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The Dons - Europe


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Any chance the Mutton molesters will still be in Europe before the schools go back after summer?


Maybe...as long as they don't meet a team of the calibre of....Skonto Riga....or Bohemians :lol: :lol: :lol:


Note to Jambo - Just because you are basically the Lithuanian National Team, it doesn't mean you are in Europe.


I had a good laugh last night at the Hearts fans trudging out of Rugby Park. Particularly the woman who appeared to be dressed up as a Mexican (intelligent Jambos, eh?) and crying as she left.


And if Celtic win the Scottish Cup, our UEFA Cup campaign will start in September, and the schools will have been back for a few weeks by then.

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Lithuanian National team....aye, okay then....maybe you believe everything you read in the Daily Rantic or the Hun.


For the record













So....when is it national teams started playing with only 3 players?


F'kn ignoramus.


Good for you hoping the green half of the ugly sisters do you a favour.

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According to the Edinburgh Evening News the Hearts squad currently contains 14 players loaned from Kaunas.



Regardless of how blinkered fans views of Hearts may be, every last one of them knows that their club is an international laughing stock. It's not helped when you get players like Kingston openly stating he's just buying time at Hearts til he gets his move to Barcelona....... Good luck with that. As for Craig Gordon? Best start waving cheerio now.


Tomblands - I noticed the Mexicans in the Hearts support on Sunday, that was priceless.

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Tomblands - I have no idea what this 'Fiver' is that you refer to.


Dear, oh f'kn dear, spencey7 - stick to Yell football...at least you know something about that.

Do you just make stuff up and hope it'll be believed?

Do you know how many of the 14 are Lithuanian?

Does being Lithuanian automatically make them poor players?

Or could it be that one of Romanov's reasons for taking them here is to improve their abilities before they return to Lithuania to compete in their national league?

Or would that not suit your tabloidesque agenda i.e. Vlad is mad, Liths are bad.


Kingston has said how much he likes Edinburgh and is looking for a 3-year deal. If his ambition was to go no further than Hearts I for one would be a bit cheesed off. To have playing for Barcelona as a goal...well surely that indicates that Hearts is a stepping stone to something bigger and better. No sensible, rational Hearts fan is going to claim that we're a bigger team than Barcelona. All would be happy to have a player of his calibre in our squad even for a year or two.


And when did you suddenly become an authority on what 'every last one of them knows'?

I certainly don't see my team as an international laughing stock - maybe you lot getting rogered by Skonto Riga or Bohemians would fit that bill.

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This was the Hearts Squad for their 0-4 defeat by Dundee Utd on the 17th of March 2007



Gordon (Scottish)

Zaliukas (Lithuanian)

Karapidis (Lithuanian)

Aguiar (Portugese)

Velicka (Lithuanian)

Jankauskas (Lithuanian)

Berra (Scottish)

Mikoliunas (Lithuanian)

Pilibaitis (Lithuanian)

Pospisil (Czech)

Glen (Scottish?)

Tall (Seneaglese)

Driver (English)

Goncalves (Portugese)


Subs not used:

Banks (English)

Ivaskevicius (Lithuanian)

Jonsson (Icelandic)

Armstrong (Scottish?)



As you can see the squad consists of :

7 Lithuanians

4 Scots (I think, I don’t know who Glen and Armstrong are)

2 English

2 Portuguese

1 Czech

1 Icelandic

1 Senegalese


I personally think it doesna do Scottish fitba any favours having so many foreigners in one team, Celtic and Rangers have been guilty of this in the past, I canna be ersed tae look up their squads at the moment though.



Dear, oh f'kn dear, spencey7 - stick to Yell football...at least you know something about that.

What a poor response, I smell soor grapes!
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quite agree there Kevin, I would have thought that a member of the teaching profession and self confessed football fan wouldnt have debased themselves so as to use profanity and derogatory comments, sour grapes indeed, or more fittingly a Bitter Jam Tart :roll:


Mon the Dons STAND FREE!!!!

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This is genuinely very interesting.


I'm in Edinburgh and have a lot of friends who are Hearts fans, not one of them has even attempted to defend the soap opera that has been Tynecastle since Romanov took over.


