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Supermarkets in Shetland - prices, ethics and experiences


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Maybe you can take up the question I have posed several times when the "just pay more for quality" stance is proposed - what do you do when you just simply dont have enough money to do so?


Where do you get it? I completely understand those who say buying better quality is better in the long run and all the reasons why that is, but what nobody has yet been able to say is where you get this extra money from.


Buy second hand. Lets face it, just about the only things you can't is food and toilet paper, and between charity shops, numerous classifieds, the saleroom and ebay, you'll find pretty much everything else.

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I completely agree regarding how to do things when money is tight GR, I've furnished entire houses second hand and with hand-me-downs, but thats not what many people here preach if you note their wording.


We are simply told we should "pay more". Maybe I'm being over-sensitive but it just grinds at me that people can be so narrow minded as to think everyone can just hand over more money willy-nilly.



Another thing I've noticed is regarding the world foods issue - until it was publicised I wasn't aware of much of it, but since then I notice the CooP and some local shops also selling the brands they mention (rubicon(sp?) cans of juice are most prominent, and muchle bags of elephant rice) - is this wider uptake not just a result of the suppliers approaching the likes of grays or hughson bros?


It was a great conspiracy theory but kinda falls apart when someone who pays as little attention as I do to these things start noticing :)

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Buy second hand. Lets face it, just about the only things you can't is food and toilet paper, and between charity shops, numerous classifieds, the saleroom and ebay, you'll find pretty much everything else.

Usually Ghostie that's pretty close.

However, I was once in a foreign country and remember seeing the following hand-written sign (in English)


TOILET PAPER - massive clearance sale.

2-ply and floral scented.

Wet, due to bad roof leak in the shop.

No guarantee concerning day to day satisfaction :lol:

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Maybe you can take up the question I have posed several times when the "just pay more for quality" stance is proposed - what do you do when you just simply dont have enough money to do so?


Where do you get it? I completely understand those who say buying better quality is better in the long run and all the reasons why that is, but what nobody has yet been able to say is where you get this extra money from.


The other problem I've mentioned here a few times is the whole "tesco town" analogy. Yes, it works south, but here, the extra stock tescos is selling is what most people already buy online, or on shopping trips south, anyway. So the evidence so far is that tesco will actually be retaining more cashflow locally. And if they do hike prices n future, we'll just go back to shopiing online or south again like we do now.


Maybe the extra money could come from the money saved by not buying unnecessary items. I wonder how many things bought in a month (or longer) say are things that are actually needed. I would imagine that quite a few could easily have been done without. We are targetted constantly to end up in a cycle of consumerism that perpetuates these problems.

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most of my south shopping is in Asda, Tesco or Premark

If I had to conjure up a list of 3 retailers I would only buy from if I absolutely had to... those would be it. Do you insist on buying your petrol from BP too? :wink:


i should also add the 2 very cheap supermarkets too. On my budget i go cheap, chuck it if/when it brakes and get another one. Why pay more when you dont have to.


better in my bank then someone elses.


or pay us more wages, then we might think about principails

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^I get the budget argument... although I really don't think tescos or asda are any cheaper (yes, I've been to tesco) when you know what you're looking for and hit the specials hard when there's something you normally buy.


Why pay more when you don't have too? Because tesco (and others) buy up end-of-line, or otherwise rubbish, products and sell 'em cheap. Buy cheap and all that. Cue "I've had a toaster for 6 months and it's worked fine" stories in 3, 2, 1... :wink:

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How nice to be proved right.... I posted in this thread.... before TESCO opened it's doors that.....


"Tesco coming to Shetland is like giving every family in Shetland a pay rise"


how true that has turned out to be and things will only get better.....choice....price.....tech...

and still to come petrol at 5p a litre cheaper than it is anywhere locally.



Times they are a changing



Who said that?




For all you Tesco haters...... think for a while...


name another retailer that has brought more to the Shetland economy via quality, choice and fair prices......short list eh.



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Guest CyprusPluto

I think the new Tesco's is excellent:-


1) Because I'm a tight git and like a lot of you out there I can now get my clothes for a lot less (In a former life I was known as Matalan man :P )


2) I hate shopping and I can now get most of what I need in one place and in one weekly shop - brilliant

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How nice to be proved right.... I posted in this thread.... before TESCO opened it's doors that.....

"Tesco coming to Shetland is like giving every family in Shetland a pay rise"

how true that has turned out to be and things will only get better.....choice....price.....tech...

and still to come petrol at 5p a litre cheaper than it is anywhere locally.

Times they are a changing

Who said that?


For all you Tesco haters...... think for a while...

name another retailer that has brought more to the Shetland economy via quality, choice and fair prices......short list eh.


