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breastfeeding in public

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I think breastfeeding should be encouraged it is the best way to feed a baby. Formula feeds should only be used as a last resort and should be viewed as a medicine available by prescription only. But ofcourse it would never happen because of our corrupt medical system.

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turrifield wrote:

Formula feeds should be viewed as a medicine available by prescription only.


Both ours were brought up fine on formula, but thanks for the input that you would like us criminalised under your new controls, if we had any more, for feeding an illegal drug to a baby.

Well if you get your wish and we end up in chokey, you can bloody babysit and you better bring a full set of paaps to stay within the law. Oh and you'd better bring some nipple butter too, I hear teething can be hell on the puppys noses.



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Guest Anonymous

Breast feedin should be encouraged at all times , apart from brightening up your day by mabey gettin a look at at a fine big pap , dan it can also come in handy fur dat first cup ida mornin whin da coo's milk has run oot!!

Bittty Bitty

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I agree that breast feeding is the most natural way and should be encouraged but some women can't breast feed and should not be made to feel inferior by the breast is best brigade.


I have serious medical problems and I should never even had my son but I did and although I couldn't breast feed because of my condition I was made very aware by the breast brigade that my son ( who now is nearly 6ft tall and fitter than anyone I know ) would have a bad start in life etc etc. That was nearly 20 years ago, and I think he has proved them wrong and by them I mean breast brigaders at the time.

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Formula feeds should only be used as a last resort and should be viewed as a medicine available by prescription only.


Bit extreme I should have thought!


My partner breastfed our daughter for 3-4 months after which we had to supplement her diet with formula as she couldn't produce enough milk.


Picture this - it's 3 o' clock in the morning and the milk isn't flowing. The doctor isn't available and the pharmacy is closed. Then what?

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Firstly let me say that I am 100 percent in favour of breastfeeding, where it is possible.


I have little knowledge of how things were carried out in the past before the days of formula, but for any mother struggling to produce milk I'm sure this would have been a very difficult time.


I'm guessing that some preparation of animal milk, or wet nursing may have played a part.


All arguments point towards breastfeeding as being the healthy option, but I do think the choice should be down to the parents. However much more needs to be done to promote breastfeeding.


I would rather that we hadn't had to opt for formula, but our situation was such that without some supplementary feeding our daughter wouldn't have had enough to eat.

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Sure, get em oot if it's what you feel is best and if your not so keen on chowed up nips, chuck it a bottle. I dont know of any horror storys to do with formula but I could be wrong there. It certainly didn't make ours disadvantaged in any way.

As for promoting breast feeding, aren't boobs self advertising for this kind of thing?, eh?, think about it.

Perhaps a breast is best supporters topless parade every couple of weeks with full a colour pictures spread in the middle of the Shetland times may help raise awareness of these points.


hint, hint.

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I didnt know it was illegal, "what a long running sick joke the law is at times". How sad would you have to be to stick a lass in to the cops for keeping her bairn alive and where else could the tot hang on to, once they cuff moms hands behind her back.


Fight the power, get dem oot.

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