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Supermarkets in Shetland - prices, ethics and experiences


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dafter still have you spoken to your bank. we lost £200 at a cash machine deducted the amount but did not issue. they said the machine balanced. we filled a claim in and were very lucky to get it back. if the transaction was regected they must have a record of that. its got to be your banks fault or the card company. tesco don't reject the card its your bank.

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dafter still have you spoken to your bank. we lost £200 at a cash machine deducted the amount but did not issue. they said the machine balanced. we filled a claim in and were very lucky to get it back. if the transaction was regected they must have a record of that. its got to be your banks fault or the card company. tesco don't reject the card its your bank.


^^ Not necessarily true. If you are paying by card and if the establishment have leased a card reader or purchased it from a third party (or sister company of the bank) and it is faulty, then it would not be the bank's fault. Mind you, they always carp on about safety measures ...

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but is it the shops fault.


Depends on the wording of the contract with said third party! No doubt a Shetlink member who is also a retailer may be able to shed some light on the matter. I know that some banks provide these devices whereas with some banks, you have to purchase your own/lease one.

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I don't know why I'm surprised that people get so rattled. Maybe its because people feel uneasy if they start to think about ethical choices they're not currently choosing to think about.


I think you'll find those who react when the ethical aspects of shopping are preached about, like I tend to do, are not doing so because its something new, but because it is something we have all done all our lives. To buy something without considering where it came from is as strange a concept as buying something without looking at its price.


My gripe is with those who think they are morally superior because of blanket statements like "dont buy anything from tesco" or "only buy brandname products" etc. Some common sense and education mean so much more than following a fairtrade advertising campaign or whatever.


However, with all the best intentions, many of us have been in the position of having to buy things we would normally not buy simply because it was all we could afford.


If others have been lucky enough for money not to be an issue when shopping, all the best to them, but isn't it a little two faced to claim to be caring enough to shop "ethically" whilst at the same time condemning those who cannot afford to do so?



@Queenie79 - sorry for not putting a disclaimer in my previous post quoting yours. I am in no way inferring that you are one of these people, I mean everything I say in a general sense.

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Yes, I had called the bank - the original transaction went through, which meant that the second attempt was "properly" denied as by then there were insufficent funds to cover buying the trolley load of goods again. Their own ATM showed my balance but stated that the amount available to withdraw was NIL - so how did I manage to take out enough to buy half the trolley-load? (with the associated embarrassment of having the other items re-scanned to remove from the saved receipt).

It seems Tesco is having problems with its payment network, and for such a slick operator this should never happen. Ok, so links to card issuers etc can go down (as it did apparently yesterday, causing merry hell with the staff phoning for card authorisations all the time) but just how did a "failed" transaction still register with my bank?

Anyway, the manageress is "looking into it".

Bit narked I missed the free champagne though, as I believe the own brand stuff is quite good!


And for the record, I firmly believe that Tesco is in league with the Devil.. but as I sold my soul many years ago, who am I to criticise? After all, their profiteroles are just divine... :twisted:

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am i the only one who thinks this thread is getting very boring :o

It would seem so.

Ah well, this will kill it for sure.

Forget about Tesco and fictitious Tesco petrol.

There wouldn't be enough Profit in it for them anyway.


This time last year I wrote that Tesco would have it's own Banking Licence one-day.

Now THIS is where Tesco can really make money.

More Shares bought on-line yesterday.... 8)

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Sorry of this is slightly off topic but with all the talk of "folk should keep the money in Shetland and not spend it south", here is my two-penneth worth.

I am looking for a minibus to transport my kids about. I found one in Shetland but it required quite a bit of welding for it to pass the MoT. I spoke to several people about getting the work done and not one of them wanted to do it. I know the bill would come to about £700 ish and I was quite prepared for that but nobody wants to do the work. So you try and keep the money in Shetland and that is the response you get. Result - I am buying from South, end of !

Rant over

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Yes, I had called the bank - the original transaction went through, which meant that the second attempt was "properly" denied as by then there were insufficent funds to cover buying the trolley load of goods again. Their own ATM showed my balance but stated that the amount available to withdraw was NIL - so how did I manage to take out enough to buy half the trolley-load? (with the associated embarrassment of having the other items re-scanned to remove from the saved receipt).

It seems Tesco is having problems with its payment network, and for such a slick operator this should never happen. Ok, so links to card issuers etc can go down (as it did apparently yesterday, causing merry hell with the staff phoning for card authorisations all the time) but just how did a "failed" transaction still register with my bank?

Anyway, the manageress is "looking into it".

Bit narked I missed the free champagne though, as I believe the own brand stuff is quite good!


And for the record, I firmly believe that Tesco is in league with the Devil.. but as I sold my soul many years ago, who am I to criticise? After all, their profiteroles are just divine... :twisted:

when it gets sorted play it up a bit make them componsate you for the problems irt caused. worth a try anyway. at least they are phoning to clear the transaction. when coop was having problems they waited until you had scanned everything and then expected you to have the cash.

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With the case that Tesco said they do not have plans to open another outlet will probably mean just that, the same as government have no plans to shut schools, the plans may not be in place but the studies are going on. The statement may be true, but hang on. They cannot put petrol pumps at their present site. So, they are looking for a new site, where may that be? Sound, Grantfield, Leasks or somewhere else. I bet they sell more than petrol, there will be other products I may think. So, they are looking into whether they could build a garage site, or outlet.


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Tesco comes as a package. They use loss leaders, stuff they wont make on but get folk in to look at the other more profitable stuff. There is alot of money on the Thule. They are there to take all the business they can.

Smaller companies cannot do that. But, 190 staff is a good thing, they are a decent employer, they do look after their staff. Are they heading to be the biggest employer bar council?

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