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The Dons - Europe


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Kingston's a neat and tidy player, I'll give you that. But his ridiculous diving makes me glad he's not in my team. Regarding his Barcelona ambitions - The phrase "delusions of grandeur" springs to mind.


He also called the ref "racist" after he was sent off for attempting to kill Barry Nicholson.


Can Hearts reappoint that Malofeev lad? He was a funny little man.


Moving onto more important topics, such as Aberdeen...


The Anderson story has given me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. He deserves so much more than what we can offer him, and as long as he doesn't move to one of the Old Firm, I would not grudge him any transfer. He's been the best defender in the SPL for 2 or 3 seasons now and could quite comfortably handle the Premiership, but if he wants to stay at the club ...well, its fantastic.



That will be McNamara the very ex Scotland, Celtic and Wolves fullback?


Jeezo, he is about 32 and has played heehaw all season. He's finished.


Mair I know less about.


"Very ex-Scotland"?


He was in the squad for the Italy and Georgia games but had to pull out due to injury. From reading the Wolves messageboards, some of their fans are absolutely gutted to be losing him and the general consensus was that he was very unlucky with injuries whilst he was down there. And he was linked with a move back to Celtic back in January...but he's sharn, eh?

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Oh, and I hope the 2 dutch lads can have as big an impact as the Dutch invasion of the early 90's...Gillhaus, Snelders, Van de Ven, "ooh ahh" Van Der Aark.


Speaking of the early 90's, some nostalgia...


- Dunfermline 1 Eoin Jess 4


- Jess hatrick vs Dundee United


- It's just like watching Brazil


- Gillhaus vs Rangers in the 88th minute


- 3-0 vs Hearts. Dave McPherson is pure comedy


- 2-0 down, Jim Bett gets it back to 2-2


- Champagne Charlie vs Celtic...route 1 football done with style.
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As Pooks said, keep to the subject so I'll make this my last post.


Spencey - if you're going to quote my posts at least do me the courtesy of doing so in full rather than selecting bits that seem to prove some sort of point. Or at the very least read the post and try to understand the point I'm making - I'd be quite happy to explain if you can't.


penfold - mind-reading amongst your specialities is it? Otherwise how can you claim to know what letters I intended to miss out by my use of the apostrophe? Perhaps the word you're thinking of is commonly used in your vocabulary? As for ignoramus...how else would you describe someone who clearly chooses to believe - and regurgitate it as fact - anything from the media without bothering to check for accuracy first?


I actually DO believe Aberdeen should be in Europe - they finished third in the league and nobody can argue with that. You seem to think I am upset by this.....not at all. For us to have had what has been widely acknowledged amongst Hearts fans (or should I do a spencey and claim every living soul in the entire known universe) as a disastrous season is what upsets me. After the calamitous season we've had pushing Aberdeen to the last day of the season for a European slot is surely something for you lot to be worrying about.

I'd hardly say 'woefully short' and 'far superior', but I'll be gracious and not argue that one.


Finally I am genuinely surprised that you appear to hold the teaching profession in such high regard - perhaps had you done so, when at school yourself, you would have paid attention to your teachers when they told you that words like 'Europe, European and Scottish' begin with a capital letter. Or when you were told that 'don't' should have an apostrophe.

Or that plural nouns, like 'failures' shouldn't have one. Or that correct spellings for words like 'desperately' and 'magnanimous' can be found in a dictionary.


Or maybe you could have the cojones to admit it was nothing more than a sly dig.

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I think McNamara is a superb signing, and judging from their message boards Wolves fans seem to rate him too:


Best of luck to Jackie, really sad to see him go, weve only just begun to see the best of him and after he returned to the side, we looked a great deal better at the back. When he didnt play we missed him. His experience could have been useful for next season. Good luck to him though, just a shame we didnt see more of him.
Good luck for the future Jackie, I thought we looked far better in defence during the season when he played. I think that having his experience around next season would have helped the younger players next season.
Thank you Jackie for all your hard work during the last 2 years. Wolves will be a sadder place without your experience and skill. All the best with your new club and your future.
Good luck Jackie! You played your part this season. Will be sad to see him go he’s got expirience but now we need to get someone in replacement.
all the best Jackie. Hope you carry on playing for a while yet. Great professional and a credit to himself. Cheers & Good luck
Thank you Jackie. You’ve been a great asset to Wolverhampton Wanderers FC and will be sorely missed by players and fans alike. A rock at the back and it is just a shame your injuries minimised the chances we got to see you play. Good luck for the future!
Very good luck to you Jackie, I hope you end your season on a high. Fine defender.
I can’t understand why we haven’t offered him another contract because he was our classiest defender by far; a strong tackler with intuitive positional skills. He’s had to cover for Breen & Craddock many countless times in recent matches.

