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... but i dont fancy a world dominated by either russia or china. do you.

Why not? Ever been to China? The image presented by "the West" is quite at odds with everything I've experienced there. It is at heart a nice place with a society who trust and willingly support their government more than anywhere else I've ever been.

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... but i dont fancy a world dominated by either russia or china. do you.

Why not? Ever been to China? The image presented by "the West" is quite at odds with everything I've experienced there. It is at heart a nice place with a society who trust and willingly support their government more than anywhere else I've ever been.

That's because, if you don't support the government, they shoot you. :?

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..... with nuclear weapons?


nuclear weapons are small time now H.A.A.R.P is up and running.

Dont believe me, then just ask Nikola Tesla what he was doing when the Tungusta impact event went down 100 years ago.


A conference devoted to the "Tunguska Event" last year nearly came to blows between the "meteoreticians" and the "alternativists," said Andrei Olkhovatov, an amateur scientist with a doctorate in physics and an expert on Tunguska.

This year, the "alternativists" organised a separate conference held in a museum on Moscow's picturesque Old Arbat street at which they sketched out outlandish theories for an event they say ordinary physics cannot explain.

Rodionov said the explosion was most likely caused by US physicist Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) detonating an underground volcano in Siberia by harnessing electric charges in the air from his laboratory tower outside New York.



Ducks an runs :wink:


No, really RUUUUUUUNNN :shock:

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..... with nuclear weapons?


nuclear weapons are small time now H.A.A.R.P is up and running.

Dont believe me, then just ask Nikola Tesla what he was doing when the Tungusta impact event went down 100 years ago.


A conference devoted to the "Tunguska Event" last year nearly came to blows between the "meteoreticians" and the "alternativists," said Andrei Olkhovatov, an amateur scientist with a doctorate in physics and an expert on Tunguska.

This year, the "alternativists" organised a separate conference held in a museum on Moscow's picturesque Old Arbat street at which they sketched out outlandish theories for an event they say ordinary physics cannot explain.

Rodionov said the explosion was most likely caused by US physicist Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) detonating an underground volcano in Siberia by harnessing electric charges in the air from his laboratory tower outside New York.



Ducks an runs :wink:


No, really RUUUUUUUNNN :shock:

Run? Where?


.... As he pointed to multi-coloured drawings of lightning coming from the Earth's core, Vladimir Mikhailov, a clairvoyant with an intense stare, said: "My theory explains everything. I just needed a place to express myself."
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Why not? Ever been to China? The image presented by "the West" is quite at odds with everything I've experienced there. It is at heart a nice place with a society who trust and willingly support their government more than anywhere else I've ever been.

That's because, if you don't support the government, they shoot you. :?


That's a bit of an historical stereotype AT. The people i know who have been there found it very different, and the beeb documentary programs showed a fascinating and beautiful country. Not a jack boot to be seen.


EDIT- oops, this is the russia thread isn't it. my bad. :oops: /edit

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yes they are so democratic and peace loving. ask the Tibetans. they are just very good at shutting up opposition.


back to russia, they are now making arangements to help there puppets in the rebal areas of georgia to become part of guess what yes thats right russia. why do you think all the former soviet states are getting very nerveous. its not because the russians are a peace loving democratic state.


dont you all get it. think of there attitude when they happily kill oposition in this country and at the same time poisioning others. they are not the nice guys of the world.


i am not a big fan of the USA but of the two the yanks are better than the russians.

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Why of a sudden are the Russians posturing? ...


... what would you do through a wafer thin peace treaty with the West and a very strange mix of democracy/oligarchs/mafia and everything that is going to be anything in the next 100 years - ENERGY!


That on top of North Americans lumping their "missile shield" (against who exactly??? - arbitrary terrorists no doubt!) in Poland and on the doorstep of Russia!


Where are the pipelines and control of energy to Europe and beyond from Central Asia? Russian owned and controled through Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan and most importantly by not detouring through Georgia nor Iran either for that matter!! Now assisting in brokering peace between Russia and the West ?!?!


The Great Bear has awoken and is fully aware of what it stands to gain/lose. Subserviant states on its borders from which to fill it's armies and to stop the flow of $ into their economies whilst effectively controlling a substantial portfolio of pipelines...

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I think the Russians have shot themselves in the foot a bit here. OK they've reasserted their power in one neighbouring state, but they've just gone and made the rest more paranoid about Russian intentions and, if anything, made their rush into the arms of NATO/the West even more urgent. And they've also awakened the EU to it's energy vulnerability in a far more emphatic way than twenty years of environmental campaigning has achieved.


The EU might be vulnerable to energy blackmail now, but they've made sure it won't stay that way. The Russians have concentrated minds in a way that global warming has failed to do. I think, in the long run, this is a good thing though we might have a rough few years ahead while we are still vulnerable and Russia flexes it's muscles. Don't expect energy to get any cheaper any time soon though.


(Suddenly the windfarm becomes not just an environmental issue, but a strategic one as well.)

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