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New Years Resolutions


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I went cold turkey - I think patches, etc, all prolong the agony! But that's just my opinion, I know they work well for other people.


It really is just a day at a time and I would say it was a good 6-8 weeks before I realised I didn't crave a fag anymore. The habit is the hardest bit - not having one with a cup of coffee in the morning or after a meal, or for a having a skive outside at work! Once I realised it was just habit and not a physical craving anymore it was easier.


It is just will power and lots of it!! Take it a day at a time and each day you've not had a fag is another day you are "clean"!!!


And if you do slip up, don't beat yourself up, just start again.


Good luck!!!

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I know what you mean about the habit part. I've altered my usual fag centered routine as much as possible, but I haven't been back to work or university yet. I don't know what's going to happen when everybody else is nipping to the back door for a fly one! And I think I'll wait till the smoking ban in pubs kicks in before I venture out boozing. As you say, one day at a time......

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As another ex-smoker, one observation of mine is that even now strong coffee is one of the only things that still brings on cravings. Must be the caffeine creating a nicotine-like effect. Avoid it!


Point of interest-


As a smoker, if you're hungry, thirsty or tired, your body asks you for something and you think you need a fag. The major leap as a non-smoker is to eat when hungry, drink when thirsty, rest when tired. Especially the drink bit. Water is best.


WARNING! The only time i succumb to the evil 'nico' now is when on the p**s. It's flaming hard not to. But, from experience; smoke other peoples if you must, don't buy your own under any circumstances, because if you're anything like me, you will not crave anything the next day when hungover and the only way you'll slip is if you buy. :twisted:

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I've been on and off the fags now for a couple of years. I haven't had a fag since new year, and before that I hadn't had a fag for a month+. I'm not craving any fags and I'm on a detox and going to the gym so am not in any way wanting to smoke again.


My advice is to change the routines where you would smoke normally. It's a mental thing - and this is the area where you might fail! Alcohol and pubs is the killer!

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Excellent advice fae Nyugle. I used Allen Carr's book, "Easyway to Stop Smoking", £8 well spent. He does, I concede, wind-up just about everyone who reads it over at least one point or another, and you're bound to be tempted to "argue" with him, but his general approach and philosophy is excellent. It's a book which "really does what it says on the tin". He mainly approaches it from the perspective of exploring the subtle psychological reasons why we smoke in the first place, which then allows us to "see-through" the who carry-on, and get the better of it. Also points out how we've been tricked into thinking that it's difficult to come off cigarettes, explains exactly what goes on physiologically when we do stop, and makes the reader realise that it is, in fact, very easy to stop - always reassuring news. A good book, worth taking a quiet weekend and reading it through. One final word of advice - life will be exactly the same when you stop smoking as it was before. You will face the same hurdles, annoyances and wind-ups when you stop smoking, but don't be tricked into thinking ciggies help... doesn't work that way. The book will explain why... available in all good stores...

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Guest Anonymous

Allan Carr's book wis a big help ta me when I stopped 3 years ago. I'd tried patches which wis aaright durin da day but I always ended up rippin dem aff aboot 8 at night an chain smokin till bedtime! Someen lent me his book an I joost stopped. Dir wir some difficult moments but I fan hit surprisingly easy. Even a night on da lash hasna tempted me intae startin ageen - which wis a worry fur me at da time.


It's da simple things I appreciate noo - lik no having ta stand furt at wark on a day o wind an rain joost ta git dat nicotine fix!

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It's true. Allan Carr's book really does work. It's like magic when it happens but you have to really want to quit and the first time you read it you may not "get it" and he's a terrible writer so it can be a chore to re-read but persevere. I've been off the fags a month now and I feel soooo much better. The best things for me are not stinking and not having the niggling fear of what fags are doing to me.

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Jim_Jam and PeerieBryan, How's your stopping smoking going? It was my first anniversary as an ex-smoker yesterday so feeling very smug!!

Congrats to you and your lungs Madcow! You deserve to feel smug!


I'm back on the fags I'm afraid, although not smoking nearly as much as before.


Had a some stressful happenings so I had a few 'comfort fags' and I've got a whole load of university work on just now, so when thats out of the way in a week or so, I'm gonna try again


I've changed from Regal to rollies, and I'm only having a couple a day, mainly because I can't be doing with rolling them!

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