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Favourite "SIBC Moment"...


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Did anyone here the 7.30 SIBC news this morning?


He managed to get in his cough.......is it a code to someone?


Then he lost the second page of the Norwegian news. When he did find it he rattled it off so fast I thought he was speaking Norwegian. Didn't catch one word of it. Luckily I don't really care.

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Going slightly off topic


I was away sooth and kept hearing the SIBC tune that announces the news and told folk how good it was that they got SIBC sooth. They kept giving me funny looks, but I kept hearing it. After a while I phoned hame and was telling son about it and he fell about laughing. He'd got a new mobile and given me his old one and the ringtone was the SIBC tune :oops:

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Favourite SIBC moments are the weather. We get all the seasons in one broadcast. One morning whilst going to meet the boat I had to pull off the road as I was choking and coughing so much at the weather report. Ian had looked oot the windo and seen a lovely sun and spluttered how nice it looked over the harbour and told listeners to go and look, but the way he said it he could have won a prize if it was written down.

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My all time moment was when he surely spotted somebody moving his plastic traffic cone from what I assume must have been his favourite parking space just outside the studio - while he was on air.


The whole escapade was borne out over an open mike in a very Monty Python-esq fashion. There was much peching, slamming of doors, footsteps running & much muffled cursing under the breath.......I almost burst laughing, he was so breathless by the time he got back he couldna spaek ava.


Did any body else hear this oncarry, it was braally early in the morning?

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My all time moment was when he surely spotted somebody moving his plastic traffic cone from what I assume must have been his favourite parking space just outside the studio - while he was on air.


The whole escapade was borne out over an open mike in a very Monty Python-esq fashion. There was much peching, slamming of doors, footsteps running & much muffled cursing under the breath.......I almost burst laughing, he was so breathless by the time he got back he couldna spaek ava.


Did any body else hear this oncarry, it was braally early in the morning?


There is a whole thread on this subject here!



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I've listened tae SIBC on the way to work, and at work when driving, for years, (well, the news segments, the music left me behind many years ago)


The best funs are always first thing in the morning, sometimes it takes a few "takes" to get the stories recorded properly to run for the rest of the day.


I personally love the seamless switches from major national news to the most minor of local events, all wi the same delivery, priceless.


I mind listenin wan time whan dir wis a power cut, an Ian seemed unsure whether his backup system was keepin him transmitting or no. We got a runnin commentary on da reboot o da music system until it was all back, brilliant.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been trying to find a link to the Poison Popcorn SIBC manipulation video that used to be on youtube but it seems to have dissappered, this is the link to the bebo group page it is on, click on the SIBC link that appears under the songs list....very clever and very funny :lol:




Seems to be a shorter version of the original one I first heard......

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Why cant S.I.B.C. never get it right?????....At 9am this morning he reported the Bressay ferry Leirna was back in the harbour after there refit i saw them at Sumburgh head on the A.I.S. 5 minutes before :roll: :roll:


(***Mod Edit - Merged with one of the existing SIBC threads***)

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My pet hate from the radio station is how he rattles away the "Shetland Area Weather Forcast", then proceeds to tell us what the weather was hours previous in Norway, Orkey, Faroe and Aberdeen. A, why would we need to know that? And B, thats not Shetland.


Other than that, SIBC is great to have going in the backround.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I canna suffer da wedder eenoo, we da "solar ultraviolet sun burn index"!! I did hae tae laugh da ider day, it wis afil misty an da sun wis nae whar tae be seen an he reckoned it wis "4 or high".


Anider thing dat p's me off is da adverts dey come on we... "Send us your news stories and tips to......" Ir you ifer heard dim sayin tips??

I winder whit he wid do if you did send him an email we a tip? Hmmmm....


An anider thing... da wye he says "Hi, your listening to SIBC on 96.2". Da high pitch "hi" Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrgh!!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

SIBC gold....

"An SIBC listener on his way to work this morning spotted a small crow-size bird... about the size of a small crow." Ian Anderson, circa 1999

There are many many more SIBC quotes, but this is a favourite and has been remembered for years by me n my pals! Hilarious :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've really enjoyed reading through all these different posts.

Poor Ian. Doesnt get a day off...his brain must just switch off sometimes but its still broadcasted. Classic!

I love SIBC dearly and i've requested something before and i've heard it being read out. but other than that i've never heard anything being read out other than adverts and that.


Has anybody ever thought about giving ian a break and having a few hours a day of younger people taking over? i would love to do it. It would be really good. Something like radio shetlands "give us a tune". if there is anything ever proposed i would love to do it....maybe i just love the sound of my own voice :)

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I Really do love da wadder reports some days you listen tae it an never really get any better o a idea so hay tae look at da magic waar man on da internet or da fair isle wadder!


It starts aff being sunny we scatterd cloud an dry, turning tae rain we overcast low cloud affecting da hills, den tuning showery we showers oo hail or sleet later!


Dan da winds will be southerly veering soothwesterly force 2 tae 3 then increasing 4-5 then veering wast tae nort wast and increasing 6-7 and posibly later in the day the wind going northerly and increasing force 9 perhaps storm 10 we da heavy shoors!! :? :roll:


Dan if dats no enough we get tae keen whit da owernight wadder is been in Aberdeen Bergan an Faeroe!! No much use if your kinda relying on it fur goin aff we da smaa doat an catchin a few fish fur da tae!! :wink:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I did a job at his house and i vaugely remember him coming home one day and telling me about some spider. Something to do with how many eggs they lay... Anyway i just switched off and didnt take in a word he said. much like when im forced to listin in the morning.

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