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Supermarkets in Shetland - prices, ethics and experiences


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I very rarely shop at Tesco's here in Douglas, and the last time I visited it reminded me why: I could find barely any Manx produce in any of the departments. Indeed, not long after that, they were hauled before our Agriculture Minister and warned they had better start supporting local producers and putting something back into the island economy.


Why do TESCO have to stock local products?


Do they have to offer products purchased from Oxfordshire in their branches in Oxfordshire or products from Glasgow in their Glasgow branches ? no....if they do it's by choice not pressure from small minded individuals that think TESCO is the big bad wolf.


warned they had better start supporting local producers and putting something back into the island economy


What a load of tosh, you can purchase MANX KIPPERS in the IOM store for one and there will never be overbearing pressure to support local producers that do not meet the high standards demanded by TESCO, if they do their in if not their out.


Policy throughout the TESCO group is to support local producers...if they offer a product worthy of inclusion in the local TESCO portfolio, however, we don't have to include any amount of local products in our stores.

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Guest Anonymous
Policy throughout the TESCO group is to support local producers...if they offer a product worthy of inclusion in the local TESCO portfolio, however, we don't have to include any amount of local products in our stores.


That statement really endeared you to the Shetland producers. Methinks you just shot yourself in the foot.


I'd love to see the results of a new poll, "Does Shetland still want a Tesco"


:lol: :lol:

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Why do TESCO have to stock local products?

They don't have to. But since local products are what I want to buy, they won't be getting my money until they do. I can get all the local produce I want (and of much higher quality than the stuff Tesco offer) at Marks & Spencer or Shoprite (Manx-only supermarket chain with nine branches across the island).

Do they have to offer products purchased from Oxfordshire in their branches in Oxfordshire or products from Glasgow in their Glasgow branches ? no

Is Oxfordshire a country? Is Glasgow a country? No? Well, the Isle of Man is, and we have a stated political aim of being completely self-sufficient in food production. If Tesco isn't prepared to play ball, it's going to find life here becomes increasingly difficult. Besides which, what's the point of a shop whose shelves are bare every time the boat from the UK is cancelled?

warned they had better start supporting local producers and putting something back into the island economy

What a load of tosh, you can purchase MANX KIPPERS in the IOM store for one.

You can purchase Manx kippers just about anywhere in Britain, so I'm not sure what that proves. I'm talking about being able to buy staples like Manx meat (vastly better than anything imported, even leaving national pride aside), Manx bread and Manx flour. Struggled to find all those things last time I was in Tesco, but it's not a problem - between M&S and Shoprite I can get absolutely everything I need.

however, we don't have to include any amount of local products in our stores.

We? You're a Tesco employee, then? Reading the responses of others on this thread, I'm not too sure your PR and charm offensive has won you too many friends.

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Guest Anonymous

^^^^ Well said Manxman :D

I notice that the pro Tesco contributors are keeping very quiet now. They've obviously all tried the store now, and found it lacking, or no better than what was there before, apart from some gimmicks.

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Is Oxfordshire a country? Is Glasgow a country? No? Well, the Isle of Man is


I had to laugh at that one....the Isle of Man a country...lol


^^^^ Well said Manxman Very Happy

I notice that the pro Tesco contributors are keeping very quiet now. They've obviously all tried the store now, and found it lacking, or no better than what was there before, apart from some gimmicks.


No... the pro TESCO contributors don't see the point of trying to convince anti progress stick in the muds that they are better off with TESCO in Shetland.

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Guest Anonymous

^^^You're struggling to come up with anything more than insults now old chap.

Insulting the Isle of Man isn't really the actions of a responsible retailer, no more than your continual posts which degrade Shetland produce.

Methinks Tesco should reconsider your employment status.


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^^^You're struggling to come up with anything more than insults now old chap.

Insulting the Isle of Man isn't really the actions of a responsible retailer, no more than your continual posts which degrade Shetland produce.

Methinks Tesco should reconsider your employment status.



You tell me where in past posts i insulted the Isle of Man, how have i degraded Shetland produce and as far as TESCO reconsidering my employment status is concerned....that ain't going to happen.

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Is Oxfordshire a country? Is Glasgow a country? No? Well, the Isle of Man is


I had to laugh at that one....the Isle of Man a country...lol

Sorry, but I think the joke's on you, pal.


The Isle of Man has its own parliament (since AD979), legal system, language, currency and national anthem. Nor, contrary to what you believe, has it ever been part of the United Kingdom - it only has a tenuous relationship via the Crown. What other requirements do you suggest are needed for a country to be a country?

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From Wiki (so it must be true!): -


The island is not part of the United Kingdom, but foreign relations, defence, and ultimate good-governance of the Isle of Man are the responsibility of the government of the United Kingdom.


Tesco are still bedding in if the lack of bread and mandarin segments on a Thursday evening are anything to go by, but it will be my supermarket of choice for the foreseeable future. Tesco is definitely an upgrade for Shetland :wink:

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Guest Anonymous
^^^You're struggling to come up with anything more than insults now old chap.

Insulting the Isle of Man isn't really the actions of a responsible retailer, no more than your continual posts which degrade Shetland produce.

Methinks Tesco should reconsider your employment status.



You tell me where in past posts i insulted the Isle of Man, how have i degraded Shetland produce and as far as TESCO reconsidering my employment status is concerned....that ain't going to happen.


You obviously don't understand what some people find insulting, eg. your attitude.

I think Manxman might agree that I found your offhand attitude towards the Isle of Man's status to be insulting.

Likewise I found your comments about Shetland produce not being up to standards to be very insulting.

And as you consider your employment status to be secure, you are obviously the local tesco manager. But believe me, given the reputation of tesco for getting rid of problem staff, your days are numbered.

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I have to say, I've never had a problem with Tesco until Salmon started posting here. If he is a member of staff, then attitudes like that will soon put customers backs up.


He's doing a better job of lambasting Tesco than you are Auld Rasmie!!

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