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The sky at night (meteors, Iridium flares, the moon)


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Lunar eclipse this afternoon and in terms of the UK we are best placed to see it. Aus and South Africa are geting the best of it, but assuming clear skies I believe our best chance for a glimpse is sometime after 14.00.



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Yep, missed most of it here due to cloud after nothing at all initially. Three taken about 15.40 then one an hour later. :-






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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Did anyone else see the Quadrantid Meteor Shower last night/early hours of this morning? I was watching in Lerwick and about 315am I'm pretty sure i saw a fireball, if it hadn't have been so late i would've thought it was a flare or firework but it was different! I'm just wondering if anyone else saw it? I saw lots of the other meteors (shooting stars) and it was giant compared to it, it actually gluffed me.


What an amazing sight it was anyway


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  • 3 weeks later...
My wife and I have been in Shetland for almost 4 years now but have missed seeing the Northern Lights each time.


Damn !


How? A daft question but you do know they don't look like the photos, tonights have been on since about 7pm (that I saw) mainly blue stripes across the sky

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