Remember Wolves finished 5th in the Championship this season.


I'll confess to not knowing a great deal about Lee Mair, I don't think I've ever watched him play 90 minutes. Then again, I try to avoid Dundee Utd wherever possible... I'd heard Jimmy might play him in midfield next season alongside Seve, but that's undoubtedly just speculation. The jury's out, but we got him on a free, and I'm sure he'll be a good squad player.


Regarding the Dutch boys, they sound like they're worth a look - De Vischeer especially, we could be deadly with him and Jamie Smith out wide.


As for Anderson, what can you say that hasn't already been said? I almost feel guilty to hear him say he wants to stay at Pittodrie when he could comfortably play at a much higher level. Already an absolute legend, and only 28.


P.S. Tomblands - Those videos were absolutely superb...

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Well whats my lack of grammar got to do with Aberdeen beating Heart of Midlothian to 3rd place and European football?


I am glad that you noticed my grammatic mistakes as I feel I could take advice from you on such academic matters, but as you seem to have little sense to say on the subject being discussed you are right you should make this your last post on this thread.

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.but he's sharn, eh?


Now now, don't be putting words in my mouth. Never said he was that s word. Just past it, had his day and winding down. Older players get injured more often and take longer to recover, that's a fact of life.


A very good Scotland servant in his day but it might have been best had he done his final few yards down the hill at a lower level.

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Finally I am genuinely surprised that you appear to hold the teaching profession in such high regard - perhaps had you done so, when at school yourself, you would have paid attention to your teachers when they told you that words like 'Europe, European and Scottish' begin with a capital letter. Or when you were told that 'don't' should have an apostrophe.

Ladies and gentlemen - The death of internet forum debate. The spelling/grammar insults have begun...


Since we're on that Marooned - Perhaps if you had paid attention at school you would know that sentences shouldn't really be 51 words long..?


Sorry, couldn't resist. :roll:


Please do explain your earlier points Marooned, should you feel I have missed them. I would suspect that reading them back you will realise that they are entirely irrelevant. Start a new thread if you feel the need.

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I was listening to the match relaying as much as I could by text to Mr TA as he was on shift. Ran about like mad when the final whistle went! Still canna believe it really, I'm all hopeful and optimistic. Happy about the McNamara signing no sure about the Mair een.


No sure what will happen wi Russell as he did an interview about Jan/Feb time saying he was definitely staying until the end of the season. Wouldn't confirm about after that and confirmed he would look at other clubs if the offer was good enough.

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.but he's sharn, eh?


Now now, don't be putting words in my mouth. Never said he was that s word. Just past it, had his day and winding down. Older players get injured more often and take longer to recover, that's a fact of life.


A very good Scotland servant in his day but it might have been best had he done his final few yards down the hill at a lower level.


Aye sorry.


Just wanted to point out that he isn't as washed up as you seemed to suggest.


@ Spencey...


The Shearer goal vs Rangers...if that had been scored by one of the Old Firm it would still be getting played on TV. And I really liked the commentator completely ignoring that Bett's goal against Hearts was a sclaffed cross.


I'm still waiting for the Robbie Winters goal vs Celtic when we lost 5-1. Time might be clouding my memory, but I reckon he took it past 24 players before scoring that goal.

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Due to injuries, Steve Lovell is the only non-Scot to have been playing for the Dons regularly in the last few months...Touzani, Dempsey and Byrne have all been injured.


Rangers were happy enough to do it in a friendly, but would they do it in the SPL? Or would they continue playing the dictionary definition of "Waste of Space"...Filip Sebo?

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Ladies and gentlemen - The death of internet forum debate. The spelling/grammar insults have begun...


Eh, no. I'd have said the death of internet forum debate is when someone deliberately misquotes or partially quotes a previous poster to misconstrue what they have said in order to try to prove some point.

And how can pointing out facts in a civilised manner be construed as insulting? Indeed penfold thanked me for my input - perhaps you should check with posters before deciding how they feel or what they think...you certainly seem to be incapable of drawing valid conclusions by yourself.


Since we're on that Marooned - Perhaps if you had paid attention at school you would know that sentences shouldn't really be 51 words long..?


And if you'd paid attention at school spencey7, you'd have learned that a correctly punctuated sentence can be as long as the writer wishes it to be.

You'd have also learned that sentence length is directly related to reading age.....so back to the Sun for you, laddie.


Please do explain your earlier points Marooned, should you feel I have missed them. I would suspect that reading them back you will realise that they are entirely irrelevant. Start a new thread if you feel the need.


You start a new thread if you want to debate the Romanov era - I've got better places than this to do it.

If you still can't understand my points on this thread after reading them again I'll try to explain them in the new thread.

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