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Favourite "SIBC Moment"...


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Guest Anonymous

its all favourite moment, damn sterling job done, far as am aware its all single handed, and has to be hard to fill news bulletins if genuinely nothing has happened and the weather systems are Atlantic lows, which not even the best forecasters get right, to be fair its a well run great station wi music well picked to suit most of the people most of the time

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Is anybody else getting completely p'd off by the relentless repeating of "Tam" getting shaved by "John" on SIBC.


Yes, granted Govt. "Public Service" Ads by definition are goofy, daft, silly, and their attempts at humour beyond pitiful. The first time you hear them you go, "Ahh, oh ha ha", thereafter you tolerate the banality of them with undisguised ill-grace. But after more than three weeks of hearing about John making Tam "nice and smooth" :? without fail every morning at 7am, I'm ready to lose it and send the radio flying through the window if I ever hear them at it again.

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  • 4 weeks later...

^^ I dread to think, I had better things to do than try and count, but it sounded like a stuck record, and definitely not really what you needed to hear at 7am on a mornin o' snaa. :lol:


In a way you were almost expecting him to burst in to song at any moment....Common People, by Pulp. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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  • 2 years later...

Caught the news this morning and his mis-pronounciation of names is still continuing....


He is still refering to the MV Hjaltland as the "Yatland" and he then refered to a tanker in the shipping news as the Elizabeth Nutsen when infact it's the Elizabeth Knutsen, the K and N are pronounced as K-Nutsen.



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