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Supermarkets in Shetland - prices, ethics and experiences


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I am not a TROLL in any sense of the word....i believe TESCO trading in SHETLAND is the best thing that's happened to these wee isles for a long time.


There are a few jerks that are of the opposite opinion, so be it let them troll their discord.


Believe me Shetland is the better for TESCO coming to the isles.


(TESCO don't have a bible) before some twat accuses me of swallowing it again.


I have to leave now for pastures anew, say it as you see it, not as some blinkered posters try to make it.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought getting Tesco would be quite good, beneficial to us on Shetland. As the weeks go on I see the prices jumping up to just below the Co's prices. Last week I bought organic butter .. this week I refused to buy it as it had jumped 30p.. Other things including Heinz Tomato Sauce, Tesco Organic Tomato Sauce as examples .. have accumulated an extra 20 or 30 pence on the original price.. Fair Trade tea bags were £1.10 .. we thought this brill.. Now up to the same price as the Co..

They are now taking the mick. Didn't take long!!

Will now be back shopping at the Co!!

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Tesco are and always have been nothing special.


Their prices since opening have been so close to Co-op's prices that the only difference between the two is that Co-op are more Fair-Trade than Tesco ever will be.


So it's morally and ethically better to shop at Co-op, who take better care of their fresh suppliers, have a more characterful shop and a better selection of quality food.


Not to mention Tesco's lowlife cheating scumbag tactics of accepting Co-op's coupons. This show's Tesco infamous desperately disrespectful underhanded tactic of dealing with competition, whilst also destroying honest hardworking businesses around them.


Its up to the Shetland public now whether they will support their own friendly local businesses as well as balancing out shopping at Tesco or Co-op whichever is preffered, and everyone wins.

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hear hear!!!!

One way to undo Tesco's willingness about the Co-ops coupons is to use them in Tescos, by spending JUST enough to render them and not one penny more ever. Elsewise, just spend your money as usual in the Co-op.

I still feel the best strategy for the co-op would have been to shut while Tesco had its glory day (see how Tesco managed demand etc) and then to open to its own hype about a revamped store etc etc etc .

As for 'cheapest', what I have found is a bit of price adjusting in both stores, depending on what they think they compete on best. My money will go (on balance) with ethical trading and good staff conditions, and I reckon that rules out Tesco whatever their prices.


But......the best option of all is to shop local, buy local produce, and reduce your food miles. You get fresher stuff that way too, and keep local businesses going at a price for their produce that reflects local circumstance. I'm all for that.



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hear hear!!!!

My money will go (on balance) with ethical trading and good staff conditions, and I reckon that rules out Tesco whatever their prices.


As said before, I'm not pro Tesco but I am pro choice and letting people choose where to do their shopping based on informed decisions.


This is the first I've read that Tesco staff conditions are poor, can you please expand this comment with some facts.


My knowledge of Tesco staff conditions are that the hourly rate is better than it was in Morrisons occupation of the store and that Tesco are one of the last few large companies to still have a final salary pension scheme. But maybe I've missed something?


As for the 'scumbag' coupon comment - all the major supermarkets do this, the co-op appears to be the only one that doesn't.


And regards pricing, if anyone shops thinking that Tesco will always be cheaper then they're missing the real opportunity that competition gives shoppers.

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my info comes from when Tesco took over William Low in Dundee. And yes, certainly the hourly rate was improved, but at the cost of additional benefits, and even working practices (which seemingly were (much) more congenial while WM Low were the boss).

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I see Tesco have bought out TPF "lock stock". Interesting times ahead for retail banking! (todays news)


Tesco certainly have that illustrious margin where the proletariat are already rumbling through their doors anyhow.


To alure them with potential financial gains and security above todays market could definetely be a winner! Their roadmap for the next year+ shows they have a definitive goal to secure a chunk of the retail market - without the pressures on other banks balance sheets! :o

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ps: i didn't refer to the willingness of Tesco to accept other outlet coupons as 'scumbag'. I just noted a way to play them at their own game. They can afford to take a loss on these coupons (a newer take on 'loss-leaders): the co-op probably can't.

But I have been enjoying my avocados recently (they've been ripe and luscious) - I wonder if you Tesco buyers of avocados can claim the same???!!!


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my info comes from when Tesco took over William Low in Dundee. (... seemingly were (much) more congenial while WM Low were the boss).


That was 14 years ago!!! A great many things in the world have changed since then and trading practice in every aspect of retailing might just be one of them.

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