Marooned - Regardless of how many of the players from FC Kaunas are Lithuanian, don't you think it's still verging on the excessive to loan in 14 players from any team? As Kevin has pointed out, it's hardly doing Scottish football any favours - And this at a time when the Old Firm finally look like seeing sense, with players like McManus, Brown, Thomson, Adam etc, establishing themselves in their respective sides.


A run down of some of your Lithuanian squad (please do correct me if I'm wrong):












It's a farce, and is widely accepted as such. From your starting XI against Killie, two players were Scottish. By contrast, Aberdeen had 10 Scots start against Rangers on the same day. As a Scottish fan I would find it hard to justify willing Hearts to represent Scotland in Europe.


Kingston's a neat and tidy player, I'll give you that. But his ridiculous diving makes me glad he's not in my team. Regarding his Barcelona ambitions - The phrase "delusions of grandeur" springs to mind.


Think your next manager will last more than a fortnight? And how many interim caretaker assistants do you have right now? They're going to have to build bigger dugouts at Tynecastle for next season.

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Kevin...why choose a game from two months ago?

Just so it suits your agenda?

Why not choose the squad from our last game?....I've already posted the starting (and finishing) 11, here's the rest


Banks - English

Wallace - Scot

McCann - Scot

Elliot - Scot

Neilson - Scot

Pilibaitis - Lithuanian

Karipidis - Greek


By my calculations that's 6 Scots, 4 Lithuanians, 2 English, 2 Czech and 1 each from Portugal, Senegal, Greece and Ghana.

So...you find one squad with 7 Lithuanians - what does that prove?

I find a squad with 6 Scots - again what does that prove?


Arsenal seemed to do okay with nae English players (while they still had Vieira).

Whilst I have some sympathy with your opinion that it does Scottish fitba' no favours....Romanov isn't in it for the good of Scottish fitba'. Nor why should he be.


And poor response to spencey7? - disagree...he clearly hasn't much of a clue about Hearts and his sweeping generalisation is just the kind of comment I find hard to ignore.

Soor grapes? Nah, just putting folk in da picter.


penfold - you show me the profanity and I'll apologise for it. Derogatory comments? Your opinion. And what's my profession got to do with it?


And so to spencey7 again.

*sigh* AGAIN

Apologies if I'm wrong, but I'm guessing you're a student, and by a process of deductive reasoning your friends will also be students (in the main) and will therefore be of a similar age....say early 20s.

Without wishing to appear a patronising old git they really do NOT know what they're talking about, They'll have been brought up on cup wins in 1998 and 2006, the Burley team of (2 months of) last season.

By the way, how many of them chanted Vlad-i-mir Ro-man-ov in the early part of last season? Fickle? You bet.

They wouldn't have had to endure the yo-yo years of the late 70s, 1986, all the nearly times.

They've never had it so good!!

To think that this has been considered by most Hearts fans an almost disastrous season shows what we aspire to...and will achieve - I firmly believe that.


Loaning 14 players from 1 team...excessive...yes, I DO agree. But I see it as simply a technicality whereby Romanov uses his feeder clubs to positively promote the one at the top of the pyramid. Whatever the reason it is done tax/wages/something else..I don't know, I see it as simply his way of playing the system.

Please don't hold the Old Firm up as anything good in the Scottish game - since their formations they have systematically weakened any team they've seen as a threat by buying their stars as benchwarmers...do the research, there's plenty of examples.

Since you invited me to correct you if you were wrong....you'll find that Karipidis is Greek....but hey...don't let the facts get in the way of an anti-Vlad rant.

Who 'widely accepts it is a farce'?

C'mon you can't just claim that without backing it up.

Unless you mean the media.....and if that's your only source...don't bother.

As a Hearts fan I wouldn't expect you, or any other teams' fans, to be willing us to represent Scotland in Europe.

Do you actually know which Hearts player Kingston IS?

Ridiculous diving? I can only think you haven't seen many Hearts games this year....that comment is so wide of the mark....but you maybe read it in the Sun.

