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The sky at night (meteors, Iridium flares, the moon)


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  • 4 weeks later...

Managed to catch a bright-but-brief flare up of the Mirrie Dancers at the back o tea time last night. Apologies for the poor quality but I was really just nippin oot for a look and they went mad in the space of about 90 secs.

This was a 28mm lens and shows probably about a third of the display that stretched from NW to NE.


Headed out for dark places to try and get some proper shots but it all seemed to fall away to a background glow in no time.








Looks like there's a reasonable chance of more lights over the weekend, so have a look to the skies if you're out and about.

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tocht it wiz a kinda peetie aboot da hydro pole so hope du duzna mind :-


Not at all!


If du could see dee wye tae takkin awa da next couple o poles as weel dat wid be fine as dey fair mess up da sunsets oot da voe. :lol:


This where I wanted to take some shots without all the clutter and light pollution but they were all but gone by the time I got there.



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