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Creamed Haddock


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Once upon a time when I travelled Stronsay/Orkney I had a local dish called creamed haddock, some kind of haddock steamed in a mixture of milk and cream going along with some added spoots (Razor shells).


I have now found a fisherman going for spoots in the North Sea watts over here but I don't have a proper recipe. Is there a similar thing known from the traditional Shetland kitchen???


All I do remember is that it was going along with new potatoes ... and that it was so rich that I was fed up for more than the rest of the day ... ;-)

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Direct from a Distinguished Orcadian (not me):

"Absolutely the best way to cook spoots is to steam them. They do not

get tough and you can add butter later if you wish. frying is too high

a temperature unless they are battered in tempura batter and fried very




Haddock is usually poached in milk.

If by "razor-back" you mean the little clams, yes you mustn't cook them too much or they get like shoe leather


PS "Fed up" in the US means "tired and irritated with [whatever is going on]",

Anne (Ardmore, PA, USA)

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