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Favourite "SIBC Moment"...


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I tink dat maist o da music he plays is just da auld sharn dat Clives couldna sell an baled oot ta da essey kert , its just the same crap day in week oot. :roll:


Rubbish. Look at the website, SIBC have loads of pre-releases. I listen quite often and I would say the opposite, it is mostly NME Q type contemporary bands, songwriters etc getting played. Most admirable is that SIBC play songs by contemporary Shetland artists, which in my opinion is brilliant - not a fiddle or accordian in sight either!

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I have to say make of the news what you will, but the music on SIBC is generally quite good.


No matter where you go, a station that plays "current releases" will never 100% suit everyones tastes, unless you have a very eclectic taste in music.



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I remember the story about the boat which had to be rescued which reportedly contained two male persons and 6 non-human persons.................!!!!


Turned out to be a couple of blokes with their dog putting some sheep into an isle!

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The thing that gets my goat with his playlists is there seems neither rhyme nor reason what gets included and what gets ignored. Some "Big name" national/international tracks often never get one play with him either before or after release, yet other's get everything they put out played to death every time. Makes you wonder if he's just allied to one or a small handful of pluggers upline, and the playlist is more dictated by who they're handling rather than anything else.


Having some exposure of local artistes is great, but in moderation, please. I've more or less stopped listening to SIBC these last 6 months or so due to it feeling like every time I tuned in I was hearing exactly the same small number of local artistes over and over again and little else. It's a big world of music out there, one or at the very most, two, local tracks per hour would, IMHO, be a nice balance, but back to back or every second of third track is a bit much....

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I remember the story about the boat which had to be rescued which reportedly contained two male persons and 6 non-human persons.................!!!!


Turned out to be a couple of blokes with their dog putting some sheep into an isle!


I canna thole yun SIBC ... joost maks me tirn whan I waak inata someen's hoose or da loakil shop an I hear dem laein aff :evil:

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I looked at the website ages ago and there was a list of how often he played x track from y list etc. I think that the popular nes were played 52 times a week :shock: For someone who used to listen to it all day and every day it just got too much. My life became one long round of deja vu!


Does he smoke? I agree with Frances' point that his coughs go on forever.


His wife sounds lovely though. I quite often woke up to her in the morning (purely as a radio listener you understand!).


I haven't listened to the station for about a year now and what with that and the counselling I am feeling like my old self again :wink:

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^^^ Once you get past the withdrawals stage of reaching out to switch on the radio, but before you can you suffer these multiple vivid flashbacks of all the times you've just "had" to switch it off, and recoil violently, you soon start to settle down. :wink:

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SIBC is on in my home most days from morning until I switch over to get the BBC Radio Shetland news at 5.30pm on weekdays and I stay with SIBC at weekends. Unless of course I decide to listen to CDs. Maybe if Ian gets too many complaints about gaffes on the news and his choice of music then he might just decide to rename the station as "Wonderful Radio Shoestring" as I am sure it is not a pot of gold to secure his retirement.


If anyone wants me to criticise I will do so. With few announced tracks played and with the play list in full no longer being on the station's website it can be hard to identify something that you like. Imagine if years ago you had kept hearing bits of Tubular Bells but had never learnt whose music it was. How frustrating that would have been. Well that happens to me today. Sometimes SIBC keeps playing a tune and I have no idea what it is.


And just for the record I used to listen to Radio City, Radio London, Caroline and North Sea International. Guess that dates me and Ian but I think it is good that we still like new things.

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SIBC is on in my home most days from morning until I switch over to get the BBC Radio Shetland news at 5.30pm on weekdays and I stay with SIBC at weekends. Unless of course I decide to listen to CDs. Maybe if Ian gets too many complaints about gaffes on the news and his choice of music then he might just decide to rename the station as "Wonderful Radio Shoestring" as I am sure it is not a pot of gold to secure his retirement.


If anyone wants me to criticise I will do so. With few announced tracks played and with the play list in full no longer being on the station's website it can be hard to identify something that you like. Imagine if years ago you had kept hearing bits of Tubular Bells but had never learnt whose music it was. How frustrating that would have been. Well that happens to me today. Sometimes SIBC keeps playing a tune and I have no idea what it is.


And just for the record I used to listen to Radio City, Radio London, Caroline and North Sea International. Guess that dates me and Ian but I think it is good that we still like new things.



Not forgetting Laser 558, Mi Amigo, Radio Veronica, Radio 390 & quite a few others that I can't remember but listened to way back.

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sludgegulper wrote

Not forgetting Laser 558, Mi Amigo, Radio Veronica, Radio 390 & quite a few others that I can't remember but listened to way back.


Indeed we should not forget. Those guys provided the first alternative to the BBC Light programme or Radio Luxembourg. A chance for new music to be heard by the masses. Well remember the first time I heard Albatross by Fleetwood Mac on my favourite pirate station at the time. Left thinking "Wow!".


Maybe the whole thing is starting again. Are the likes of Myspace and Bebo going to be the pirates of the 21st century letting people hear what is on offer even if it does not make the play lists of the BBC or SIBC?. I do hope so.

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I must admit to have had my fair share of chuckles at Ian Anderson's expense over the years. However when my brother lost his life in a truck accident in America last year he read out a beautiful obituary to "the friendliest trucker in Shetland", which was much appreciated by the members of the family who heard it. In contrast Radio Shetland had a piece that seemed to say someone thinks we should read this out but I'm damned if I know why.

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