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100 Shetland Authors @ Shetlopedia!?!


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Guest Anonymous

I suppose it's a bit like the way that the internet has promoted the use of lower case letters in the start of words/names which should have upper case.

In this instance, use of first names first, stems from the way the pages on Shetlopedia are set up.

I have already thought about it and was considering adding a category listing in alphabetical order by surname. Just haven't got around to it yet. I've been too busy reading the information which Ex-Isle has provided. :)


I may be wrong, but, it's looking like the most comprehensive listing of Shetland authors, to date, on the web.

Well done Ex-Isle :)





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Is it common nowadays to list things under first names?


For a few moments I had similar thoughts when I saw the list ... and well, it is probably not common and might be unsuitable for the Encyclopaedia Britannica or the Wikipedia.


... but it isn't the Britannica, it is Shetlopedia, something about "what's happening in your neighbourhood" and the 100+ are or might have been neighbours ...


The way I understood the idea of Shetlopedia is that it is first of all something "from Shetlanders for Shetlanders" and with regard to some particular items something "from Shetlanders and None-Shetlanders for Shetlanders and others interested in Shetland".


And when you are looking from abroad - as I do - or in case you are not half way familiar with the Shetland cosmographia it is totally out of interest whether you look for "Haldane Burgess" or "Burgess, Haldane" when you have now idea about the work linked with the name ... but I am - personally spoken - quite happy to find the folks I have met under their proper name like "Lise Sinclair" and not bureaucratically refered to as "Sinclair (stop) Lise" ... or "Wills, Jonathan, Dr" ...


The same is with the "principle" of locally known names, spellings, akas etc first. "Vagaland" I know ... thinking a bit about his proper name I wood end up with "Robertson", using the search box for "Robertson" someone might have some probs to find the right "Robertson, XWY".


Within a different context we discussed the problem of Shetland "identity". Putting all and everything to global standards is somehow giving up identity whether it regards to Shetland or not.

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Have read at one time or another:


Bobby Tulloch

Dr Jonathon Wills

Frank Walterson

James W. Irvine

Joseph Gray

Rhoda Bulter




...and most of the journalists and poets who submit regular articles to Shetland publications.



Couple more missing:


George Leith - A Lerwick Lifeboatman's Story


Wendy Gear - John Walker's Shetland (C'mon Peter, whaur is du?) :wink:

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Guest Anonymous

I read dat. Aald burger hed naethin good ta say aboot Shetland, though

Half da folk on here hae little guid ta sae aboot da Isle... Whit's new :D

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Whaar is Mortimer Manson? Or Thomas Manson?


An whit's MacDiarmid doin dere? :evil:



He spent 9 years on Whalsay, which inspired some of his poems see




for more details


I read dat. Aald burger hed naethin good ta say aboot Shetland, though


Decision was to include anybody who'd spent a substantial period of time living in Shetland. And not to pass judgement ... :)


Btw, does anybody know anything about this crime writer who is supposed to have lived on da Fair Isle:



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