Tesco made 3.4 BILLION Profit in the year ended February, 2010.

This in a time of the worst recession for 60 odd years.

People are enjoying lower prices, but what generates the profits, are customers usually buying what they really don't need.

There are people coming out wi trolleyloads which can hardly fit in their 4x4's.

And PETROL @ 5p cheaper - that'll be the day.

Salmon is without a doubt a Tescophile.

Actually, I also like shopping at Tesco's, but my meagre purchases is a bit litesum and so I enjoy the experience of shopping, without adding to their vast profits.

I'll just leave that to some of you. :wink:

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How nice to be proved right.... I posted in this thread.... before TESCO opened it's doors that.....


"Tesco coming to Shetland is like giving every family in Shetland a pay rise"


how true that has turned out to be and things will only get better.....choice....price.....tech...

and still to come petrol at 5p a litre cheaper than it is anywhere locally.


Not entirely true. It may well apply for Lerwick and surrounds residents, and folk who have reason to be in Lerwick anyway and combine a shopping trip in to that, or who buy a hundred plus or several hundred pounds worth of merchandise every trip.


I avoid Lerwick at almost all costs, and my grocery shop is seldom as much as £20/week, £25 at most, at local shop prices. A 50 mile round trip to shop in Tesco is going to cost £6 - £9 for fuel etc, the only way I could break even would be to buy a couple of month's groceries at a time, which is impractical, and 35p off my fuel costs is going to make minimal difference to the equation.


There is a big world outside the top of the Soond Brae and the top of the Blackhill you know, its where the majority of Shetland's population live.

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Maybe you can take up the question I have posed several times when the "just pay more for quality" stance is proposed - what do you do when you just simply dont have enough money to do so?


Maybe the extra money could come from the money saved by not buying unnecessary items. I wonder how many things bought in a month (or longer) say are things that are actually needed. I would imagine that quite a few could easily have been done without. We are targetted constantly to end up in a cycle of consumerism that perpetuates these problems.


I've heard this kind of thing mentioned a few times and noted it here on this thread too.


Are there people who actually go into any shop, not just Tescos, and come out with things they didnt go in to buy? Or even more incredible, go to shops to buy things they don't need?


Both these things make no sense to me and the implication that shops are "fleecing" you, or similar, by "doing this" is insane. I simply can't see the logic.


When you have to make decisions like letting the electricity meter run out for a few days in order to be able to keep yourself in food, the kind of position I know many of us have been in, do you suggest we should just avoid both as things we "don't need"?


Sorry, drifting off topic again, but I am intregued by the idea you can go into a shop and come out with different, or more, stuff than you went in for, and that Tesco is being hailed as some ogre in this sense.


If anyone is silly enough, not to mention rich enough, to do such a thing, surely its nobody's decision but their own!

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^^ I am told many "shopaholics" exist, I can't speak from experience as I am the polar opposite of a shopaholic, but you frequently encounter people, or hear about them who use shopping as a form of "therapy". Folk visiting shops as a form of recreation, as a social activity, and "having" to buy "something" to "complete the "experience", even when it involves choosing between something they don't need or maybe even have a use for and going home empty handed and writing out a cheque to the Hydro. Apparently that doesn't "work", writing cheques for bills provides no "brand new bright and shiny" to hold etc. Makes no sense to me either, but I'm told it goes on.


All shops are guilty of some extent in trying to "persuade" you to make unplanned "impulse" purchases, some cultivate the art more deeply than others, and Tesco seems to have acquired a reputation of having cultivated it to a rather fine art.


Personally, when I shop I have a list in my head of exactly what I need, and I have tunnel vision for only those products while in the shop, I am oblivious to everything else.

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Personally, when I shop I have a list in my head of exactly what I need, and I have tunnel vision for only those products while in the shop, I am oblivious to everything else.


Ditto. I may see something new and make a mental note, but I'd never dream of buying something I didnt go in for.


I was aware of the "classic shopaholic" but I thought that was extremely rare. Reading back through this thread is making me wonder though :shock:

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How nice to be proved right.... I posted in this thread.... before TESCO opened it's doors that.....


"Tesco coming to Shetland is like giving every family in Shetland a pay rise"


how true that has turned out to be and things will only get better.....choice....price.....tech...

and still to come petrol at 5p a litre cheaper than it is anywhere locally.



Times they are a changing



Who said that?




For all you Tesco haters...... think for a while...


name another retailer that has brought more to the Shetland economy via quality, choice and fair prices......short list eh.



We've been over this all before Salmon... and you weren't right the first time. You may now stop patting yourself on the back and go sit in the corner :wink:

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