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Mareel - Cinema & Music Venue


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"Rolls on Floor Lauging"


Though the vote is 11:1 this is out of 105 people that have actually signed up here!


If you think about it - this is how percentages are calculated and how actual legislation actually gets made!


Welcome to democracy!!


Lies, damned lies and statistics :wink:

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Guest Anonymous

the info on that public meeting was on a poster on the Islesburgh notice board under whats on, i persume its nothing to do with them, just its being heald in their Building.

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Guest Anonymous
Same poster is in one of Don Leslies windows.


dont know who is holding it. i think it will be funny to see how many Art trust lovies will trun up to defend their pipe dream

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Guest Anonymous

I hope that they fill the garrison on Wednesday its about bloody time someone stood up against this venue. WE CANNOT AFFORD IT! the future of Shetland is at stake and if we keep throwing away money like we have been doing in the past it will be a case of the last man out close the door!

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Guest Anonymous

Yes it seems at last some people are brave enough to stand up and say what we all think. Its obvious that Shetland cannot afford to even look at this project and I hope that people will be moved to go to the garrison and give them backing. I have read the posters and what they are saying makes perfect sense to me.

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Guest Anonymous

I have never been a political person and although I have my opinions I have generally kept them to myself. However for the first time in my life I am going to go to this meeting at the garrison and complain because I feel these people deserve our support. The consequences of building this centre I feel will have a huge impact on our economy and to spend this amount of money is in my opinion obscene. We already have one of the highest council tax rates and this will only increase. Are people never happy? we already have some of the best facilities in Scotland can what we have not do?. We are looking at the council having to cut services so why on earth are they even considering this!

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Hear, hear and well said.


The fact that the original costs will apparently come out of a different budget is all just smoke and mirrors as far as I'm concerned - as is the fact that they should be able to get some external funding for it.


At the end of the day the money which is going to have to be paid to staff, maintain and heat the place will presumably come out of the same budget they're trying to cut back on just now.

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Guest Anonymous

This project is going to get funding from external sources. No doubt lottery funding - so it's not going to the a 9.1m spend on the original building. I think it will be a fraction of that, however. Running costs are a concern, as is the utilisation of the resource.

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