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Birds, animals and idder beasties


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I am ashamed tae admit that I often flip atween da English and da turdlin' names for birds, fische and da lik because I dinna ken aa o' da true names.


Does onybody want tae list some o' da mair common eens tae help me alang?




Puffin = Tammie Norie

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Hehe, now where did I lay that Modstick?


Back to Shetlandish lingo:-


Dis is exactly whit I intended dis treed tae be aboot. I could mibbee hiv wirded da topic better noo I come tae tink aboot it. turdlin' names fur birds, fische, beasties, flooers n' fauna.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dey ir a craetir at's been budderin me fir a while noo.

I canna mind whar a'm seen or herd it afore, it micht even o been on here.

Is da Shetlan wird for a Three Bearded Rockling a "brumplick"?

A'm tried Google and da lik an canna fin onyting aboot it an da twartee fokk at A'm axed aboot it didna seem tae o heard o it. It ay pits me in mind o brukkin aboot da banks as a bairn an joost soonds richt fir da peerie, fat, sprikkly fellows!

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Nae idea.


Since I posted dis thread I cam across a book athin da Tourist Office. Hit's a pocket-sized ting dat lists common turdlin' birds alang wie dir Shetlin' neems. Canna mind noo wha wrote it or whit it wis caa'ed but you can likkly fin een athi' da Times shop as weel.

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A tree bearded rocklin is a a kinda ollick lik thing .. but I canna mind da name fur it. I wid fone da auld een bit he's awa rumblin aboot europe somewhar.


You wid fin peeire baby wans whin you whir hockin aboot da ebb. I can pictur dem noo - do da name forgoes me. Or ahm I tinking aboot someting else? Dey wir dis peerie ollick lik things under stanes athin da ebb if you wir lucky ... kinda razor lik bak on dem?!

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A tree bearded rocklin is a a kinda ollick lik thing .. but I canna mind da name fur it. I wid fone da auld een bit he's awa rumblin aboot europe somewhar.


You wid fin peeire baby wans whin you whir hockin aboot da ebb. I can pictur dem noo - do da name forgoes me. Or ahm I tinking aboot someting else? Dey wir dis peerie ollick lik things under stanes athin da ebb if you wir lucky ... kinda razor lik bak on dem?!


Da Rockling is lik a mini olicky shapit thing bit is usually a reddy kind o color. I hed eens in a sea water fish tank dat I keepit years ago an dey oosed tae shut oot fae under a stane, grip whitivir you wir feedin dem and spin roond an roond on deyr lent, muckle lik I wid imagine dere bigger cousins wid do at da haaf whaan takkin a hjuk.

Da eens wi da razor bak du's tinkin o most o been da swaarfish (dats a butterfish or gunnel in Soothspaek) an dey shared da sam sort o habitat. Dey hae black spots alang deyr sides an hae a thinner, flatter profile whar da rocklin is roonder, lik an olick.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

We used to catch both swaarfish and brumplicks when I was young. The swaarfish is definitely the butterfish or gunnel, but I am not convinced about a brumplick being a three bearded rockling. The rockling as its name suggests has three little beards under its chin, and appears to be reddish with spots. The brumplicks we caught had only a single beard, and were olive green in colour without any spots. I formed the opinion they were probably eelpout, but it was difficult to be sure.


However, the position may not be that simple. Thomas Edmondston seemed to reckon the Swaarfish and the Brumplick were the same fish, which he identified as a spotted blenny. This seemed to be taken up by both Jakobsen and James Stout Angus. Jakobsen gave Tang-Brismek as another name for the same fish. I've looked up a blenny, and it doesnt look like any brumplick I have ever seen, so despite the pundits I go back to my opinion in the first paragraph.

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  • 1 month later...

maalies, maas, swaabie, scories, dunters, tysties, scarfs, tammie nories, solans, rain gös, alamootie, lintie, tirrick, shalder, sillock.piltock. seid, olick, tusk, hoes, waarie codlin, plucker, partan, dratsie. selkie, whaal, pellick , (neesik),whalp, ketlin, whitterit, kyunnin, hirkie (grice), kye,

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maalies, maas, swaabie, scories, dunters, tysties, scarfs, tammie nories, solans, rain gös, alamootie, lintie, tirrick, shalder, sillock.piltock. seid, olick, tusk, hoes, waarie codlin, plucker, partan, dratsie. selkie, whaal, pellick , (neesik),whalp, ketlin, whitterit, kyunnin, hirkie (grice), kye,

What are the English names for these, for comparison?

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maalies= fulmar maas, gulls swaabie= black-backed gull scories = immature gull dunter = eider duck

tysties- guillemot scarfs=cormorant and shag

tammie nories = puffin , solans=gannet

rain gös = red throated diver

alamootie, ? lintie,? tirrick = arctic tern

shalder = oyster catcher

bonxie = greater skua scootie allan = arctic skua

sillock/piltock/seid, (all saithe from small to large)

olick=ling tusk,(? ling family?) hoes, dogfish

waarie codlin, ?

plucker, ?

partan,-edible crab

dratsie = otter selkie =seal whaal = whale

pellick , (neesik), = both porpoises

whalp=whelp(young dog) ketlin= kitten whitterit=stoat

kyunnin=rabbit hirkie (grice)-=pig , kye= cattle

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I have a feeling I'm going to be corrected again, but, skit au, here goes. A lot of those names look very Norwegian/West Scandinavian to me. To take some possible ones (Norwegian name to the right):


maas, gulls || MÃ¥se/MÃ¥ke

swaabie= black-backed gull | Svartbak

dunter = eider duck || something to do with "dun" (light feather) perhaps?

tysties- guillemot || Teist (Black Guillemot)

scarfs=cormorant and shag || Skarv

solans=gannet || (Hav-)sule

rain gös = red throated diver || the latter might be "gås"?

shalder = oyster catcher || Tjeld (pl. Tjeldar/Tjelder)

olick=ling || Lake

whaal = whale || Hval/Kval

(neesik), = both porpoises || Nise?

whalp=whelp(young dog) || Valp/Kvalp

kyunnin=rabbit || Kanin (although that is for bunny)

kye= cattle || ku (pl. kyr)

brigdi/bregdi = basking shark || Brugde

Snipe is I belive Horsegok || might "gok" have something to do with Gauk/Gjøk (Cuckoo)

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