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The sky at night (meteors, Iridium flares, the moon)


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This might sound strange but I've been curious about what I saw on Friday (12 August) night in Fetlar, don't know how to explain it. It was a bright white light, looked almost like a shooting star, but didn't move right across the sky, it moved vertical in a downward direction and shown bright before disappearing? My father in law suggested ball lightening. It only happened the once when I was out watching, it was mostly light cloud in the direction I saw it. I don't know my bearings out there, think it was the North?? The moon was almost behind me. Hope someone can shed some light.

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This might sound strange but I've been curious about what I saw on Friday (12 August) night in Fetlar, don't know how to explain it. It was a bright white light, looked almost like a shooting star, but didn't move right across the sky, it moved vertical in a downward direction and shown bright before disappearing? My father in law suggested ball lightening. It only happened the once when I was out watching, it was mostly light cloud in the direction I saw it. I don't know my bearings out there, think it was the North?? The moon was almost behind me. Hope someone can shed some light.


Probably a satellite. What time did you see it?

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About 11pm ish, it moved fairly quickly caught it at the corner of my eye at first hence why I looked in the direction when it glowed white then disappeared. I would have thought a flare or something, but it moved in the wrong direction and had too short a "tail" before glowing bright.

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Thanks, I don't know too much about the sky at night, was just strange I saw it through the clouds and it moved down vertically towards earth with a tail and a bright light (orb) glowed then disappeared. Looks very similar to ball lightening (small) but it was the only one.

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[***Mod edit - moved post to relevant thread***]


Just droping by to share a few things I thought some of you might appreciate...


I was up in Unst over Easter and was treated to a week of the most beautiful weather I've ever experienced, then on the last night this appeared:




A short timelapse video can be found here:



Hoping to return next Easter for another week of solid blue skies! What a magical place![/img]

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Yes, that was taken on the Westing looking out towards Brough Holm. This one is facing North:




I didn't get many other shots as I was keen to setup the timelapse and before I knew it the sun was starting to rise, ruining any long exposures.

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