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Local Sky TV Supplier

Marooned in Maywick

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Guest Anonymous

Jesus B Christ fae cunningsburgh hes a handy man we a penchant for red tins and if you believe in him he might just save you.

Yun sky T.v is da wark o da Deevil n du wid be better hayin neathin ta dae we it , jesus will advise you of this when he comes to fix it.

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Tam at Springbank Electrical in Scalloway certainly used to supply and fit Sky dishes. Not entirely sure he still does as he was very busy with terrestrial installations. Worth a call though, from personal experience i can vouch for his quality of service and economical pricing.

His number is readily available, but if directory enquiries doesna hae it then i'll hock it oot.

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I find that anytime that my Sky dish falls off you can easily get a replacement by calling Sky and threatening to cancel. The only problem with this is that you are likely to have at least a two month wait before they install the new one.


Oh, and they will try and charge you for the two months that you are receiving no service from them as well.

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On a more positive note re: Sky, I, in a minor temper tantrum the other day, chucked the Sky remote out the window into the St. Bernard's territory where he promptly devoured it. Astonishingly enough it still works! (new remote from e-bay on it's way though).


sorry.. might be rambling again...

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There's Sky dishes attached to the walls of at least two hooses next door to me that's haven't been connected up to anything for quite a while, cross my palm with a suitable amount of silver, and the addresses can be PM'd, plus I promise to be looking the other way when you come by. :wink:


Is du game Marooned, only 7 mile sooth ower?


Disclaimer: I accept no responsibility whatsoever for any future "problems" which may arise from following the above suggestions.

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