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Favourite "SIBC Moment"...


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My pet hate from the radio station is how he rattles away the "Shetland Area Weather Forcast", then proceeds to tell us what the weather was hours previous in Norway, Orkey, Faroe and Aberdeen. A, why would we need to know that? And B, thats not Shetland.


Other than that, SIBC is great to have going in the backround.



But he did give the Shetland forecast though. XX

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wan morning i was driving to work listening to sibc and he said da time but he was an hour out! I hed a wee panic until i found my mobile phone to double check da timein da car, thot i was seriously late for work but thankfully it was his mistake.

Who is he and whit does he look like onyhow???

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  • 1 month later...

Did onybody hear him dis mornin?



"Would people please stop phoning in! I am on my own today and am waiting to receive telephone calls from the Schools service, but they can't get through because you keep phoning in!"


dis is only because da neep played last nights message aboot whit schools wis closing.

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Fortunately with radio shetland on at 6.55 don't have to deal with sibc, at least you also get a real weather forecast not the "looking out of the window" not everyone lives in lerwick. Yes town maybe fine but doesn't mean everywhere else is.

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A few years ago when I used to listen to SIBC regularly, I found it amusing when he would mispronouce a name of a music artist e.g avril lavin-ya or christina agwee-a-lee-ra. (no offence intended to Mr Anderson, I also laugh when my 3 year old asks for a strawbelly woghurt, so I am easily amused!) :D

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It's da epic weather reports dat crack me up...


"It will be sunny with scattered cloud, with a chance of dense fog at times. The day will begin with scattered showers, drying towards the afternoon with moderate to heavy downpours in the late evening. Wind will be force 4 or 5 raising to force 7 and 8, with gusts up to hurricane force 12."


In fairness... He's never wrong.

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^^ I need my SIBC fix first thing in the morning, as the other stations are just far too cheery for my liking at that time, and only when driving into the toon do I switch to something else! For a one man band he's the full entertainment package really, news, music, up-to-date info and a laugh at the same time (albeit sometimes at his expense) but I'll miss him when he finally thows in the towel that's for sure !! :D

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