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Supermarkets in Shetland - prices, ethics and experiences


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Tesco ethical or not what can we do? really its decided now tesco are here and here too stay!!

Fact is they bought somerfield came in the back door. Boots arrived in shetland i still see A.L Laings shops!


And i have too say i have tried Tescos own brand stuff and it really very very good. Take Tescos fruit and fibre much nicer and cheaper than Kelloggs, there pizzas are great. tropical juice superb.

Ok only a small bit of the shop but still.....

They put cash machines up outside something which lerwick has needed for a long time (how do u expect people too stop driving on the street when u can get your own money out for free anywhere else)


Look in aberdeen they still have small shops in the streets selling bread etc why cant shetland? people wont always go too a supermarket.


only thing im not so keen on in tescos is it seems too take them a while too stock up stuff which has run out.


tescos are here and here too stay for better or worse.


Mabye GB Oils will sell tescos there newly aquired filling station!!

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PIXMANIA have LCD HD READY TVs for £219.00!!


Check out this link.



It's amazing what pixmania are doing for the folk of shetland, giving them affordable HD TV


They also have 32" LCD HD READY TVs at PIXMANIA




What does that remind you of.....an advert?...........Just sayin




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Njugle, thanks but it's not for me it's for my dad who's a pensioner and would be happy with the convenience of getting it locally without the hassle of mail order.

If they don't get any more in then I'll sort out something else for him.


If you want a good quality TV, John Lewis then price match it :wink: & free 5 yr guarantee even in Shetland (said so in the store)

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I canna resist pointin oot da Pixmania dunna deliver tae Shetland, believe me i tried!


(yuns an extortionate price fur a 19" TV too! Get it fae Play wha do deliver an do so fur free : http://www.play.com/Electronics/Electronics/4-/3385383/LG-19-M198WA-Widescreen-HD-Ready-LCD-TV-Monitor/Product.html )


Seriously though - da "white goods" is what i hope to see Tesco coming with more of, as it's what shetland really needs.


"Buy cheap, buy twice" is a fair statement, if you're loaded, but there are plenty of families in Shetland for whom its "buy cheap, or do without".


Sorry in advance for asking a question that will send this OT, but i wonder why shetlands local shops have historically only stocked the "rolls royce" of everything?


Several years ago, before the coop started stocking electrical goods, i needed a new electric kettle. I went to every electrical outlet in lerwick and the cheapest thing i could find was £35. Luckily i could afford it, but many folks may not have been able to.

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No prob Infiltrator, it was another post that i was slightly dubious about.


If i was feeling less cynical about it i would merely have said

"Other cheap hd ready lcd tvs are available" :wink:


John Lewis Price match, sounds interesting, do they deliver? :wink:


(Only joking)

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I canna resist pointin oot da Pixmania dunna deliver tae Shetland, believe me i tried!


Really? A friend of mine got stuff fae them a few years back. I think he had to argue the point but it was definitely them. Maybe he put them off forever!


Ahem.... erm Tesco anyone? :oops:

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If it's the Technika one then I think it's a rebranded Beko, made by Vestel in Turkey who make a lot of sets that end up with different names.


Seem to get fair enough feedback for something in that kind of price range, but there were certainly 32" Bekos of some kind selling cheaper elsewhere..... different branding makes it hard to know if it's identical models though.


Easy to shop around with this internet thing......

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PIXMANIA have LCD HD READY TVs for £219.00!!


Check out this link.



It's amazing what pixmania are doing for the folk of shetland, giving them affordable HD TV

PIXMANIA has just given every working person in Shetland a pay rise.


New Dawn in Shetland.



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^^ Who cares? Not everbody watches TV.


Anyway, their brand would be what?


I'll tell you who cares, every Shetland family that would like to experience HD television at a very reasonable price.


BTW, you answered the rhetorical question, but ignored the actual question!


HD TV at a reasonable price, you can buy the tele but you'd need to buy the Freesat box or SKY HD with a subscription or a Blu Ray player or a PS3 to actually experience HI-Def and unless you're really bothered (which you really shouldn't be) the average family just doesn't need it in their lives with more pressing costs of living going up all the time, like eating.


Right enough he didn't answer what brand it is. Think Carlos is right though about Technika.

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"Buy cheap, buy twice" is a fair statement, if you're loaded, but there are plenty of families in Shetland for whom its "buy cheap, or do without".


Then you head for ebay, its no worse tat, and sold at a much more realistic price than locally.


Would you drink tea made from a kettle, or eat toast cooked in a toaster, from ebay? :shock:


Seriously though, the cheap stuff has always been avaliable by mail order, Tesco's are just offering us the chance to buy same/similar wi wir helly errands.


A collegue today bought a 512Mb Sandisk SD memory card from "in ower" - £11.99


I have a 2Gb one in my camera, cost £2.99 online. I can't quote Tesco's price off-hand, but i'm sure it was nearer £2.99 than £11.99!

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"Buy cheap, buy twice" is a fair statement, if you're loaded, but there are plenty of families in Shetland for whom its "buy cheap, or do without".


Then you head for ebay, its no worse tat, and sold at a much more realistic price than locally.


Would you drink tea made from a kettle, or eat toast cooked in a toaster, from ebay? :shock:


If it came factory sealed in its original manufacturer's packaging, yes.


ebay isn't all used/damaged/store return/ex-display stock, there's any number of "real world" retailers with actual physical high street shops selling there too.


Okay, you'd probably have to settle for an end of line/discontinued model, but you'll find good brand name new stock on there at a cheaper price than either Hodge or Tesco do second rate semi-obscure brand names new for. Personally I'd rather have a reputable brand item, even if it isn't the latest all singing all dancing model, at a decent price, than a second rate product, which has all the latest features, but for how long will any of them keep working, for the same money.


To cite the example given, Beko are the the European equaivalent of Bush/Goodmans/Murphy etc, it may do what it says on the box, but how well and how long for is a whole other question. It may look fine and well from across the room to, but up close and personal it looks exactly what it is, cheap, lightweight, low quality tat. Sony, Hitachi etc it is not. If that's the level of electricals Tesco are pushing, I certainly won't bother with them.

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