Yes, I do think our next manager will last more than a fortnight.

Well, the bigger dugouts can go into the bigger stand that's planned.

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Kevin...why choose a game from two months ago? Just so it suits your agenda?

Two months is hardly a lifetime Marooned - It illustrates the point just as well as your decision to choose the squad from the last game. Besides, squads can't change outside the transfer windows.


And poor response to spencey7? - disagree...he clearly hasn't much of a clue about Hearts and his sweeping generalisation is just the kind of comment I find hard to ignore.

Wait for it...


Without wishing to appear a patronising old git they really do NOT know what they're talking about.

This from the man who doesn't approve of "sweeping generalisations".


They'll have been brought up on cup wins in 1998 and 2006, the Burley team of (2 months of) last season.

As in, they were brought up supporting the Hearts OF TODAY - Not two decades ago. The "arguments" you seem to put forward here bear no relevance atall to the current debate.


Loaning 14 players from 1 team...excessive...yes, I DO agree. But I see it as simply a technicality whereby Romanov uses his feeder clubs to positively promote the one at the top of the pyramid. Whatever the reason it is done tax/wages/something else..I don't know, I see it as simply his way of playing the system.

If that's not viewing the situation through maroon-tinted spectacles I don't know what is - Could it be that it's HEARTS who are being exploited by Romanov..? SURELY NOT!


Please don't hold the Old Firm up as anything good in the Scottish game - since their formations they have systematically weakened any team they've seen as a threat by buying their stars as benchwarmers...do the research, there's plenty of examples.

Agreed, but at least now (some of) these players are claiming first team places. The influence of Scottish managers will help immensely.


Who 'widely accepts it is a farce'?

The majority of football supporters in Britain. I can't speak for any further afield. "The Fiver" which Tomblands refers to is a daily Guardian football email which has a worldwide following, pretty funny at times.


C'mon you can't just claim that without backing it up. Unless you mean the media.....and if that's your only source...don't bother.

Excuse me? What other sources would you like me to quote from? Exit polls? Academics? Get over it Hearts - THERE IS NO HUGE CONSPIRACY TO BRING YOU DOWN. Romanov has you all looking over your shoulders.


Do you actually know which Hearts player Kingston IS? Ridiculous diving? I can only think you haven't seen many Hearts games this year.

I've seen highlights (albeit crap ones on Scotsport - but the same ones you have seen), and watched the last two Hearts games start to finish. He was throwing himself all over the pitch at Rugby Park on Sunday, it was embarassing - Again, even the Hearts fans I watched the game with agreed. Referee handled it well though.


but you maybe read it in the Sun.

I can put up with basically any bruck being spoken on this forum, but I draw the line at accusations of being a Sun-reader...

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F'kn ignoramus.



You may believe that your dose of sour grapes was expertly masked by a poor attempt at humour, but when your opening gambit was returned with interest by Aberdeen supporters you resorted to name calling and trying to be clever by missing out the letters UCIG from the word before ignoramus.


If you you dont think Aberdeen should be in europe then say so dont resort to what you think is humour when really you are desparetly upset by the fact that Heart of Midlothian finished below THE DONS (stand free) and are therefore proven to be found woefully short of the required standard to attain the reward of european football.


The reason I quoted your profession is that I would have hoped that someone of your standing would have been more magnamous in celebrating the fact that a far superior and more representative team of scottish talent was representing us than your team of failure's.

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I would post a reply to Maywick but I feel Spencey and Penfold have covered everything


Back tae da Dons


How do you think Mair and McNamara will do?


There's surely a couple o Dutch Boys signing, an for the record, dats 1 out (Daal) and 2 in increasing wir foreign legion tae 6 including englishmen Steve Lovell and Dan Smith and irishman Byrne http://sport.scotsman.com/index.cfm?id=791542007


Finally, Russell says he wants tae bide, excellent! http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/a/aberdeen/6681279.stm

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How do you think Mair and McNamara will do?


That will be McNamara the very ex Scotland, Celtic and Wolves fullback?


Jeezo, he is about 32 and has played heehaw all season. He's finished.


Mair I know less about.

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