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Shaetlan Wird o' Da Day


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Yad=a mare/old horse, Yadmill=a horse mill/horse gin, often circular, stone built with a conical roof.


Yag=gossip, Yagmill=a gossip mill.


Just a guess.


Nowt ta do wi gossip, juist sharg!


I dunna hae Jakobsen's dictionary here ta check what he might hae ta say aboot it. If naebody else can look in dat afore da moarn's night, I'll see if I can get a lenn o'm.

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Canna fin 'yagmill' in Jakobsen (whaar you wid lippen hit ta be spelled Jagmol) bit he duis hae yag ('jagg', short 'a' richt aneoch, no a wird I'm wint wi mesel) meanin mair or less da sam as sharg, wi sib-wirds in Faroese an Icelandic. Nae sign o onything laek it i da Concise Scots Dictionary. I'm no shoer whit da '-mill' bit wid be - maybe some o wir Norskie or Faroese freends wid a hae a idee (aless hit is juist 'mill', bit faase wird-ruits is aesy gaessed at!)


'yaag' wi a lang a, (Jak: 'jag') on da idder haand, is foo you wirk a dorroo at da eela.

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'yaag' wi a lang a, (Jak: 'jag') on da idder haand, is foo you wirk a dorroo at da eela.


Liable ta be mistaen da wye Jakobsen haes im für 'jag', sed da sam is Inglish saes im, meanin licht smaa weet oot o' mist.


Jakobsen haes dat wird as 'dagg' - dat's da mak at I'm wint wi - bit points oot at a mak 'djagg' (at we wid spell 'jag') is oesed in Dunrossness. Whin you're wirkin wi Jakobsen, you hae ta mind at he's oesin Danish-style spellins, caase da beuk wis first written in Danish, an dae'r nae confusion if you keep dat wye o spellin sindrie fae da English-laek enes at we for oeswal wirk wi. An in his Danish-laek spellins, as weel as oesin 'j' whaar maest o wis wid write 'y', he shaas da lang an short vowel soonds wi foo mony consonants dae ir efter dem, whaar we wid shaa dem wi different vowel spellins. So:


Jakobsen - Wis


jagg - yag

jag - yaag or maybe yaug in some plaeces, since dis is juist 'dialect' an you canna hae a coamon 'Shaetlan' spellin.

djagg - jag in Dunrossness, bit dag in maest plaeces.

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Twa wirds:


Craigs - ta fysh fae a staen aboot da shoermill

Eela - ta fysh fae a boat.


At laest, dat's foo I wid pit dem ower. Bit I winder if some fock wid say at dat wisna richt. Ta say at you wir fyshin at da 'Craigs,' is hit aneoch juist ta staand an swap, or wid you really faa ta shaav up da lempits an sproot da soe apo da scruif for a loomie ta luck da fysh? An for da 'Eela', wid hit be aneoch ta lie yaagin apo a dorro, or wid you really faa ta be apo da eft taft draigin twa piltick waands wi witterless heuks an white maas' pens for flees while some idder body aandooed apo da aers? Foo far dui you hae ta be fae da aald wye ta still can ta oese da aald wird?


An foo muckle o dis kind o Shaetlan wid I can ta write afore somene fae da toon oesed hit as a example o a 'abortion' or a 'horror'?

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Whar does da word "snurt" come fae?. I'm had a poor week wi da cold :(


Whar does "bogie" come fae too?. "Boy, dunna ping yon bogies at me".


I ken we hae Tröni and neb for nose.




'Bogie' is a coamon English slang wird, bit 'snurt' wi dat meanin is juist Shaetlan as far as I'm ever heard. English wid be 'snot'. Jakobsen haes nae nordern sib tae him, so I doot at he's da sam as English 'snort', juist oesed in a different wye.


Ta me, a truinie is on a grice an a neb is on a fool (an afore onybody traeps, dat's no a fuil!) I'm mair wint wi seein 'neb' oesed ta mean 'nose' in Scots as Shaetlan. Dis wirds is aften oesed for idder things, toh - da 'neb' o a digger, an da 'truinie' o a pipe.

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