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Would you have left your kids alone?

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Maybe that's why the visit to the pope was so crucial to them then. Maybe they feel the need to have support for when everything is settled and from my scant knowledge of catholic religion to ask for forgiveness ( in leaving the bairns alone in the first place ), And the last post by styles is exactly what some people are saying.

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If the parents were not from the middle class, with good jobs and religious but chavs or somthing of that ilk the press would have crucified them and been baying for blood.


It wouldn't have happened to Chavs. They just leave their kids at home when they go on holiday.

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I am damn sure if I had left my son alone to go out for a meal the social services would have been at the door and I am not middle class or a chav. And I'm also sure if I had, then my doctor found out or anyone else they probably would have reported me to social services. So just because these two ARE doctors that shouldn't make them above being questioned by social services when they get home as they still have two other children and hopefully Maddie back as well.

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I am damn sure if I had left my son alone to go out for a meal the social services would have been at the door


Maybe not... as far as I have been able to determine, there aren't any laws - in this country at least - which prohibit a parent from leaving children at home. There are some guidelines but nothing to stop a parent from leaving their 5 year old for a couple of hours.


Thought it was against the law to leave a child home alone, but apparently it's not so.

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^ Sounds about right, Pleepsie.

I'd thought for the longest time that there was a lower age-limit (14 or so) before which you must always be with them; but the NSPCC website provides only 'guidelines' as far as I can see.

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Are you saying I could be arrested if I sleep in a different part of the house from my 13 year old kid ?


I think I should be arrested if my 13 year old kid always slept in the same bedroom as me.


Is that not what Michael Jackson got into bother about ?

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This is obviously the problem with having hard-and-fast laws for such things. Where do we draw the line? Particularly difficult to gauge where age is involved since one child maybe very responsible at 8, but another not until they are 10, if ever...

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Although there are no hard and fast laws over what age children should be left alone I think one nearly 4 year old and two 2 year olds are far too young to be on their own and I would challenge anyone to say that this would be acceptable to them. Common sense is what most parents rely on and there should be an act of parliament stating which age is suitable to leave children on their own. I was left at a very young age by my parents to look after my brother and sisters and although it was " the done thing " in those days I hated every minute and felt very abandoned.

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