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Would you have left your kids alone?

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Theory A: Madeleine McCann was accidentally killed and her body put in a hire car which her parents rented almost four weeks after reporting her missing.


Kirby: "This is potentially the most crucial part of the police inquiry at the moment. One thing is for sure though: if the blood found in the hire car is proved positively to be Madeleine's then that puts a completely different take on things. That will cause major problems for the family. It will cause serious, serious consequences for them but we will have to wait and see what develops in relation to that."


Was there blood found in the car ?

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I was thinking of starting up my own fund "FIND BADDIE" Where folk could paypal all their money to me to help my caimpaign get richer but I fear the folk on this side of the fence have a bit more insight.


I was thinking of using Kirsten Dunst as the poster child for it but me computer crashes when I try to upload on image shack so you will have to use your imagination for her, naked if you like (her not you) as this always puts me in a dreamy, trance like state of mind.

Anyway bottom line gimmie some money please.





Well I might get away with it, as the Doctor said to the Doctor (and their mates)

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Was there blood found in the car ?



important for the case that one, but even if it turns out to be strawberry jam it's not gonna change my mind one bit.

I came hear just to slag them of for leaving the kids with no thought of their guilt but ever since their sky interview just everything they say or do seems that bit askew and sometimes just very, very suspect.

I wouldn't mostly slate someone in their position till they had had their day in court, but this has been just to much and needs said.


Pity, that Kate is no bad in a MILF kinda way an all, but if she's gonna come round and start killing the kids, she can bloody well forget it.

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I'll let it rest a while I think, my face here is starting to annoy even me. :oops:

figure fur yersels, sorry bout upsetting you hopefulls out there, but a cruel, apauling, horrible, self rightous, "like a rapist", witch burning, backlashers gotta do, what a cruel, apauling, horrible, self rightous, "like a rapist", witch burning, backlashers gotta do.

as someone somewhere once said.

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Im starting to feel sorry for all the people who paid into the fund to find maddie. they could easily start looking to get their money back.


the fund was never meant to fund their legal defence.

I believe that they know what happend to maddie that night although im not sure if they were directly or indirectly responsible for the death.

One thing is for sure though. they have been less than honest with the Portugese police which is suspicious to say the least.


I have heard it said that they were worried about being accused of neglect. That doesent wash with me either. If that was my child missing I would do all I could to help the authorities find her.

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"SORRY" just one more.

I'd love to be proved wrong on this and see some "kidnapper" return Maddie, just like in the other big British 3 year old kidnapping story this summer, "Margaret Hill". remember her?





No, whatdya mean no..............how strange, wonder why?

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I'm not sure. The thought that the parents could move the body 25 days after her disappearance in the car they had just rented, while the worlds media was camped outside seems a little bit unlikely.


I also don't really trust the Portuguese police. They are up there with the Jamaican police (re: Bob Woolmer).


This DOES seem to be a sensible and realistic posting. As of the 10pm news tonight, Madeleine's blood has NOT been found in the car, but the residues of other bodily fluids. Apparently, Police searching the car also found so much of Madeleine's hair that it could not have been transferred from a blanket or clothes and must have come directly from her body, the journalists were told.


We are being asked to believe that Madeleine's parents (or just one of them) killed her; hid the body for 25 days (presumably, it must have been chilled to prevent decay); then after 25 days, they hired a car to move her body. Does this sound like a realistic scenario ? The McCanns can't go anywhere without intense media scrutiny. Does anybody really believe that could have moved Madeleine's body without being noticed ?


Frankly, I think that some opinions offered regarding the McCanns has been way over the top, both on this site and others. In this country, surely we are innocent until otherwise proven ?


I have seen in print the McCanns being denigrated for such crimes as :


Being middle class, being Doctors; having an income which has allowed them to buy a house for £650,000, Kate McCann wearing a crop-top to go jogging (In Portugal in the summer sun - sounds practical to me), being articulate; losing their tempers at the lack of progress etc etc. Some of these smack very much of inverted snobbery.


Surely, we should be allowing the McCanns a bit of tolerance ?


IF they have killed Madeleine, then as a parent, I hope they get what they deserve. But first, let the point be proved.

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We are being asked to believe that Madeleine's parents (or just one of them) killed her; hid the body for 25 days, then after 25 days, they hired a car to move her body. Does this sound like a realistic scenario

Exactly that, them or their mates.


surely we are innocent until otherwise proven ?

Innocent as O.J.



Surely, we should be allowing the McCanns a bit of tolerance

I owe them nothing.


Frankly, I think that some opinions offered regarding the McCanns has been way over the top



better get used to it.

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Guest Anonymous

It has almost become some kind of perverse reality show , this whole business of this missing child and the media / business circus that beams into our living rooms at almost every news bulletin and often steals the majority of the show ( There are no doubt large numbers of kids dying in poverty and from preventable diseases during every showing of the story so far and also many others being raped and murdered around the globe). It is also very sureal the amount of armchair experts that have have very strong opinions on what may or may not have happened to this little girl .

I think for all who are doing there detective work through the goggle box and daily newspapers . That they should realise that the source of there evidence has a strong possibility of being seriously flawed.

As it has happened before , the small international episode of the weapons of mass destruction that never was is one for instance.

The only thing negative I could say of the Mcanns is that they always seem strangely devoid of emotion ? I have never seen them on T.v in a state of complete hysteria or emotional breakdown but thats not for me to say it hasna happened .

The only thing that is re enforced in my mind from this tragic story is that persons who commit crimes of this nature should be executed.

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The only thing that is re enforced in my mind from this tragic story is that persons who commit crimes of this nature should be executed.

Given how many miscarrages of justice have been uncovered recently, execution seems a bit final.

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Guest Anonymous

i dont get why everyone wants to defend the mccans all of a sudden.


what do we know? if the police say they have a reason to suspect the parents, why should we disagree?

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The only thing that is re enforced in my mind from this tragic story is that persons who commit crimes of this nature should be executed.

Since we don't yet know the nature of the crime that has been committed ( it could be anything from concealing an accidental death through kidnapping to first degree murder ), I think you're jumping the gun somewhat.

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Guest Anonymous

Human beings who murder kids for sexual kick should been exterminated, whats the point in locking them up and making sure they have all there creature comforts to live out the rest of there sick and distorted lives ?

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