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Horse and pony welfare

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Cause a bad smell? A skid?


No point trying to justify it, folks; it's still a form of littering - it's relative offensiveness can be debated for as long as you please, but it's still animal waste left on public property.


Personally I don't find it particularly offensive, but I do find the attitude of the horse riders that it's not their responsibility to be very short-sighted.

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What possible damage can a pile o horse poo do in the very short time its on the road?


Especially on a corner to someone on a motorbike or bicycle, none directly, but the road surface, other vehicles, kerb, nearby walls etc tend to do both rider and bike a great deal, when it causes a wheel to skid.


Try negotiating a 6 inch deep steaming pile even at moderate speeds, it ain't fun. :evil:

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Cause a bad smell? A skid?


No point trying to justify it, folks; it's still a form of littering - it's relative offensiveness can be debated for as long as you please, but it's still animal waste left on public property.


Personally I don't find it particularly offensive, but I do find the attitude of the horse riders that it's not their responsibility to be very short-sighted.


I am neither a horse owner or a rider!!


I just would rather wait a few seconds to pass a horse and rider, than wait a few minutes in a traffic jam while they clean up poo that will be gone the next day anyway!


Now thats what I call common sense

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^^^ Dumping a pile of it in the Town Hall steps every time the Council or one of it's committees makes a crass, stupid or irresponsible decision could be a good use for it. If the new lot are no better than the old lot, you could get rid of a good pile of it after just about every meeting. :twisted:


Question is, would they notice it with the quantity of the same stuff sourced from the bull that exists there already.

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Dumping a pile of it in the Town Hall steps every time the Council or one of it's committees makes a crass, stupid or irresponsible decision could be a good use for it.


The whole town would be buried in it within the week.


a kid wont go blind if they get horse poop in their eye now will they?

You could try putting it in an air rifle, this might help.

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I have waded through 3 pages of this and I need to comment. My apologies if I am repeating anything, but I will never get this bit of my life back!


I have no idea about feeding horses, so I just don't. I keep well away from them and never walk around the back end.


I don't have a problem with horses crapping on the road, but for God's sake keep the bleedin' things off the pavements. I have found more than one heap of horse poo on the Lerwick pavements, and come around a corner to find a horse wandering along the pavement.


I think that I slow down nicely for horses, but it is a really nice when the horsey type has the courtesy to wave to the driver for their courtesy. Horsey types have often told me that the horses were there before the cars. I like to point out that the roads were tarmaced for the cars not the horses.


Cars and horses don't usually co-exist very well, so its nice when we can keep them apart. The car can't drive across fields on on bridleways, but the horses can. There's a clue in there :roll:

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That will be as flat as a pancake in a couple o hours with all the cars driving over it.....

Or rather the cars, bikes or whatever will be trying to drive round it and being distracted in the process. Dangerous. Anything on 2 wheels will have a less than fun time going through it me thinks.


Big deal. Horse muck is just some stomachly digested grass and the like. Dog dirt on the other hand is odious slimey meaty dog byproduct! Totally different thing. I'd rather see large piles of horse dung than a pile of dog dirt anyday!

Well I'm a veggie so it's all good stuff coming out the other end too... I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this :wink:


Perhaps giving yer horse a couple of imodium afore heading out would be a compromise?

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