to that of a bully. Intimidating folk at work is against the law.

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It seems more folk are in favour, if we use internet sites as measures, than not.


Which internet sites?


The poll on here ("should mareel get the bailout cash") was not in favour. There are 19 comments on the story on the Shetland Times website so far today:



1 Neutral





Someone who is against something is more likely to make their feelings known. How many times do you EVER see positive comments on Shetlink or Shetland Times? Especially on here when people can be anonymous and moan about everything (while, of course, doing absolutely nothing beneficial to Shetland).


There are a couple of positive comments on the ST story, but I agree that objectors are more likely to make a comment. However, it is a reasonable gauge of opinion, as was the shetlink bailout poll, a straightforward yes or no; why would those in favour not bother clicking "yes"? (I did)

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It amuses me how folk blame Lerwick folk for mareel, cause am fae Lerwick and I didna ask for it tae be built!

Mareel was built in Lerwick because its the town! The same way as in Aberdeen they built union square, why would they build union square miles and miles out of Aberdeen? Cause the bulk of people is in the city, makes sense? No??

The same wye I didna ask for 8 leisure/swimming pools tae be built, are they paying for themselves?? I am not condoning what the council is done but mareel is here and wir ALL going to have to live with it, the same way as wir living with the yell ferries which are far to overly for the job, and are a pure drain on the shetland economy, I feel for whalsay what are in dire need of new ferris but they probably shot themselves in the foot we not being able to agree on a suitable site for the terminals which bye the way is not symbister!!


Am really vexed the council is not helping public halls because they are an asset to community's and get eveyvody together. But there is no way on gods green earth this is all Lerwick folks fault, if country and isles folk are so bothered about where mareel is been built knock it down a move it cause I couldn't care less!!!!!

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